95 research outputs found

    Amorphous formulations of indomethacin and griseofulvin prepared by electrospinning

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    Following an array of optimization experiments, two series of electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) fibers were prepared. One set of fibers contained various loadings of indomethacin, known to form stable glasses, and the other griseofulvin (a poor glass former). Drug loadings of up to 33% w/w were achieved. Electron microscopy data showed the fibers largely to comprise smooth and uniform cylinders, with evidence for solvent droplets in some samples. In all cases, the drug was found to exist in the amorphous physical state in the fibers on the basis of X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. Modulated temperature DSC showed that the relationship between a formulation’s glass transition temperature (<i>T</i><sub>g</sub>) and the drug loading follows the Gordon–Taylor equation, but not the Fox equation. The results of Gordon–Taylor analysis indicated that the drug/polymer interactions were stronger with indomethacin. The interactions between drug and polymer were explored in more detail using molecular modeling simulations and again found to be stronger with indomethacin; the presence of significant intermolecular forces was further confirmed using IR spectroscopy. The amorphous form of both drugs was found to be stable after storage of the fibers for 8 months in a desiccator (relative humidity <25%). Finally, the functional performance of the fibers was studied; in all cases, the drug-loaded fibers released their drug cargo very rapidly, offering accelerated dissolution over the pure drug

    Development of micro-fibrous solid dispersions of poorly water-soluble drugs in sucrose using temperature-controlled centrifugal spinning

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    Solid dispersion technology represents a successful approach to addressing the bioavailability issues caused by the low aqueous solubility of many Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) Class II drugs. In this study, the use of high-yield manufacture of fiber-based dispersion is explored as an alternative approach to monolith production methods. A temperature-controlled solvent-free centrifugal spinning process was used to produce sucrose-based microfibers containing the poorly water-soluble drugs olanzapine and piroxicam (both BCS Class II); these were successfully incorporated into the microfibers and the basic characteristics of fiber diameter, glassy behavior, drug loading capacity and drug-sucrose interaction assessment were measured. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that bead-free drug-loaded microfibers with homogenous morphology and diameter in the range of a few micrometers were prepared using our process. Differential scanning calorimetric and X-ray diffraction analyses showed that both drug and carrier were present in the amorphous state in the microfibers, although in the case of piroxicam-loaded microfibers, the presence of small amounts of crystalline drug was observed under polarized light microscopy and in Fourier transform infrared spectra. Drug dissolution performance was evaluated under both sink and non-sink conditions and was found to be significantly enhanced compared to the corresponding crystalline physical mixtures and pure drugs, with evidence of supersaturation behavior noted under non-sink conditions. This study has demonstrated that microfiber-based dispersions may be manufactured by the centrifugal spinning process and may possess characteristics that are favorable for the enhanced dissolution and oral absorption of drugs. © 2016 The Authors

    Preparation and evaluation of azithromycin binary solid dispersions using various polyethylene glycols for the improvement of the drug solubility and dissolution rate

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    ABSTRACT Azithromycin is a water-insoluble drug, with a very low bioavailability. In order to increase the solubility and dissolution rate, and consequently increase the bioavailability of poorly-soluble drugs (such as azithromycin), various techniques can be applied. One of such techniques is "solid dispersion". This technique is frequently used to improve the dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble compounds. Owing to its low solubility and dissolution rate, azithromycin does not have a suitable bioavailability. Therefore, the main purpose of this investigation was to increase the solubility and dissolution rate of azithromycin by preparing its solid dispersion, using different Polyethylene glycols (PEG). Preparations of solid dispersions and physical mixtures of azithromycin were made using PEG 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000 and 20000 in various ratios, based on the solvent evaporation method. From the studied drug release profile, it was discovered that the dissolution rate of the physical mixture, as the well as the solid dispersions, were higher than those of the drug alone. There was no chemical incompatibility between the drug and polymer from the observed Infrared (IR) spectra. Drug-polymer interactions were also investigated using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) and Scanning Election Microscopy (SEM). In conclusion, the dissolution rate and solubility of azithromycin were found to improve significantly, using hydrophilic carriers, especially PEG 6000

    Generation of cDNA chips from the black widow spider, latrodectus hesperus, for gene discovery and expression profiling using microarray technology, and molecular characterization of a novel silk glue protein

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    eDNA microarray technology has generated a tremendous amount of interest among biologists because of its promise to monitor the entire genome on a single chip, thus enabling researchers to have a better picture of the interaction among thousands of genes simultaneously. In the current study, this technology was used to print over 3,000 unknown genes from various silk glands of the black widow spider to profile their expression patterns and to identify novel candidates. Spiders are remarkable creatures because of their ability to make different silks, each with a specific function. Some of these silks have amazing mechanical properties, comparable to those of the finest synthetic materials. Several silk genes have been cloned from various spiders over the last few years, and the contribution of each of those genes in silk production has been identified. However, the majority of cellular and biochemical processes involved in silk manufacture remain a mystery. In our research, we attempt to identify genes that might be involved in silk assembly, on a global scale and investigate more about those genes and their interplay with other key biological molecules involved in silk manufacture. Our study showed that silking spiders for a certain period of time resulted in down-regulation of two important silk genes, ECP-1 and ECP-2. Both these genes are key molecules implicated for their role in maintaining the egg case architecture in the black widow spider.,-and we believe that these genes are also directly or indirectly involved in the manufacture of dragline silk. Microarray analyses also enable the discovery of several other interesting molecules, two of which could be accessory proteins involved in silk formation. Furthermore, in a separate study we also characterized a novel silk glue protein with unique ensemble repeats. In conclusion, we believe that the findings of this study will indeed be significant to silk researchers and material scientists alike and it will enhance our knowledge in understanding the mystery behind silk production

    Generation of cDNA chips from the black widow spider, latrodectus hesperus, for gene discovery and expression profiling using microarray technology, and molecular characterization of a novel silk glue protein

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    eDNA microarray technology has generated a tremendous amount of interest among biologists because of its promise to monitor the entire genome on a single chip, thus enabling researchers to have a better picture of the interaction among thousands of genes simultaneously. In the current study, this technology was used to print over 3,000 unknown genes from various silk glands of the black widow spider to profile their expression patterns and to identify novel candidates. Spiders are remarkable creatures because of their ability to make different silks, each with a specific function. Some of these silks have amazing mechanical properties, comparable to those of the finest synthetic materials. Several silk genes have been cloned from various spiders over the last few years, and the contribution of each of those genes in silk production has been identified. However, the majority of cellular and biochemical processes involved in silk manufacture remain a mystery. In our research, we attempt to identify genes that might be involved in silk assembly, on a global scale and investigate more about those genes and their interplay with other key biological molecules involved in silk manufacture. Our study showed that silking spiders for a certain period of time resulted in down-regulation of two important silk genes, ECP-1 and ECP-2. Both these genes are key molecules implicated for their role in maintaining the egg case architecture in the black widow spider.,-and we believe that these genes are also directly or indirectly involved in the manufacture of dragline silk. Microarray analyses also enable the discovery of several other interesting molecules, two of which could be accessory proteins involved in silk formation. Furthermore, in a separate study we also characterized a novel silk glue protein with unique ensemble repeats. In conclusion, we believe that the findings of this study will indeed be significant to silk researchers and material scientists alike and it will enhance our knowledge in understanding the mystery behind silk production

    Lipid-Based Self-Emulsifying Solid Dispersions

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