80 research outputs found

    Sociodemographic Determinants for Oral Health Risk Profiles

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    The present study aimed to explore the association between caries risk profiles and different sociodemographic factors . The study sample (n = 104) was randomly selected within an urban population in Flanders, Belgium. Caries risk was assessed by anamnesis, clinical examination, salivary tests, and a questionnaire. Age, gender, and socio-economic status were extracted from social insurance data files. Social indicators were “occupational status,” “being entitled to the increased allowance for health care interventions” and having access to the “Maximum Bill” (MAF), initiatives undertaken to protect deprived families. In the bivariate analysis there were significant differences in risk profiles between occupational groups (P < .001), between entitled and non-entitled individuals to the increased allowance (P = .02), and between access or no-access to the MAF (P < .01). The multiple logistic model showed a significantly higher chance of being in the low risk group for individuals with no-access to the MAF compared to those with access (OR:14.33–95% C.I. 2.14–95.84)

    A Model for the Analysis of Caries Occurrence in Primary Molar Tooth Surfaces

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    Recently methods of caries quantification in the primary dentition have moved away from summary ‘whole mouth’ measures at the individual level to methods based on generalised linear modelling (GLM) approaches or survival analysis approaches. However, GLM approaches based on logistic transformation fail to take into account the time-dependent process of tooth/surface survival to caries. There may also be practical difficulties associated with casting parametric survival-based approaches in a complex multilevel hierarchy and the selection of an optimal survival distribution, while non-parametric survival methods are not generally suitable for the assessment of supplementary information recorded on study participants. In the current investigation, a hybrid semi-parametric approach comprising elements of survival-based and GLM methodologies suitable for modelling of caries occurrence within fixed time periods is assessed, using an illustrative multilevel data set of caries occurrence in primary molars from a cohort study, with clustering of data assumed to occur at surface and tooth levels. Inferences of parameter significance were found to be consistent with previous parametric survival-based analyses of the same data set, with gender, socio-economic status, fluoridation status, tooth location, surface type and fluoridation status-surface type interaction significantly associated with caries occurrence. The appropriateness of the hierarchical structure facilitated by the hybrid approach was also confirmed. Hence the hybrid approach is proposed as a more appropriate alternative to primary caries modelling than non-parametric survival methods or other GLM-based models, and as a practical alternative to more rigorous survival-based methods unlikely to be fully accessible to most researchers

    De Richtlijn Mondzorg voor zorgafhankelijke cliĂŤnten in verpleeghuizen, 2007: bittere noodzaak!

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    Het is aangetoond dat de mondgezondheid van ouderen in Nederlandse verpleeghuizen vaak slecht is, vooral bij degenen die voor hun mondzorg afhankelijk zijn van anderen. Bij toenemende zorgzwaarte wordt het bovendien steeds moeilijker passende mondzorg te verlenen. Daarbij neemt de noodzaak van goede mondzorg nog eens extra toe doordat steeds meer ouderen over (een deel van) hun natuurlijke gebit blijven beschikken. Dit was de aanleiding om een Richtlijn Mondzorg te ontwikkelen. Het uiteindelijke doel van de in 2007 verschenen Richtlijn Mondzorg voor zorgafhankelijke cliĂŤnten in verpleeghuizen is de mondgezondheid van ouderen in verpleeghuizen te bevorderen. De mondzorg dient onderdeel te zijn van de dagelijkse zorg in verpleeghuizen en als zodanig te zijn opgenomen in het zorgplan van elke cliĂŤnt. Het belang van een goede implementatie en van nader onderzoek naar de effecten van de richtlijn op cliĂŤnt- en instellingsniveau worden onderstreept

    Cohort profile: the Kilombero and Ulanga Antiretroviral Cohort (KIULARCO): a prospective HIV cohort in rural Tanzania

