657 research outputs found

    Multi Stage based Time Series Analysis of User Activity on Touch Sensitive Surfaces in Highly Noise Susceptible Environments

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    This article proposes a multistage framework for time series analysis of user activity on touch sensitive surfaces in noisy environments. Here multiple methods are put together in multi stage framework; including moving average, moving median, linear regression, kernel density estimation, partial differential equations and Kalman filter. The proposed three stage filter consisting of partial differential equation based denoising, Kalman filter and moving average method provides ~25% better noise reduction than other methods according to Mean Squared Error (MSE) criterion in highly noise susceptible environments. Apart from synthetic data, we also obtained real world data like hand writing, finger/stylus drags etc. on touch screens in the presence of high noise such as unauthorized charger noise or display noise and validated our algorithms. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm performs qualitatively better than the existing solutions for touch panels of the high end hand held devices available in the consumer electronics market qualitatively.Comment: 9 pages (including 9 figures and 3 tables); International Journal of Computer Applications (published

    Determinants Sociodemographiques Des Exploitants Rizicoles Dans La Sous-Prefecture De Yamoussoukro (Côte D’ivoire)

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    Le riz connaît une importance croissante en Côte d'Ivoire, à l'instar des autres pays d'Afrique Subsaharienne. En vue de lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire, un programme de relance de la production du riz en Côte d'Ivoire a été initié. Dans la Région des lacs, la riziculture a constitué une alternative à la pauvreté liée à la perte progressive de la majeure partie des vergers de café et de cacao. L'étude, vise à analyser les déterminants sociodémographiques des producteurs de riz dans la Sous-préfecture de Yamoussoukro. Pour la collecte des données, un questionnaire a été administré aux responsables d'exploitation rizicole. En outre, des entretiens ont eu lieu avec les autorités administratives et coutumières, ainsi que les responsables techniques impliqués dans l'activité rizicole de ladite Sous-préfecture. Les investigations ont permis d'obtenir les résultats suivants: d'abord, les exploitants rizicoles de la Sous-préfecture de Yamoussoukro sont pour l'essentiel, des autochtones et des allochtones avec une légère prédominance des premiers cités. Ensuite, la riziculture est pratiquée essentiellement par des hommes mariés. Enfin, cette activité a contribué à améliorer les conditions de vie de la plupart des producteurs de riz de la Sous-préfecture de Yamoussoukro.Mots clés: Sociodémographie, exploitants rizicoles, Yamoussoukro, Côte d'IvoireLike in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, rice production is experiencing a growing importance in Côte d'Ivoire. Hence, to combat food insecurity, a rice production program has been initiated in Côte d'Ivoire. In the lakes region, rice was an alternative for poverty alleviation linked to the progressive loss of the bulk of the coffee and cocoa orchards. This study aims to analyze the sociodemographic determinants of rice production in Yamoussoukro. For data collection, a questionnaire was administered to rice farmers. In addition, interviews were held with the administrative and traditional authorities, as well as the technicians involved in rice farming activities. Results show that: firstly, rice farmers are, for the most part, indigenous and non-natives, with a slight predominance of the first group. Rice cultivation was practiced mainly by married men. Finally, this activity helped to improve the living conditions of most rice producers in the area

    Acteurs locaux et peche lagunaire aux produits toxiques dans la sous-prefecture de grand-bassam (Côte D’Ivoire)

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    La pêche lagunaire a toujours constitué une activité professionnelle traditionnelle dans la Sous-Préfecture de Grand-Bassam. Mais, depuis quelques années, il y a eu une apparition de la pêche aux produits  toxiques. Cette étude analyse la situation de cette pratique à Grand-Bassam. Pour la réalisation de l’étude, un questionnaire et un guide d’entretien ont été utilisés. La collecte des données a eu lieu dans les trois villages de la Sous-Préfecture de Grand-Bassam, qui ont anciennement une tradition de pêche en milieu lagunaire. L’observation des faits a permis de vérifier les informations obtenues à l’aide du questionnaire et du guide d’entretien. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la pêche  lagunaire à Grand-Bassam est pratiquée par une population  majoritairement jeune (52 %) qui a une expérience professionnelle de moins de 10 ans. Cette population est essentiellement constituée d’autochtones (77 %) sachant lire et écrire (81 %). Les informations recueillies ont permis de constater que 20 % des enquêtés utilisent des produits toxiques dans la pêche, surtout en période de crue qui est celle de la reproduction des poissons.Mots-clés : Acteurs locaux, pêche lagunaire, produits toxiques, Grand-Bassam

