33 research outputs found

    Extended M1 sum rule for excited symmetric and mixed-symmetry states in nuclei

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    A generalized M1 sum rule for orbital magnetic dipole strength from excited symmetric states to mixed-symmetry states is considered within the proton-neutron interacting boson model of even-even nuclei. Analytic expressions for the dominant terms in the B(M1) transition rates from the first and second 2+2^+ states are derived in the U(5) and SO(6) dynamic symmetry limits of the model, and the applicability of a sum rule approach is examined at and in-between these limits. Lastly, the sum rule is applied to the new data on mixed-symmetry states of 94Mo and a quadrupole d-boson ratio nd(01+)/nd(22+)≈0.6nd(0^+_1)/nd(2^+_2) \approx 0.6 is obtained in a largely parameter-independent wayComment: 19 pages, 3 figures, Revte

    Multiple band structures in Ta169

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    Rotational structures in the Ta169 nucleus were studied via the Sn124(V51, 6n) reaction. These data were obtained as a side channel of an experiment focusing on Ta171, but the sensitivity provided by the Gammasphere spectrometer proved sufficient for a significant extension of the level scheme of this rare-earth nucleus. Over 170 new transitions and four new band structures were placed in Ta169, including the intruder πi13/2 structure. Linking transitions between all of the sequences were identified, and the relative excitation energies between the different configurations were determined for the first time. The rotational sequences were interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model

    Alignments, additivity, and signature inversion in odd-odd Ta170: A comprehensive high-spin study

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    High-spin states (I 50) of the odd-odd nucleus Ta170 have been investigated with the Sn124(51V,5n) reaction. The resolving power of Gammasphere has allowed for the observation of eleven rotational bands (eight of which are new) and over 430 transitions (~350 of which are new) in this nucleus. Many interband transitions have been observed such that the relative spins and excitation energies of the 11 bands have been established. This is an unusual circumstance in an odd-odd study. Configurations have been assigned to most of these bands based upon features such as alignment properties, band crossings, B(M1)/B(E2) ratios, and the additivity of Routhians. A systematic study of the frequency at which normal signature ordering occurs in the πh9/2νi13/2 band has been performed and it is found that its trend is opposite to that observed in the πh11/2νi13/2 bands. A possible interpretation of these trends is discussed based on a proton-neutron interaction

    Multi-quasiparticle structures up to spin ~44ħ in the odd-odd nucleus Ta168

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    High-spin states in the odd-odd nucleus Ta168 have been populated in the Sn120(V51,3n) reaction. Two multi-quasiparticle structures have been extended significantly from spin ~20 to above 40. As a result, the first rotational alignment has been fully delineated and a second band crossing has been observed for the first time in this nucleus. Configurations for these strongly coupled rotational bands are proposed based on signature splitting, B(M1)/B(E2) ratio information, and observed rotation-alignment behavior. Properties of the observed bands in Ta168 are compared to related structures in the neighboring odd-Z, odd-N, and odd-odd nuclei and are discussed within the framework of the cranked shell model

    Multiple band structures in 169,170Re: Search for the wobbling mode in 169Re, and residual-interaction analysis of structures in 170Re

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    Although the observation of wobbling was once thought to be possibly confined to lutetium isotopes in N≈94 nuclei, the identification of this exotic collective mode in 167Ta has raised the question of the role of the proton Fermi surface with regard to this phenomenon. To investigate this issue, an experiment was performed to populate high-spin states in the N=94 nucleus 169Re. The heavy-ion reaction 55Mn+118Sn was used in conjunction with Gammasphere to detect the emitted γ rays. More than 130 new transitions were added to the 169Re level scheme, including the first identification of the πi13/2 rotational sequence in this nucleus. This configuration is the structure on which all known wobbling sequences are based, but no wobbling band was observed, likely owing to the fact that the πi13/2 sequence is located at a relatively high energy in comparison with the other structures found in 169Re. Nine decay sequences are now established in this nucleus and are described within the context of the cranked shell model. In addition, significant extension of the level scheme of the odd-odd 170Re nucleus was possible and a discussion of the residual interactions for the πh 9/2νi13/2 and πi13/2νi13/2 configurations in this region is given as well

    First observation of rotational structures in Re 168

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    The first rotational sequences have been assigned to the odd-odd nucleus Re168. Coincidence relationships of these structures with rhenium x rays confirm the isotopic assignment, while arguments based on the γ-ray multiplicity (K-fold) distributions observed with the new bands lead to the mass assignment. Configurations for the two bands were determined through analysis of the rotational alignments of the structures and a comparison of the experimental B(M1)/B(E2) ratios with theory. Tentative spin assignments are proposed for the πh11/2νi13/2 band, based on energy level systematics for other known sequences in neighboring odd-odd rhenium nuclei, as well as on systematics seen for the signature inversion feature that is well known in this region. The spin assignment for the πh11/2ν(h9/2/f7/2) structure provides additional validation of the proposed spins and configurations for isomers in the Au176 → Ir172→Re168 α-decay chain

    High-spin structure of odd-odd Re 172

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    A significant extension of the level scheme for the odd-odd nucleus Re172 was accomplished through the use of the Gammasphere spectrometer. States up to a tentative spin assignment of 39 were observed and two new structures were identified. Configuration assignments are proposed based on alignment properties and observed band crossings

    Band crossings in Ta166

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    High-spin states in the odd-odd nucleus Ta166 are investigated through the 5n channel of the V51+Sn120 reaction. Four new bands are observed and linked into the previous level scheme. Configurations for the bands are proposed, based on measured alignments and B(M1)/B(E2) transition strength ratios

    Possible deformation evolution in the πi13/2 structure of 171Re

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    The phenomenon of wobbling can only occur for a nuclear shape with stable triaxial deformation. To date, only a few examples of this exotic collective mode have been observed in lutetium and tantalum isotopes. A search for a wobbling sequence was performed in 171Re to determine if this feature can be observed in Z>73 nuclei. No evidence was found for wobbling; however, an interaction between the πi13/2 sequence and another positive-parity band may give an indication on why wobbling may not occur in this nucleus. The level scheme for 171Re was significantly extended and interpretations for the decay sequences are proposed within the context of the cranked shell model

    Rotational structures and the wobbling mode in Ta167

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    Excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus Ta167 were studied through the Sn120(V51,4n) reaction. Twelve rotational bands have been observed and the relative excitation energy of each sequence is now known owing to the multiple interband connections. Several quasineutron alignments were observed that aided in the quasiparticle assignments of these bands. The resulting interpretation is in line with observations in neighboring nuclei. Trends in the wobbling phonon energy seen in Lu161,163,165,167 and Ta167 are also discussed and particle-rotor model calculations (assuming constant moments of inertia) are found to be inconsistent with the experimental data