5 research outputs found


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    The issue of solvency, i.e. the risk of bankruptcy of the company, is always a subject of concern for management and stakeholders, especially creditors and investors. Understanding the impact of indicators of profitability, liquidity and dynamic solvency on the risk of bankruptcy expressed by Altmanā€™s Z-score is the goal of the research, which is significant for both theory and practice. The research analyzes large companies from the branch of processing and preserving of meat of the Republic of Serbia for the five-year period 2018-2022. The findings for large companies for the processing and preserving of meat, based on regression analysis, show that ROA and Current Liquidity Ratio make a statistically significant contribution predicting the Altman Z score

    Utjecaj ljudskog kapitala na učinkovitost ekoloŔke proizvodnje mlijeka

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    Over the past decade, a growing interest of consumers in the consumption of organic milk has been recognized, mostly because of its positive effect on human health, besides other various positive effects. The main goal of organic milk production is to bring agricultural production in close alignment with the requirements of a sustainable system. Human capital in organic farming is an important factor as it significantly influences production and financial results. As an important factor in the production, socio-economic characteristics of producers considerably determine possibilities of the future development of this system of production in a certain country. Focusing on the aspect of human capital, this paper examines the possibilities of the development of organic agricultural production in the Republic of Serbia. The research has been conducted on the territory of Serbia on individual farms which are certified for organic farming. Following the findings, the authors conclude that human capital in organic milk production of the Republic of Serbia does not represent a limiting factor in the future development of this system and that human capital in terms of learning and education, experience and expertise, innovation and creativity, and sources of knowledge has a positive relationship with the business performance.U posljednjem desetljeću raste interes potroÅ”ača za konzumaciju ekoloÅ”ki proizvedenog mlijeka, zbog njegovog pozitivnog učinka na zdravlje ljudi, ali i brojnih drugih pozitivnih učinaka. Glavni cilj ekoloÅ”ke proizvodnje mlijeka je uskladiti poljoprivrednu proizvodnju sa zahtjevima održivog sustava. Ljudski kapital u ekoloÅ”koj poljoprivredi važan je čimbenik jer značajno utječe na proizvodne i financijske rezultate. Kao važan čimbenik u proizvodnji, socio-ekonomske karakteristike proizvođača uvelike određuju mogućnosti budućeg razvoja ovog sustava proizvodnje u određenoj zemlji. Fokusirajući se na aspekt ljudskog kapitala, ovo istraživanje ispituje mogućnosti razvoja ekoloÅ”ke poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Republici Srbiji. Istraživanje je provedeno na području Republike Srbije na individualnim gospodarstvima koja su certificirana za ekoloÅ”ku poljoprivredu. Slijedom dobivenih rezultata, autori zaključuju da ljudski kapital u ekoloÅ”koj proizvodnji mlijeka Republike Srbije nije ograničavajući faktor u budućem razvoju ovog sustava, te da ljudski kapital u smislu učenja i obrazovanja, iskustva i stručnosti, inovativnosti i kreativnosti i izvorima znanja imaju pozitivan odnos s poslovnim učinkom

