2,504 research outputs found

    La incorporación de las TIC en la vida de los adolescentes: reconducción de malos hábitos

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    The new information and communication technologies were incorporated naturally, anarchically and at high speed in society. To a greater extent they penetrated the young people attracted by the market offer and the vertiginous advances in devices and social networks as new forms of intercommunication. The young people developed many management skills, but without adequate training for good use, this is generating serious problems in the cognitive and attitudinal development of many adolescents. Considering that the educational system and its professionals: educators, psychologists and sociologists must assume the responsibility of a comprehensive and healthy education of their students, this paper presents the lines of a cross-sectional project to detect bad habits and establish appropriate training models that lead to and / or generate healthy behaviors in children and adolescents. The situation of those born in this century is contextualized, taking as a reference documents that attest to the trends in the use of technologies among young people that allow establishing a diagnosis and presents some of the action proposals aimed at designing training models competencial to incorporate them into curricular plans of all educational levels and in the degree of Teacher Trainin

    Activar la mente y aprender haciendo: elementos clave para ser competente informacionalmente

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    Bearing in mind the trends, challenges and technological advances discussed in the Horizon Report 2014, which affect education and lead us to define profiles for teachers and students that are adapted to the demands of a digital society in continual change, in the Horizon 2020 framework digital/information competences are defined as strategic and horizontal for adapting to the pace of the times, and they affect all the actors in the educational system. In this context, the aim of this research is to launch a process of evaluating the training programs delivered by university libraries in these competences, comparing them to the DIGCOMP and ACLR Frameworks. The objectives proposed are: 1. to analyse the degree of correspondence and the need for adaptation. 2. to evaluate the degree of integration and application of the training actions in digital/information competences in the teaching programs, as well as analysing the teaching methods used. The conclusion reached is that these competences are not so necessary in classrooms when teaching methods are more behavioural than constructivist, which prevents the students from developing capacities for creation, innovation, cooperation and intellectual autonomy. Alert minds that learn by doing, for which the acquisition of these competences is essential


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    Obra ressenyada: F. CEBRIÁN ABELLÁN, y M. PANADERO MOYA, (coord.), Ciudades medias. Formas de expansión urbana. Madrid : Biblioteca Nueva, 2013

    The development of wind energy in Galicia: public policies, effects on the economy and international comparison

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    Nowadays energy constitutes a very important concern of policy and public debate. It is justified by the effects of climate change and the national strategies to be self-sufficient in the supply of energy. Renewable energies are the alternative and public policies could play a key role in their development. Furthermore, those energies have potential to contribute to the endogenous development. In this paper we study the development of wind energy in Galicia (the most important renewable energy in terms of contribution to the energy balance) and the role of public policy in promotion of this type of energy. Its development is a recent phenomena but with a growing relevance, because of their impact in the regional economy. For this reason, we analyse the effects of this sector in the economy (employment, manufacturing production, exports, imports...) Moreover, we also compare the Galician model with the Denmark one, because it has a truly known successful integrated framework, in which, all the economical agents collaborate in order to build a competitive and innovated sector with several spill-over effects.

    En_Línea. An online treatment to change lifestyle in overweight and obesity: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    Background: Obesity has become a major public health problem. Innovative treatments are necessary. Internet and new technologies have been reported effective results in weight control programs, especially those with personalized feedback. This paper presents the protocol for a randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of an online weight control program, called en_línea, comparing with a standard group therapy and a control group. Methods: This is a randomized controlled trial with three intervention arms: en_línea, standard group therapy and control group. To perform this study, 305 adults (18-65 years) with overweight type II (27-29.9 kg/m2) or obesity type I (30-34.9 kg/m2) will be invited to participate. Interventions will last 17 weeks with follow-ups 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the post-treatment appointment. The primary outcome will be post-treatment weight loss and the maintenance during the follow-ups. Secondary outcomes will be adherence rates, drop outs and quality of life. Participants will be assessed before randomization and they will be sign an inform consent. Discussion: The future challenge is to design innovative obesity treatments. Internet could be a useful tool to improve traditional weight control programs. This new intervention format is appropriate for patients who prefer not to share their intimate problems with a group, and for the new generations who feel comfortable using new technologies. Besides, Internet allows reaching a large amount of people at the same time, even if they live far away. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04127201. Retrospectively registered 15th October 2019

    Production of ordered silicon nanocrystals by low-energy ion sputtering

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    We report on the production of ordered assemblies of silicon nanostructures by means of irradiation of a Si(100) substrate with 1.2 keV Ar ions at normal incidence. Atomic Force and High-Resolution Transmission Electron microscopies show that the silicon structures are crystalline, display homogeneous height, and spontaneously arrange into short-range hexagonal ordering. Under prolonged irradiation (up to 16 hours) all dot characteristics remain largely unchanged and a small corrugation develops at long wavelengths. We interpret the formation of the dots as a result of an instability due to the sputtering yield dependence on the local surface curvatureComment: 4 two-column pages (revtex4), 3 figures (higher quality copies in the printed jrnl. version

    Estudio descriptivo de la mortalidad por enfermedades del aparato circulatorio, según sexo, en Paraná y Foz do Iguazú de 1980 a 2013

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    Anais do V Encontro de Iniciação Científica e I Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2016 - 05 e 07 de outubro de 2016 – Sessão Ciências BiológicasComo parte del proyecto “Enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en Foz de Iguazú: factores de riesgo y mortalidad”, este plan pretendió discutir las principales tendencias de mortalidad y factores de riesgo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares - EC a nivel municipal y estatal, diferenciando los resultados para hombres y mujeres. El abordaje de dicho grupo de enfermedades se justifica dado que a pesar de haber tenido una disminución en los óbitos, aún son el grupo causal que más defunciones se cobra entre las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles – ECNT (OMS, 2014; FARIAS, 2008). El objetivo general fue analizar la mortalidad por ECNT en Foz de Iguazú - FI y Paraná - PR, comparando las realidades a modo de contribuir a subsidiar el planeamiento estratégico de las acciones para el mejoramiento de los indicadores de salud de la región. Los objetivos específicos fueron analizar la tendencia de la tasa de mortalidad y mortalidad proporcional - MP de las enfermedades del aparato circulatorio – EAP según sexo; describir la mortalidad según sexo para FI y PR y comparar los resultados con estudios realizados en otras regiones de Brasil y discutir su relación con variables sociodemográficas, así como con los factores de riesg