116 research outputs found

    The central tendency relationships between earthquakes, quantum fluctuations, and the human brain

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    Physical phenomena occur within a complex manifold of interactions from small scale quantum to large scale energies. These random interactions appear to conform to the central limit theorem, however prediction of these events suggest a non-local factor is typically involved. Data were compiled from a random number generator that utilizes quantum electron tunneling, a photomultiplier tube measuring background photon emissions (~10-11 W/m2), earthquakes recorded by USGS Advanced National Seismic System, and from a database of human electroencephalographic recordings. The data indicated temporal and spatial relationships, suggesting the causality of physical phenomena and the associated entropy conforms to the central limit theorem by means of variable distribution of occurrence.Master of Arts in Psychology (M.A.

    Current reservoirs in the simple exclusion process

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    We consider the symmetric simple exclusion process in the interval [N,N][-N,N] with additional birth and death processes respectively on (NK,N](N-K,N], K>0K>0, and [N,N+K)[-N,-N+K). The exclusion is speeded up by a factor N2N^2, births and deaths by a factor NN. Assuming propagation of chaos (a property proved in a companion paper "Truncated correlations in the stirring process with births and deaths") we prove convergence in the limit NN\to \infty to the linear heat equation with Dirichlet condition on the boundaries; the boundary conditions however are not known a priori, they are obtained by solving a non linear equation. The model simulates mass transport with current reservoirs at the boundaries and the Fourier law is proved to hold

    Stochastic perturbations of convex billiards

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    We consider a strictly convex billiard table with C 2 boundary, with the dynamics subjected to random perturbations. Each time the billiard ball hits the boundary its reflection angle has a random perturbation. The perturbation distribution corresponds to the physical situation where either the scale of the surface irregularities is smaller than but comparable to the diameter of the reflected object, or the billiard ball is not perfectly rigid. We prove that for a large class of such perturbations the resulting Markov chain is uniformly ergodic, although this is not true in general.Fil: Markarian, R.. Universidad de la Republica. Facultad de Ingeniería; UruguayFil: Trivellato Rolla, Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "Luis A. Santalo". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "Luis A. Santalo"; ArgentinaFil: Sidoravicius, V.. Jardim Botânico; BrasilFil: Tal, F. A.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vares, M. E.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    Oriented Percolation in One-Dimensional 1/|x-y|^2 Percolation Models

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    We consider independent edge percolation models on Z, with edge occupation probabilities p_ = p if |x-y| = 1, 1 - exp{- beta / |x-y|^2} otherwise. We prove that oriented percolation occurs when beta > 1 provided p is chosen sufficiently close to 1, answering a question posed in [Commun. Math. Phys. 104, 547 (1986)]. The proof is based on multi-scale analysis.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. See also Commentary on J. Stat. Phys. 150, 804-805 (2013), DOI 10.1007/s10955-013-0702-

    Doing it differently: Engaging interview participants with imaginative variation

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    Imaginative variation was identified by Husserl (1936/1970) as a phenomenological technique for the purpose of elucidating the manner in which phenomena appear to consciousness. Briefly, by engaging in the phenomenological reduction and using imaginative variation, phenomenologists are able to describe the experience of consciousness, having stepped outside of the natural attitude through the epochē. Imaginative variation is a stage aimed at explicating the structures of experience, and is best described as a mental experiment. Features of the experience are imaginatively altered in order to view the phenomenon under investigation from varying perspectives. Husserl argued that this process will reveal the essences of an experience, as only those aspects that are invariant to the experience of the phenomenon will not be able to change through the variation. Often in qualitative research interviews, participants struggle to articulate or verbalise their experiences. The purpose of this article is to detail a radical and novel way of using imaginative variation with interview participants, by asking the participants to engage with imaginative variation, in order to produce a rich and insightful experiential account of a phenomenon. We will discuss how the first author successfully used imaginative variation in this way in her study of the erotic experience of bondage, discipline, dominance & submission, and sadism & masochism (BDSM), before considering the usefulness of this technique when applied to areas of study beyond sexuality

    Role of the progesterone receptor for paclitaxel resistance in primary breast cancer

