74 research outputs found
The Study of Release of Chlorhexidine from Preparations with Modified Thermosensitive Poly-N-isopropylacrylamide Microspheres
The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the release rates of chlorhexidine (CX) base entrapped in the polymeric beads of modified poly-N-isopropylacrylamides (pNIPAMs) at temperatures below and over the volume phase transition temperature (VPTT) of synthesized polymers: pNIPAM-A with terminal anionic groups resulting from potassium persulfate initiator, pNIPAM-B with cationic amidine terminal groups, and pNIPAM-C comprising anionic terminals, but with increased hydrophobicity maintained by the N-tert-butyl functional groups. The preparations, assessed in vitro below the VPTT, release an initial burst of CX at different time periods between 120 and 240 min, followed by a period of 24 h, when the rate of release remains approximately constant, approaching the zero-order kinetics; the release rates for the polymers beads are as follows: pNIPAM-C>pNIPAM-B>pNIPAM-A. The pattern of release rates at temperature over the VPTT is as follows: pNIPAM-C>pNIPAM-A>pNIPAM-B. In the presence of pNIPAM-C, the duration between the start of the release and the attained minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for most of the microbes, in conditions over the VPTT, increased from 60 to 90 min. The release prolongation could be ascribed to some interactions between the practically insoluble CX particle and the hydrophobic functional groups of the polymer
Učinak statičkog magnetskog polja male gustoće na oksidaciju amonijaka s pomoću bakterije Nitrosomonas europaea i aktivnog mulja u komunalnim otpadnim vodama
Ammonium removal is a key step in biological wastewater treatment and novel approaches that improve this process are in great demand. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that ammonium removal from wastewater can be stimulated by static magnetic fields. This was achieved by analysis of the eff ects of static magnetic field (SMF) on the growth and activity of Nitrosomonas europaea, a key ammonia-oxidising bacterium, where increased growth and increased ammonia oxidation rate were detected when bacteria were exposed to SMF at 17 mT. Additionally, the eff ect of SMF on mixed cultures of ammonia oxidisers in activated sludge, incubated in sequencing batch bioreactors simulating wastewater treatment process, was assessed. SMFs of 30 and 50 mT, but not of 10 mT, increased ammonium oxidation rate in municipal wastewater by up to 77 % and stimulated ammonia oxidiser growth. The results demonstrate the potential for use of static magnetic fields in increasing ammonium removal rates in biological wastewater treatment plants.Uklanjanje amonijaka je ključni korak u biološkom pročišćavanju otpadnih voda. Potražnja za novim pristupom koji bi poboljšao ovaj proces sve je veća. Svrha je našeg istraživanja bila provjeriti pretpostavku da se uklanjanje amonijaka iz otpadnih voda može stimulirati pomoću statičkog magnetskog polja. Ispitan je učinak statičkog magnetskog polja na rast i aktivnost nitrificirajuće bakterije Nitrosomonas europaea, koja oksidira amonijak u biološkom procesu pročišćavanja otpadnih voda. Otkriveno je da se izlaganjem te bakterije statičkom magnetskom polju jačine 17 mT ubrzao rast bakterija i pospješila oksidacija amonijaka. Osim toga, izmjeren je učinak statičkog magnetskog polja na amonijak-oksidirajuće bakterije koje se nalaze u aktivnom mulju izdvojenom iz postrojenja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda. Aktivni mulj je inkubiran u sekvencijalnim šaržnim reaktorima, koji simuliraju proces pročišćavanja otpadnih voda. Primjena statičkog magnetskog polja jačine 30 i 50 mT, no ne i 10 mT, pojačala je oksidaciju amonijaka u komunalnim otpadnim vodama do 77 %, te stimulirala rast amonijak-oksidirajućih bakterija. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se pomoću statičkog magnetskog polja može povećati stupanj uklanjanja amonijaka u postrojenjima za biološko pročišćavanje otpadnih voda
Dextran-coated silver nanoparticles for improved barrier and controlled antimicrobial properties of nanocellulose films used in food packaging
The effect of dextran-coated silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs 12.0 ± 1.9 nm) loading (0−0.42 wt%) on the mechanical, barrier, and antimicrobial properties of thin (50−60 μm) films prepared from cellulose nanofibrils by solvent casting method were studied as eco-friendly and food-preservative packaging materials. The presence of dextran was shown to act not only as a dispersing media for Ag NPs and controlling its release but also as a moisture-resistant sealable additive that, synergetically with reduced oxygen permeability, may preserve the food against bacteria growth. Thus, significantly reduced Oxygen Transmission Rates (from 2.07 to 1.40-0.78 cm3 m−2d−1) and hydrophilicity (from 20.8° to 52.4° for MilliQ water, and from 35-37° to 62-74° for 3 % acetic acid and 0.9 % NaCl simulant solutions), yielding a 99.9 % inhibition of Escherichia coli after five repeated cycles of 24 h exposure to 0.9 % NaCl solution was displayed, supported by a controlled release of Ag+ ions (below the toxicologically harmful threshold, <0.5 mg L-1)
Confiscation of property benefits gained by committing of criminal offence as the legislative, theoretical and practical problem
Znaten delež kaznivih dejanj je izvršenih prav zaradi pridobivanja protipravne premoženjske koristi. Zato zahteva racionalna kriminalitetna politika v trajnostnem zoperstavljanju takšnim kaznivim dejanjem učinkovit, predvsem pa domišljen in ustrezno zasnovan sistem odvzema premoženjske koristi. Ob tem na račun učinkovitega odvzema koristi ne sme priti do posega v temeljne ustavne pravice. Problematika kazenskopravnega odvzema premoženjske koristi se tako osredotoča na tri ključne vidike, in sicer na interes države, da storilci ne obdržijo premoženjske koristi, ki jo pridobijo z izvrševanjem kaznivih dejanj, po drugi strani mora biti zadoščeno načelom zakonitosti, nujnosti in sorazmernosti, da se prekomerno ne posega v pravice obdolžencev, vse večji pomen pa pridobiva tudi ustrezno varstvo premoženjskih interesov oškodovancev.There is a significant proportion of criminal offences committed precisely for the purpose of obtaining illegal benefits. Therefore, a rational criminal policy in the permanent counteraction to such crimes requires an efficient and, above all, an ingenious and well-composed system of deprivation of such benefits. At the same time, fundamental constitutional rights must not be interfered with at the expense of effective confiscation of the proceeds of crime. The issue of confiscation of the proceeds of crime focuses on the three main aspects, namely, the interest of the state that the perpetrators do not retain the proceeds of crime, on the other hand, the principles of legality, necessity and proportionality must be met in order to avoid excessive interference with the rights of the defendants, however, greater importance is also given to the protection of the property interests of victims
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