1 research outputs found

    A Novel Cortical Mechanism for Top-Down Control of Water Intake

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    Water intake is crucial for maintaining body fluid homeostasis and animals' survival [1-4]. In the brain, complex processes trigger thirst and drinking behavior [1-5]. The anterior wall of the third ventricle formed by the subfornical organ (SFO), the median preoptic nucleus, and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) constitute the primary structures sensing thirst signals and modulating water intake [6-10]. These subcortical regions are connected with the neocortex [11]. In particular, insular and anterior cingulate cortices (IC and ACC, respectively) have been shown to receive indirect innervations from the SFO and OVLT in rats [11] and to be involved in the control of water intake [12-15]. Type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB) modulate consummatory behaviors, such as feeding [16-26]. However, the role of CB receptors in the control of water intake is still a matter of debate [27-31]. Here, we show that endogenous activation of CB in cortical glutamatergic neurons of the ACC promotes water intake. Notably, presynaptic CB receptors of ACC glutamatergic neurons are abundantly located in the basolateral amygdala (BLA), a key area in the regulation of water intake. The selective expression of CB receptors in the ACC-to-BLA-projecting neurons is sufficient to stimulate drinking behavior. Moreover, chemogenetic stimulation of these projecting neurons suppresses drinking behavior, further supporting the role of this neuronal population in the control of water intake. Altogether, these data reveal a novel cortico-amygdalar mechanism involved in the regulation of drinking behavior.Développment d'une infrastructure française distribuée coordonnéeDissection des mécanismes hypothalamiques impliqués dans la détection du statut nutritionnel et régulation de la prise alimentaire via les interactions entre mTORC1, les mélanocortines et les endocannabinoïdes.Représentation sensorielle lors d'états psychotiquesRecepteurs aux cannabinoides dans le codage visuel corticalBordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for NeuroscienceNeurocircuitry of endocannabinoid regulation of food intakeDevelopment of pregnenolone derivatives as allosteric inhibitors of CB1 cannabinoid receptors for thetreatment of schizophrenia and psychotic syndrome