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    Paclitaxel plays an important role in the treatment of primary breast cancer. However, a substantial proportion of patients treated with paclitaxel does not appear to derive any benefit from this therapy. We performed a prospective study using tumour cells isolated from 50 primary breast carcinomas. Sensitivity of primary tumour cells to paclitaxel was determined in a clinically relevant range of concentrations (0.85–27.2 μg ml−1 paclitaxel) using an ATP assay. Chemosensitivity data were used to study a possible association with immunohistochemically determined oestrogen and progesterone receptor (ER and PR) status, as well as histopathological parameters. Progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA expression was also determined by quantitative RT–PCR. We observed a clear association of the PR status with chemosensitivity to paclitaxel. Higher levels of immunohistochemically detected PR expression correlated with decreased chemosensitivity (P=0.008). Similarly, high levels of PR mRNA expression were associated with decreased paclitaxel chemosensitivity (P=0.007). Cells from carcinomas with T-stages 3 and 4 were less sensitive compared to stages 1 and 2 (P=0.013). Multiple regression analysis identified PR receptor status and T-stage as independent predictors of paclitaxel chemosensitivity, whereas the ER, N-stage, grading and age were not influential. In conclusion, in vitro sensitivity to paclitaxel was higher for PR-negative compared with PR-positive breast carcinoma cells. Thus, PR status should be considered as a possible factor of influence when designing new trials and chemotherapy protocols

    Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder

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    Background: Bipolar disorder is associated with circadian disruption and a high risk of suicidal behavior. In a previous exploratory study of patients with bipolar I disorder, we found that a history of suicide attempts was associated with differences between winter and summer levels of solar insolation. The purpose of this study was to confirm this finding using international data from 42% more collection sites and 25% more countries. Methods: Data analyzed were from 71 prior and new collection sites in 40 countries at a wide range of latitudes. The analysis included 4876 patients with bipolar I disorder, 45% more data than previously analyzed. Of the patients, 1496 (30.7%) had a history of suicide attempt. Solar insolation data, the amount of the sun’s electromagnetic energy striking the surface of the earth, was obtained for each onset location (479 locations in 64 countries). Results: This analysis confirmed the results of the exploratory study with the same best model and slightly better statistical significance. There was a significant inverse association between a history of suicide attempts and the ratio of mean winter insolation to mean summer insolation (mean winter insolation/mean summer insolation). This ratio is largest near the equator which has little change in solar insolation over the year, and smallest near the poles where the winter insolation is very small compared to the summer insolation. Other variables in the model associated with an increased risk of suicide attempts were a history of alcohol or substance abuse, female gender, and younger birth cohort. The winter/summer insolation ratio was also replaced with the ratio of minimum mean monthly insolation to the maximum mean monthly insolation to accommodate insolation patterns in the tropics, and nearly identical results were found. All estimated coefficients were significant at p < 0.01. Conclusion: A large change in solar insolation, both between winter and summer and between the minimum and maximum monthly values, may increase the risk of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder. With frequent circadian rhythm dysfunction and suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder, greater understanding of the optimal roles of daylight and electric lighting in circadian entrainment is needed

    Ageism and sexuality

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    Sexuality remains important throughout a person’s life, but sexual behavior does not receive the same levels of acceptance at all ages. Older people are challenged by ageist attitudes and perceptions that hinder their sexual expression. They are stereotyped as non-sexual beings who should not, cannot, and do not want to have sexual relationships. Expressing sexuality or engaging in sexual activity in later life is considered by many in society as immoral or perverted. False expectations for older people also stem from ideals of beauty, centralization of the biomedical perspective on sexuality of older adults, and the association of sex with reproduction. Unfortunately, older people internalize many ageist attitudes towards sexuality in later life and become less interested in sex and less sexually active. The following chapter explores attitudes towards sexuality in later life among the media, young people, older people themselves, and care providers. In order to enable older people to express their sexuality and sexual identity freely and fully, awareness of ageist perceptions must be raised and defeated

    ‘Can I be a kinky ace?’: How asexual people negotiate their experiences of kinks and fetishes

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    Prior research has found that asexual people may fantasise or participate in activities typically conceptualised as ‘sexual’. These behaviours may be considered paradoxical when an asexual person is conceptualised as someone who does not experience sexual attraction or desire. This research aimed to explore how kinks and fetishes are conceptualised, experienced, and negotiated by asexual individuals. Forty-eight participants were recruited to take part in an online qualitative survey. Thematic analysis resulted in three themes. In “Am I asexual?”: (How) can you be a kinky ace?, we discuss the sense of dissonance which some participants reported in negotiating what was seemingly the paradox between their self-identity as asexual and their exploration of kinks and fetishes. In the second theme, Between me and me’ and make believe: Kinks and fetishes as solo and imaginary, we report on how kinks, fetishes, and fantasies were often understood in a solitary context and as either undesirable – or impossible – to live out. In the final theme, Kink as a sensual enhancement in relationships, we highlight how participants positioned kinks and fetishes as an agent for intimacy. These findings expand our knowledge of how asexual people negotiate kinks and fetishes and capture the complexities of asexual identities