1,106 research outputs found

    Clay Mineralogy of Red Clay Deposits from the Central Carpathian Basin (Hungary): Implications for Plio/Pleistocene Chemical Weathering and Paleoclimate

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    Geochemical and mineralogical studies of palaeosols provide essential information for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of continental deposits and can present a proxy for palaeoclimate. Red clays in the central Carpathian Basin (Hungary) (Tengelic Red Clay Formation; Kerecsend Red Clay Formation), overlain by loess-palaeosol sequences, were studied. Results from geochemical climofunctions applied to Upper Pliocene–Lower Pleistocene red clays and palaeosols located in the Carpathian Basin, and clay mineralogy, indicate that the palaeoclimate was considerably more humid and warmer during the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene in comparison to modern values

    BioBanking - The Holy Grail of novel drug and diagnostic developments?

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    The ever increasing social cost that society pays for illness and disease are currently steadily increasing in many countries in the world today. These changes in society becomes a major financial burden that activates politicians and health care organizations in order to find new solutions. Biobanks are becoming the new powerful modality within the field of modern Life Science, that is expected to be important in the proactive awareness of patient health status. Biobanks are also expected to promote the developments of targeted treatments with personalized indicator assays, for effective use of Personalized Medicine treatments in the near future

    International and National Trends in the Market of Eating Out

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    In our paper we examine the Western European and overseas trends of eating out by analyzing relevant secondary data. Behind the increasing role of eating out we can notice several economic social and value changes. One of the stressed factors is time, which has even changed food consuming habits. It is true both in national and international relations that consumers tend to rely on the services of eating out increasingly to have more free time at their disposal. Consequently there is less and less time on food preparation and cooking so new eating trends are on their way. We assume international trends are also reflected in the domestic market of eating out but in an altered form and their effect can be a bit delayed. Like on the level of food consuming preferences, dissonant trends also appear in eating out habits and, as a result the market is being further polarized.eating out, leisure time, national trends, internatinal trends

    Új α-hidroxi-biszfoszfonát származékok előállításának tanulmányozása Al2O3 felületén: The synthesis of new α-hydroxy bisphosphonate derivatives on alumina

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    The α-hydroxy phosphonates and their derivatives are of importance due to their biologically activity. The molecules are enzyme inhibitors. Preparative methods for α-hydroxy phosphonates are mostly based on the Pudovik reaction, which is the addition of dialkyl phosphite to the corresponding carbonyl compound. There are many examples in the literature for the synthesis of α-hydroxy phosphonates, most of them use different catalysts and solvents. Our research group studied the preparation of α-hydroxy phosphonates under microwave conditions without the use of any solvent. In view of the protection of the environment, as well as the efficient production, an attempt was made to prepare α-hydroxy phosphonate derivatives on the surface of alumina. Diethyl-(2-oxopropyl)phosphonate was selected as the model compound and reacted with five different dialkyl phosphites and diphenyl phosphine oxide. We optimized the conditions of the solid phase to the carbonyl compound. The conclusion is that the acidic surface Al2O3 and a sufficient amount of KF is needed to prepare α-hydroxy phosphonate derivatives in good conversions and in suitable yield. Furthermore, we have to note that the α-hydroxy phosphonate derivatives have interesting NMR properties. Kivonat Az α-hidroxifoszfonátok és származékaik jelentősége biológiai aktivitásukban rejlik. Ezeket a vegyületeket elsősorban enzim-inhibitorként tartják számon. A legáltalánosabbnak mondható módszer α-hidroxifoszfonátok szintézisére a Pudovik-reakció, ahol a dialkil-foszfit addícionálódik az oxovegyületre. Az irodalomban számos példát találunk az α-hidroxifoszfonátok előállítására, mely eljárások többsége a környezetet terheli katalizátorok és oldószerek alkalmazásával. Kutatócsoportunkban széles körben tanulmányozták különböző α-hidroxifoszfonát származékok előállítását környezetbarát módon, mikrohullámú körülmények között, oldószer felhasználása nélkül. A környezet kímélését, valamint a hatékony előállítást szem előtt tartva kísérletet tettünk α-hidroxi-biszfoszfonát származékok előállítására alumínium-oxid felületén. Modellvegyületként a dietil-(2-oxopropil)foszfonátot választottuk, és öt különböző dialkil-foszfittal, valamint difenilfoszfin-oxiddal reagáltattuk. Optimalizáltuk a szilárd fázisban megvalósított karbonil csoportra törénő addíciót, melynek során arra az erdményre jutottunk, hogy savas felületű Al2O3 és megfelelő mennyiségű KF jelenlétében lehet hatékonyan előállítani a kívánt α-hidroxi-biszfoszfonát származékokat, melyek érdekes NMR tulajdonságokkal rendelkeznek