905 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Excited Magnons

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    The emergence of a non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein-like condensation of magnons in rf-pumped magnetic thin films has recently been experimentally observed. We present here a complete theoretical description of the non-equilibrium processes involved. It it demonstrated that the phenomenon is another example of the presence of a Bose-Einstein-like condensation in non-equilibrium many-boson systems embedded in a thermal bath, better referred-to as Fr\"{o}hlich-Bose-Einstein condensation. The complex behavior emerges after a threshold of the exciting intensity is attained. It is inhibited at higher intensities when the magnon-magnon interaction drives the magnons to internal thermalization. The observed behavior of the relaxation to equilibrium after the end of the pumping pulse is also accounted for and the different processes fully described.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figure

    Benign paroxysmal vertigo

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    Self help groups in a city of Tuscany: Reconstruction of the second generation model of work for professionals and services

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    This study is part of a more extensive project aimed to investigate the effectiveness of self-help group participation in improving quality of life in mental disease. The study is taking place in the Tuscany Region, in Italy. In the first qualitative step of analysis researchers are interested in describing the specific features of the psychiatric self-help movement in Tuscany, comparing different realities, networks, kind of groups. Therefore, our aim is to collect exhaustive information to describe how self-help system work in different provinces at the present moment. The implementation of groups for psychiatric problems is quite young in Italy.  Because of a lack of specific regulation in the directives of the Italian health care system, every local service has implemented groups differently, sometimes enhancing, sometimes dismissing them. Prato, near Florence, is one of the more interesting context for the birth of psychiatric self-help movement in the region: public health services improved groups since early 90’s, it was one of the first self-help reality linked to services in the entire region. Now we are in a “second generation” of professionals, and the original meaning of groups seems to be transformed, sometimes misunderstood. Our objectives of study head us toward an in depth analysis of self-help phenomenon in Prato

    Self help groups in a city of Tuscany: Reconstruction of the second generation model of work for professionals and services

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    This study is part of a more extensive project aimed to investigate the effectiveness of self-help group participation in improving quality of life in mental disease. The study is taking place in the Tuscany Region, in Italy. In the first qualitative step of analysis researchers are interested in describing the specific features of the psychiatric self-help movement in Tuscany, comparing different realities, networks, kind of groups. Therefore, our aim is to collect exhaustive information to describe how self-help system work in different provinces at the present moment. The implementation of groups for psychiatric problems is quite young in Italy.  Because of a lack of specific regulation in the directives of the Italian health care system, every local service has implemented groups differently, sometimes enhancing, sometimes dismissing them. Prato, near Florence, is one of the more interesting context for the birth of psychiatric self-help movement in the region: public health services improved groups since early 90’s, it was one of the first self-help reality linked to services in the entire region. Now we are in a “second generation” of professionals, and the original meaning of groups seems to be transformed, sometimes misunderstood. Our objectives of study head us toward an in depth analysis of self-help phenomenon in Prato

    Modelling tectonic deformation along the North-Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara

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    Using analogue techniques, we attempted to model the complex tectonic deformation pattern observed along the North-Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara from morpho-bathymetry and seismic reflection images. In particular this paper focuses on the so-called Cinarcik segment of the fault connecting the eastern Izmit segment, which entirely ruptured during the Mw 7.4, 1999 earthquake, to the western segment of the Central High. The Çınarcık segment, potentially loaded after the Izmit earthquake, is expected to rupture during an earthquake occurring in the near future, possibly the next decades, with a high potential to affect the Istanbul metropolitan area. Our analysis suggests that the development of the observed structures accommodating strike-slip, transtensional and transpressional deformations, could be explained by changes in the geometry of fault segments within a right-lateral strike-slip tectonic regime. Tectonic deformations were reproduced in the analogue model by imposing a small (about 10°) and sharp difference in the relative orientations of the strike-slip segments at the edges of a major releasing bend. In the model slower strain accumulation occurs along the analogue of the Çınarcık segment than along the analogue of the Izmit segment of the fault. This would predict a delay for earthquakes triggered by stress transfer between the Izmit and Çınarcık segments. The model further predicts that most of the deformation in the Çınarcık basin is controlled by the sharp changes in the geometry of the fault itself

    Role of cholinergic neurons in the motor effects of glucagon-like peptide-2 in mouse colon.

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    Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) reduces mouse gastric tone and small intestine transit, but its action on large intestine motility is still unknown. The purposes of the present study were 1) to examine the influence of GLP-2 on spontaneous mechanical activity and on neurally evoked responses, by recording intraluminal pressure from mouse isolated colonic segments; 2) to characterize GLP-2 mechanism of action; and 3) to determine the distribution of GLP-2 receptor (GLP-2R) in the mouse colonic muscle coat by immunohistochemistry. Exogenous GLP-2 (0.1\u2013 300 nM) induced a concentration-dependent reduction of the spontaneous mechanical activity, which was abolished by the desensitization of GLP-2 receptor or by tetrodotoxin, a voltage-dependent Na+-channel blocker. GLP-2 inhibitory effect was not affected by Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor), apamin (a blocker of small conductance Ca2+-dependent K+ channels), or [Lys1,Pro2,5,Arg3,4,Tyr6]VIP7\u201328 (a VIP receptor antagonist), but it was prevented by atropine or pertussis toxin (PTX), a Gi/o protein inhibitor. Proximal colon responses to electrical field stimulation were characterized by nitrergic relaxation, which was followed by cholinergic contraction. GLP-2 reduced only the cholinergic evoked contractions. This effect was almost abolished by GLP-2 receptor desensitization or PTX. GLP-2 failed to affect the contractile responses to exogenous carbachol. GLP-2R immunoreactivity (IR) was detected only in the neuronal cells of both plexuses of the colonic muscle coat. More than 50% of myenteric GLP-2R-IR neurons shared the choline acetyltransferase IR. In conclusion, the activation of GLP-2R located on cholinergic neurons may modulate negatively the colonic spontaneous and electrically evoked contractions through inhibition of acetylcholine release. The effect is mediated by Gi protein

