62 research outputs found

    Element Abundances at High-redshift: Magellan MIKE Observations of sub-Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers at 1.7 < z <2.4

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    We present chemical abundance measurements from high-resolution observations of 5 sub-damped Lyman-alpha absorbers at 1.7 < z < 2.4 observed with the Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle (MIKE) spectrograph on the 6.5-m Magellan II Clay telescope. Lines of Zn II, Mg I, Mg II, Al II, Al III, S II, Si II, Si IV, C II, C II*, C IV, Ni II, Mn II and Fe II were detected and column densities were determined. The metallicity of the absorbing gas, inferred from the nearly undepleted element Zn, is in the range of < -0.95 to +0.25 dex for the five absorbers in our sample, with three of the systems being near-solar or super-solar. We also investigate the effect of ionisation on the observed abundances using photoionisation modelling. Combining our data with other sub-DLA and DLA data from the literature, we report the most complete existing determination of the metallicity vs. redshift relation for sub-DLAs and DLAs. We confirm the suggestion from previous investigations that sub-DLAs are, on average, more metal-rich than DLAs and evolve faster. We also discuss relative abundances and abundance ratios in these absorbers. The more metal-rich systems show significant dust depletion levels, as suggested by the ratios [Zn/Cr] and [Zn/Fe]. For the majority of the systems in our sample, the [Mn/Fe] vs. [Zn/H] trend is consistent with that seen previously for lower-redshift sub-DLAs. We also measure the velocity width values for the sub-DLAs in our sample from unsaturated absorption lines of Fe II 2344, 2374, 2600 A, and examine where these systems lie in a plot of metallicity vs. velocity dispersion. Finally, we examine cooling rate vs. H I column density in these sub-DLAs, and compare this with the data from DLAs and the Milky Way ISM. We find that most of the systems in our sample show higher cooling rate values compared to those seen in the DLAs.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Societ

    Establishment of Callus and Cell Suspension Cultures of Helicteres isora L.

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    Helicteres isora L. (Malvaceae) is a medicinal plant highly used in traditional therapeutic practices. It has shown wide-spectrum therapeutic activities including anti-plasmodial, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective, antinociceptive, antioxidant and anti-HIV. Present investigation was undertaken with an objective of establishment of cell suspension cultures of this plant which can be further used for in vitro production of desired secondary metabolites and their further scale-up. Seed dormancy was broken using sulfuric acid and seedlings were raised in vitro. MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D (0.5 mg/L) produced maximum callus from the nodal explants. The callus produced was used as an explant for the establishment of suspension cultures. MS medium without any supplement was proved best for the establishment of cell suspension cultures of H. isora. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on H. isora cell suspension culture establishment.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Sub-Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers at z < 0.5, and Implications for Galaxy Chemical Evolution

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    We report observations of four sub-damped Lyman-alpha (sub-DLA) quasar absorbers at z<0.5 obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. We measure the available neutrals or ions of C, N, O, Si, P, S, Ar, Mn, Fe, and/or Ni. Our data have doubled the sub-DLA metallicity samples at z<0.5 and improved constraints on sub-DLA chemical evolution. All four of our sub-DLAs are consistent with near-solar or super-solar metallicities and relatively modest ionization corrections; observations of more lines and detailed modeling will help to verify this. Combining our data with measurements from the literature, we confirm previous suggestions that the N(HI)-weighted mean metallicity of sub-DLAs exceeds that of DLAs at all redshifts studied, even after making ionization corrections for sub-DLAs. The absorber toward PHL 1598 shows significant dust depletion. The absorbers toward PHL 1226 and PKS 0439-433 show the S/P ratio consistent with solar, i.e., they lack a profound odd-even effect. The absorber toward Q0439-433 shows super-solar Mn/Fe. For several sub-DLAs at z<0.5, [N/S] is below the level expected for secondary N production, suggesting a delay in the release of the secondary N or a tertiary N production mechanism. We constrain the electron density using Si II* and C II* absorption. We also report different metallicity vs. Delta V_90 relations for sub-DLAs and DLAs. For two sub-DLAs with detections of emission lines from the underlying galaxies, our measurements of the absorption-line metallicities are consistent with the emission-line metallicities, suggesting that metallicity gradients are not significant in these galaxies.Comment: 77 pages, 13 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Submitted (in the original form) May 26, 2014; accepted Apr. 15, 201