    Implementation of porous silicon technology for a fluidic flow-through optical sensor for pH measurements

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    This work presents an innovative integration of sensing and nano-scaled fluidic actuation in the combination of pH sensitive optical dye immobilization with the electro-osmotic phenomena in polar solvents like water for flow-through pH measurements. These flow-through measurements are performed in a flow-through sensing device (FTSD) configuration that is designed and fabricated at MTU. A relatively novel and interesting material, through-wafer mesoporous silica substrates with pore diameters of 20 -200 nm and pore depths of 500 µm are fabricated and implemented for electro-osmotic pumping and flow-through fluorescence sensing for the first time. Performance characteristics of macroporous silicon (\u3e 500 µm) implemented for electro-osmotic pumping include, a very large flow effciency of 19.8 µLmin-1V-1 cm-2 and maximum pressure effciency of 86.6 Pa/V in comparison to mesoporous silica membranes with 2.8 µLmin-1V-1cm-2 flow effciency and a 92 Pa/V pressure effciency. The electrical current (I) of the EOP system for 60 V applied voltage utilizing macroporous silicon membranes is 1.02 x 10-6A with a power consumption of 61.74 x 10-6 watts. Optical measurements on mesoporous silica are performed spectroscopically from 300 nm to 1000 nm using ellipsometry, which includes, angularly resolved transmission and angularly resolved reflection measurements that extend into the infrared regime. Refractive index (n) values for oxidized and un-oxidized mesoporous silicon sample at 1000 nm are found to be 1.36 and 1.66. Fluorescence results and characterization confirm the successful pH measurement from ratiometric techniques. The sensitivity measured for fluorescein in buffer solution is 0.51 a.u./pH compared to sensitivity of ~ 0.2 a.u./pH in the case of fluorescein in porous silica template. Porous silica membranes are efficient templates for immobilization of optical dyes and represent a promising method to increase sensitivity for small variations in chemical properties. The FTSD represents a device topology suitable for application to long term monitoring of lakes and reservoirs. Unique and important contributions from this work include fabrication of a through-wafer mesoporous silica membrane that has been thoroughly characterized optically using ellipsometry. Mesoporous silica membranes are tested as a porous media in an electro-osmotic pump for generating high pressure capacities due to the nanometer pore sizes of the porous media. Further, dye immobilized mesoporous silica membranes along with macroporous silicon substrates are implemented for continuous pH measurements using fluorescence changes in a flow-through sensing device configuration. This novel integration and demonstration is completely based on silicon and implemented for the first time and can lead to miniaturized flow-through sensing systems based on MEMS technologies

    Evaluation and In Vitro Studies of Folate-PEG-Biotin

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    Folate receptor is a membrane bound protein which is highly expressed by cancer cells and macrophages. Folic acid is required for the normal growth of cells and it has been found that rapidly growing cancer cells require high levels of folic acid. Folic acid binds to folate receptors and through receptor mediated transport folate enters cells. This property has been used to synthesize a probe using folate as ligand through polyethylene glycol-Biotin linker. This can be used to attach a drug which is ultimately delivered at the site of infectious cells. The study involved here was to determine how folate and magnetic beads can be used to develop imaging systems and transport drugs to identify and treat pathologies. Folate-PEG-Biotin probe (already synthesized from Dr. Walter Henne and Mr. Rohan Patel) was purified by HPLC and LC/MS which was then used to perform cell binding studies with streptavidin coated magnetic beads on L1210 type cancer cells. Biotin which is a B-complex vitamin is also required for the growth of cells. This biotin has the highest non-covalent affinity to streptavidin in nature and hence was used to link streptavidin coated magnetic beads to folate. Polyethylene glycol was used as a spacer. This streptavidin protein in the form of magnetic beads captures cells from solution when used with the Folate-PEG-Biotin probe. Cells were observed under a high resolution light microscope and the images were taken with a high resolution camera available from Dr. Tim Gsell’s laboratory. Cells were also studied by just adding streptavidin beads alone to observe if they were captured. To another control, Folate-PEG-Biotin/Streptavidin coated magnetic beads were added along with 1000 fold excess of folic acid. This method is economical and can be used to replace other cancer cell detection techniques. Future studies include the conjugation of folate-peg-biotin probe with a proprietary drug conjugate to determine the drugs activity on cancer cells which will be carried out at Purdue University