    Late Cenozoic tephrostratigraphy offshore the southern Central American Volcanic Arc: 2. Implications for magma production rates and subduction erosion

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    Pacific drill sites offshore Central America provide the unique opportunity to study the evolution of large explosive volcanism and the geotectonic evolution of the continental margin back into the Neogene. The temporal distribution of tephra layers established by tephrochonostratigraphy in Part 1 indicates a nearly continuous highly explosive eruption record for the Costa Rican and the Nicaraguan volcanic arc within the last 8 M.y. The widely distributed marine tephra layers comprise the major fraction of the respective erupted tephra volumes and masses thus providing insights into regional and temporal variations of large-magnitude explosive eruptions along the southern Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA). We observe three pulses of enhanced explosive magmatism between 0-1 Ma at the Cordillera Central, between 1-2 Ma at the Guanacaste and at >3 Ma at the Western Nicaragua segments. Averaged over the long-term the minimum erupted magma flux (per unit arc length) is ∼0.017 g/ms. Tephra ages, constrained by Ar-Ar dating and by correlation with dated terrestrial tephras, yield time-variable accumulation rates of the intercalated pelagic sediments with four prominent phases of peak sedimentation rates that relate to tectonic processes of subduction erosion. The peak rate at >2.3 Ma near Osa particularly relates to initial Cocos Ridge subduction which began at 2.91±0.23 Ma as inferred by the 1.5 M.y. delayed appearance of the OIB geochemical signal in tephras from Barva volcano at 1.42 Ma. Subsequent tectonic re-arrangements probably involved crustal extension on the Guanacaste segment that favored the 2-1 Ma period of unusually massive rhyolite production

    Frutose e NAFLD: implicações metabólicas e modelos de indução em ratos

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    PURPOSE: The increase in fructose consumption is paralleled by a higher incidence of obesity worldwide. This monosaccharide is linked to metabolic syndrome, being associated with hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension, insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus. It is metabolized principally in the liver, where it can be converted into fatty acids, which are stored in the form of triglycerides leading to NAFLD. Several models of NAFLD use diets high in simple carbohydrates. Thus, this study aimed to describe the major metabolic changes caused by excessive consumption of fructose in humans and animals and to present liver abnormalities resulting from high intakes of fructose in different periods of consumption and experimental designs in Wistar rats. METHODS: Two groups of rats were fasted for 48 hours and reefed for 24 or 48 hours with a diet containing 63% fructose. Another group of rats was fed an diet with 63% fructose for 90 days. RESULTS: Refeeding for 24 hours caused accumulation of large amounts of fat, compromising 100% of the hepatocytes. The amount of liver fat in animals refed for 48 hours decreased, remaining mostly in zone 2 (medium-zonal). In liver plates of Wistar rats fed 63% fructose for 45, 60 and 90 days it's possible to see that there is an increase in hepatocytes with fat accumulation according to the increased time; hepatic steatosis, however, is mild, compromising about 20% of the hepatocytes. CONCLUSIONS: Fructose is highly lipogenic, however the induction of chronic models in NAFLD requires long periods of treatment. The acute supply for 24 or 48 hours, fasted rats can cause big changes, liver steatosis with macrovesicular in all lobular zones.OBJETIVO: O aumento do consumo de frutose é concomitante a maior incidência mundial de obesidade. Este monossacarídeo está relacionado à Síndrome Metabólica, sendo vinculado à hipertrigliceridemia, hipertensão arterial, resistência à insulina e diabetes mellitus. É metabolizada principalmente no fígado, onde pode ser convertida em ácidos graxos, os quais serão estocados na forma de trigligérides ocasionando a esteatose hepática não alcoólica (NAFLD). Vários modelos de NAFLD utilizam dietas ricas em carboidratos simples. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivos descrever as principais alterações metabólicas causadas pelo consumo excessivo de frutose em humanos e em animais e apresentar as alterações hepáticas decorrentes da alta ingestão de frutose em diferentes períodos de consumo e desenhos experimentais em ratos Wistar. MÉTODOS: Dois grupos de ratos Wistar foram mantidos em jejum durante 48 horas e realimentados por 24 ou 48 horas com dieta contendo 63% de frutose. Outro grupo de ratos Wistar foi alimentado com 63% de frutose durante 90 dias. RESULTADOS: A realimentação por 24 horas provocou acúmulo de grande quantidade de gordura. A quantidade de gordura hepática nos animais realimentados por 48 horas diminuiu, mantendo-se principalmente nas zona 2 (medio-zonal). Em fígados de ratos Wistar alimentados com 63% de frutose até 90 dias foi possível observar que há aumento de hepatócitos com acúmulo de gordura consequente ao aumento do tempo, no entanto a esteatose hepática é leve (20%). CONCLUSÕES: A frutose é altamente lipogênica, no entanto a indução de NAFLD em modelos crônicos necessita de longos períodos de tratamento. A oferta aguda, por 24 ou 48 horas, a ratos mantidos em jejum é capaz de ocasionar grandes mudanças hepáticas, com presença de esteatose macrovesicular em todas as zonas lobulare