    Impact of oral palonosetron in improving quality of life as compared to other oral 5-HT3 antagonists in delayed chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting in patients of head and neck cancer

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    Background: Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) remains one of the most common and debilitating complications of highly emetogenic chemotherapy (HEC). This study was undertaken to evaluate palanosetron against other 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in preventing delayed CINV with the aim of achieving complete response (CR) and improving quality of life (QoL).Methods: This was a prospective, observational study conducted on 75 histopathologically proven patients of squamous cell carcinoma of Head and Neck (H&N), who came to the Department of Radiation Oncology, Gandhi Medical College and Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal from January to December 2015. Standard protocol based chemotherapy containing highly emetogenic cisplatin based chemotherapy was administered to all the patients. For prevention of delayed chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting all patients were prescribed oral 5-HT3 antagonists. Oral Ondansetron 4mg TDS was given to cohort 1, oral Granisetron 1 mg BD to cohort2 and oral Palanosetron 0.5mg OD was given to cohort 3. They were graded as complete response when they did not have complains of nausea and vomiting.Results: In Ondansetron, Granisetron and in Palanosetron cohort 29%, 53% and 98% patients had complete response.Conclusions: Palanosetron appears superior. Our study was conducted on handfull of patients and compared palanosetron against only two 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, so a larger study is suggested to establish the efficacy and better response of palanosetron

    The Evolution of Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers: Metallicities and Star Formation Rates

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    The damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) and sub-DLA quasar absorption lines provide powerful probes of the evolution of metals, gas, and stars in galaxies. One major obstacle in trying to understand the evolution of DLAs and sub-DLAs has been the small number of metallicity measurements at z < 1.5, an epoch spanning \~70 % of the cosmic history. In recent surveys with the Hubble Space Telescope and Multiple Mirror Telescope, we have doubled the DLA Zn sample at z < 1.5. Combining our results with those at higher redshifts from the literature, we find that the global mean metallicity of DLAs does not rise to the solar value at low redshifts. These surprising results appear to contradict the near-solar mean metallicity observed for nearby (z ~ 0) galaxies and the predictions of cosmic chemical evolution models based on the global star formation history. Finally, we discuss direct constraints on the star formation rates (SFRs) in the absorber galaxies from our deep Fabry-Perot Ly-alpha imaging study and other emission-line studies in the literature. A large fraction of the observed heavy-element quasar absorbers at 0 < z < 3.4 appear to have SFRs substantially below the global mean SFR, consistent with the low metallicities observed in the spectroscopic studies.Comment: 6 pages,3 figures, To appear in "Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines", Proceedings IAU Colloquium 199, 2005, Eds. P. R. Williams, C. Shu, and B. Menar

    Inhibiting Bacterial Drug Efflux Pumps via Phyto-Therapeutics to Combat Threatening Antimicrobial Resistance

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    Antibiotics, once considered the lifeline for treating bacterial infections, are under threat due to the emergence of threatening antimicrobial resistance (AMR). These drug-resistant microbes (or superbugs) are non-responsive to most of the commonly used antibiotics leaving us with few treatment options and escalating mortality-rates and treatment costs. The problem is further aggravated by the drying-pipeline of new and potent antibiotics effective particularly against the drug-resistant strains. Multidrug efflux pumps (EPs) are established as principal determinants of AMR, extruding multiple antibiotics out of the cell, mostly in non-specific manner and have therefore emerged as potent drug-targets for combating AMR. Plants being the reservoir of bioactive compounds can serve as a source of potent EP inhibitors (EPIs). The phyto-therapeutics with noteworthy drug-resistance-reversal or re-sensitizing activities may prove significant for reviving the otherwise fading antibiotics arsenal and making this combination-therapy effective. Contemporary attempts to potentiate the antibiotics with plant extracts and pure phytomolecules have gained momentum though with relatively less success against Gram-negative bacteria. Plant-based EPIs hold promise as potent drug-leads to combat the EPI-mediated AMR. This review presents an account of major bacterial multidrug EPs, their roles in imparting AMR, effective strategies for inhibiting drug EPs with phytomolecules, and current account of research on developing novel and potent plant-based EPIs for reversing their AMR characteristics. Recent developments including emergence of in silico tools, major success stories, challenges and future prospects are also discussed
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