    Kehon kuuntelun merkitys urheiluvalmennuksessa

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selkeyttƤƤ kehon kuuntelun kƤsitettƤ ja kƤytƤnnƶn merkitystƤ urheiluvalmennuksessa. Kehon kuuntelu on tietoista huomion suuntaamista kehon sisƤisiin tuntemuksiin ja sen tyyppeinƤ ovat kohdistettu ja etsivƤ kehon kuuntelu. Kehon kuuntelu perustuu kehon sisƤisten aistien (mm. liike- ja asentoaistien) tuottaman tiedon tulkitsemiseen tajunnan tasolla ymmƤrrettƤvƤksi kokonaisuudeksi. Tulkitsemisprosessin tuloksena on koettu kehon tunne. Kehon kuuntelu tunnetaan kirjallisuudessa kehotietoisuuden kƤsitteenƤ. Tutkimuksen aineistona on neljƤn kansainvƤlisesti menestyneen suomalaisen yksilƶlajien huippu-urheilijan kertomukset sekƤ tutkijan omat kokemukset kehon kuuntelusta. TutkimusmenetelminƤ sovelletaan fenomenologis-hermeneuttista analyysia, teemoittelua ja osallistuvaa liikunnanfilosofiaa. Kehon kuuntelua kƤytetƤƤn huippu-urheilussa ja urheiluvalmennuksessa harjoittelun ajoituksessa ja harjoittelusta oppimisessa. Kehon kuuntelulla voidaan myƶs ehkƤistƤ urheiluvammojen syntyƤ ja parantaa niistƤ toipumista. Kehon kuuntelun avulla valmennusprosessiin saadaan lisƤƤ laadukasta informaatiota pƤƤtƶksenteon tueksi. Kehon kuuntelun taito voidaan oppia ja sitƤ voidaan opettaa erityisharjoittein. Kehon kuuntelussa harjoittelu kohdistuu hermo-lihasjƤrjestelmƤn sensoristen komponenttien harjoitteluun. Kehon kuunteluun harjaantunut urheilija tulkitsee ja reagoi spontaanisti kehonsa signaaleihin. Kehon kuuntelun oppimisessa ja opettamisessa keskeisessƤ roolissa ovat kivun tuntemukset. Valmennuksellisina erityishaasteina kehon kuuntelulle ovat harjoittelun ohjelmointi ja ryhmƤvalmennus. Valmentajan rooli on keskeistƤ kehon kuuntelun mahdollistamisessa ja opettamisessa urheilijalle. Tyƶni antaa yleisen viitekehyksen kehon kuuntelulle urheiluvalmennuksessa ja osoittaa, ettƤ sitƤ on tutkittava lisƤƤ

    Video Pitching Toolkit

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    a Creative Momentum project has focused on the development of the creative industries sector in regions across the Europe`s Northern Edge. One of the development activities in a Creative Momentum was The Video Pitching Toolkit (VPT), which was developed to bring creative products and services to international markets and to connect enterprises transnationally for new business opportunities. Lapland University of Applied Sciences was coordinating the activity. VPT activity was built upon a Toolkit guiding entrepreneur on developing an effective 2-minute video ā€œpitchā€ that can be used as marketing and promotional material. Partners from Northern Finland, West Region, Ireland and Southeast Northern Ireland were providing support for producing the pitch video for a number of companies. Videos were made for a demonstration effect. The common evaluation criteria were used to select supported enterprises in each region. In this publication, we give an overview of the development of a Video Pitching Toolkit and demonstration videos. The articles will go through the development process and the key learnings of the activity. We have also included the actual Toolkit inside this publication

    Employeesā€™ Perceptions on the Relationship of Intellectual Capital and Business Performance of ICT Companies

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    The ICT sector has been recognized as a sector with great potential for the growth and development of the economy of the Republic of Serbia. This initiated the need to analyze the strategic aspect of the ICT sector intellectual capital concept. The purpose of the paper is to empirically test the impact of intellectual capital on business performance within the ICT sector. The research was conducted on a sample of 611 employees in ICT sector companies in the Republic of Serbia. The partial least squares method was used to model the structural equations for analysis of the primary data and testing of the hypotheses. The findings show a positive and statistically significant relationship between individual components of intellectual capital and the business performance of ICT companies, which confirms the hypotheses. Human capital proved to have the strongest influence on the business performance of ICT companies. This paper provides new scientific knowledge which can contribute to creating long-term strategies that shall focus on more sophisticated management of intellectual capital, compared to the traditional tasks of allocating resources of the organization. The findings may be of interest to other sectors stakeholders to provide deeper understanding on intellectual capital as an essential source of companiesā€™ competitive advantage that can positively impact business performance