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    The Kilombero and Ulanga Antiretroviral Cohort (KIULARCO) is a single-site, open and ongoing prospective cohort of people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLWHIV) established in 2005 at the Chronic Diseases Clinic of Ifakara (CDCI), within the Saint Francis Referral Hospital (SFRH) in Ifakara, Tanzania. The objectives of KIULARCO are to (i) provide patient and cohort-level information on the outcomes of HIV treatment; (ii) provide cohort-level information on opportunistic infections and comorbidities; (iii) evaluate aspects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care and treatment that have national or international policy relevance; (iv) provide a platform for studies on improving HIV care and treatment in sub-Saharan Africa; and (v) contribute to generating local capacity to deal with the challenges posed by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in this region. Moreover, KIULARCO may serve as a model for other healthcare settings in rural sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2005, all patients diagnosed with HIV at the Saint Francis Referral Hospital are invited to participate in the cohort, including non-pregnant adults, pregnant women, adolescents, children and infants. The information collected includes demographics, baseline and follow-up clinical data, laboratory data, medication history, drug toxicities, diagnoses and outcomes. Real-time data are captured during the patient encounter through an electronic medical record system that allowed transition to a paperless clinic in 2013. In addition, KIULARCO is associated with a biobank of cryopreserved plasma samples and cell pellets collected from all participants before and at different time-points during antiretroviral treatment. Up to the end of 2016, 12 185 PLWHIV have been seen at the CDCI; 9218 (76%) of whom have been enrolled into KIULARCO and 6965 (76%) of these have received ART from the clinic. Patients on ART attend at least every 3 months, with laboratory monitoring every 6 months. KIULARCO data have been used to generate relevant information regarding ART outcomes, opportunistic infections, non-AIDS comorbidities, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, paediatric HIV, and mortality and retention in care. Requests for collaborations on analyses can be submitted to the KIULARCO scientific committee. KIULARCO provides a framework for improving the quality of care of people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, to generate relevant information to evaluate ART programmes and to build local capacity to deal with HIV/AIDS. The comprehensiveness of the data collected, together with the biobank spanning over ten years has created a unique research platform in rural sub-Saharan Africa

    Prevalence and Socio-behavioral Influence of Early Childhood Caries, ECC, and Feeding Habits among 6-36 Months Old Children in Uganda and Tanzania.

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    Early childhood caries (ECC) is a serious problem that has remained unexplored in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to identify possible socio-behavioral correlates of ECC focusing 6-36 months old children and their caretakers.\ud Cross sectional studies were conducted in a high fluoride rural area, Manyara, Tanzania and a low fluoride urban area, Kampala, Uganda. Totals of 1221 and 816 child - caretaker pairs attending health care facilities for growth monitoring were recruited in Manyara and Kampala, respectively. All caretakers completed face to face interviews at the health care facility. Children underwent oral clinical examination whereby ECC and Enamel hypoplasia were recorded using the dmft (WHO 1997) and the DDE index (FDI 1992). The prevalence of ECC was 3.7% in Manyara and 17.6% in Kampala. According to multiple logistic regression analyses, received oral health information from health worker was the strongest determinant of ECC in Manyara, adjusted OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.09 - 0.93. In Kampala, visible plaque, high sugar intake and presence of enamel hypoplasia associated with ECC, adjusted ORs 2.8 (95% CI 1.61- 4.95), 3.0 (95% CI 1.39 - 6.34) and 2.3 (95% CI 1.36 - 3.95). Oral health education aimed at caretakers of 6-36 months, including health care workers' information regarding the detrimental consequences for oral health of frequent sugar consumption and poor oral hygiene is important for prevention of ECC in Tanzania and Uganda

    Age, period, and cohort analysis of regular dental care behavior and edentulism: A marginal approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To analyze the regular dental care behavior and prevalence of edentulism in adult Danes, reported in sequential cross-sectional oral health surveys by the application of a marginal approach to consider the possible clustering effect of birth cohorts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data from four sequential cross-sectional surveys of non-institutionalized Danes conducted from 1975-2005 comprising 4330 respondents aged 15+ years in 9 birth cohorts were analyzed. The key study variables were seeking dental care on an annual basis (ADC) and edentulism. For the analysis of ADC, survey year, age, gender, socio-economic status (SES) group, denture-wearing, and school dental care (SDC) during childhood were considered. For the analysis of edentulism, only respondents aged 35+ years were included. Survey year, age, gender, SES group, ADC, and SDC during childhood were considered as the independent factors. To take into account the clustering effect of birth cohorts, marginal logistic regressions with an independent correlation structure in generalized estimating equations (GEE) were carried out, with PROC GENMOD in SAS software.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall proportion of people seeking ADC increased from 58.8% in 1975 to 86.7% in 2005, while for respondents aged 35 years or older, the overall prevalence of edentulism (35+ years) decreased from 36.4% in 1975 to 5.0% in 2005. Females, respondents in the higher SES group, in more recent survey years, with no denture, and receiving SDC in all grades during childhood were associated with higher probability of seeking ADC regularly (<it>P </it>< 0.05). The interaction of SDC and age (<it>P </it>< 0.0001) was significant. The probabilities of seeking ADC were even higher among subjects with SDC in all grades and aged 45 years or older. Females, older age group, respondents in earlier survey years, not seeking ADC, lower SES group, and not receiving SDC in all grades were associated with higher probability of being edentulous (<it>P </it>< 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>With the use of GEE, the potential clustering effect of birth cohorts in sequential cross-sectional oral health survey data could be appropriately considered. The success of Danish dental health policy was demonstrated by a continued increase of regular dental visiting habits and tooth retention in adults because school dental care was provided to Danes in their childhood.</p
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