    Risk of Chronic Oral Anticoagulation Therapy in Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction - Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Although chronic oral anticoagulation therapy reduces mortality and morbidity from thromboembolic diseases, the risk of bleeding and mortality may increase when patients on anticoagulation presents with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) where aggressive antiplatelet and further anticoagulation therapies are warranted. Objective: To study the characteristics of patients who are on oral anticoagulation therapy (OAC) at the time of presentation with acute STEMI. Design: Retrospective, cross-sectional study. Setting: All patients who presented to Christiana Care Health System, Newark, DE with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction with intent of primary percutaneous angioplasty between January 2009 and December 2010. Outcome Measures: Composite end-point of major bleeding, in-hospital death, cardiogenic shock, and cardiac arrest. Subgroup analysis of major bleeding and in-hospital mortality. Results: A total of 637 patients were enrolled into the study, the average age of the study population was 61 years, 71% male and 84% Caucasian patients. Of 637 patients, 20 (3.1%) were on OAC at the time of presentation. Both OAC and non-OAC groups differed in baseline characteristics including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, peripheral vascular disease, previous coronary artery disease, and pre procedural laboratory data including hemoglobin and INR (all p < 0.05). The groups also differed in the treatment procedures. Patients who were on OAC were more likely to receive bare metal stents and clopidogrel and less likely to be treated with newer antiplatelet agents (prasugrel and ticagrelor) and drug eluting stents (all p <0.05). However, the composite endpoint (death, bleeding, and transfusion) was similar in both groups. On multivariable logistic regression analysis, use of anticoagulation and baseline INR were not significant independent predictors of study endpoints. Pre procedural hemoglobin (OR: 0.88, 95%CI: 0.77-0.98, p=0.012) and requirement of IABP (OR: 4.13, 95% CI: 2.25-7.59, p<0.001) were independent risk factors for study end points. Limitations: Overall sample size for patients who were on anticoagulation was limited due to the low (3%) observed prevalence in the study population, however it is similar to other published studies. The inclusion bias resulting from prehospitalization deaths may influence the results. Conclusions: The contemporary management of acute ST elevation myocardial infarction does not seem to raise the risk of bleeding, in-hospital death, or blood transfusion in patients who are on full anticoagulation

    Methods on Implementing Radar and Antenna Solutions to Defense and Biomedical Problems

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    Growing developments in antenna and radio frequency systems have created a strong incentive for researchers to study and apply electromagnetic (EM)-based solutions to modern defense and biomedical problems. The ability to transmit and receive EM waves using antenna systems has not only increased global connectivity, but also increased the need for innovation in antenna size reduction and development of radar systems. Size reduction techniques have been extensively studied for antennas after the development of electrically small antennas (ESAs) which follow Chu’s limit. ESAs allow the implementation of antennas with much smaller foot-size than traditional full-sized designed while keeping the same or improved functionality. Applying folds, t-matching, and adding top-loading elements are some of the techniques that allow for the reduction of an antenna’s electrical size, kr. An antenna’s electrical size describes the radius of the sphere that encapsulates an antenna’s physical size. The reduction of this sphere provides insight into how the physical size of the antenna was reduced or altered which then helps us during impedance matching process and minimization of S11. Impedance matching is another key element to ESAs because it allows for the reduction of mismatch loss which allows for optimized performance of antenna. Radar systems have proven necessary in civilian and military applications because of their uses in human detection and tracking. A frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar operating at 2.4 GHz is presented in this thesis for surveillance and human tracking. Range, velocity, and direction-of-arrival are tested on human targets using the MATLAB software. Multi-target tracking is also presented demonstrating use in increasingly complex environments

    Biosynthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial activity of Silver nanoparticles of Excoecaria agallocha L. fruit extract

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    In this present study, Excoecaria agallocha fruit aqueous extract was used to synthesize Silver Nano Particles (Ag NPs/SNPs) which has proven as eco-friendly, nontoxic, less time consuming and energy saving. The synthesized SNPs were characterized by UV-Visible spectroscopy, FTIR and SEM studies. The SNPs were checked for the antibacterial activity against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. The characterization studies clearly revealed the formation and synthesis of SNPs which also showed the inhibitory activity on the tested bacteria.  SNPs of Excoecaria agallocha fruit showed higher zone of inhibition against Micrococcus luteus, Arthrobacter protophormiae, Rhodococcus rhodochrous, Bacillus subtilis, Alcaligens faecalis, Enterobacter aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis and Salmonella enterica when compared to that of standard antibiotic, Streptomycin
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