11 research outputs found

    Excavations at Tell Fadous-Kfarabida:Preliminary report on the 2106 season of excavations

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    This report presents the main results of the final season of excavations in 2016at Tell Fadous-Kfarabida, located on the north Lebanese coast 2 km south of Batroun.Excavations focused on four areas. In Area II we worked only in Squares 310/295and parts of 305/295, where the excavations in 2015 did not reach a satisfactory end. We continued to excavate in and under the northern rooms of Building 4 (Phase III, Early Bronze Age III) and reached the earlier Phases II (Early Bronze Age II) and Phase I (Chalcolithic) in very limited areas. In Areas III and IV, we continued the work begun in 2014 and 2015. Area III is located on the southern slope of the tell. In 2016, work mainly focused on exposing domesticarchitecture from Phase III (Early Bronze Age III). Area IV is situated at the eastern edge of the site, where we continued the investigation of the Early Bronze Age fortification system with a monumental gate (Phase III, Early Bronze Age III). Area V, situated in the northcentral part of the tell, was newly opened in 2016. Here remains of substantial buildings, attributable to Phase III (Early Bronze Age III) were uncovered. In addition to the general overviews of the main features exposed in the different areas during the 2016 season, this report contains specialist reports on ceramic material and small finds from various phases as well as progress reports of ongoing archaeozoological and isotopic investigations