125 research outputs found

    Noves descobertes en la formació de molècules

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    En l'experimentació química, contínuament es treballa en la combinació de diferents molècules. És fonamental poder ajustar el màxim el resultat d'aquestes associacions per obtenir el resultat esperat. Investigadors del Departament de Química de la UAB han estudiat com s'assoleix un alt nivell de regioselectivitat, és a dir, com obtenir majoritàriament un regioisòmer (un tipus de molècula) dels dos possibles quan es combina un pirazol (un compost cíclic aromàtic) amb un grup alquil (cadena de carbó i hidrògen).En la experimentación química, continuamente se trabaja en la combinación de diferentes moléculas. Es fundamental poder ajustar al máximo el resultado de estas asociaciones para obtener el resultado esperado. Investigadores del Departamento de Química de la UAB han estudiado cómo se consigue un alto nivel de regioselectividad, es decir, cómo obtener mayoritariamente un regioisómero (un tipo de molécula) de los dos posibles cuando se combina un pirazol (un compuesto cíclico aromático) con un grupo alquilo (cadena de carbono e hidrógeno)

    Learning and Development in People Living with and Affected by Cancer

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    Background: In order to support people throughout their cancer journey, the UK charity, Macmillan Cancer Support offers a range of free courses, training opportunities, workshops and e-learning for people living with and affected by cancer, including carers, family members, volunteers and community members. Macmillan asked the University of Lincoln to carry out a study around Learning and Development (L&D) provision focusing on (although not exclusive to) the Midlands region of England. Methods: The study collected quantitative and qualitative data from August to November 2019. This was done using an online survey (N=119) that asked people living with and affected by cancer questions on demographics and L&D provision. Participants could select multiple responses to the majority of questions. In addition, a series of semi- structured interviews (N=10) were conducted with a range of Professionals who were involved in supporting people living with and affected by cancer. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: There was demand for L&D to be delivered face-to-face (N=74), as well as, online (N=66). Participants reported that they would like Health and Social Care Professionals (N=54) and people with a personal experience of a cancer diagnosis (N=64) to do facilitate the L&D. The most popular settings for L&D to be delivered were: in the community (N=75) and online (N=47) although some participants also reported wanting clinical or healthcare settings (N=38). There were four themes from the qualitative data with Professionals (1) Setting (2) Including the Lived Experience (3) Communication and Inclusiveness and (4) Tailoring to Individual Needs. Conclusion: Macmillan should ensure that their future L&D offer is available face-to-face, as well as, online. Although the mode of delivery is likely to be dependent on the L&D on offer. Where L&D is delivered face-to-face, there would appear to be demand for this to be held in both a clinical and community setting. Where appropriate this should be facilitated by experienced Health Professionals and people with lived experience

    The values, knowledge and behaviour of student nurses in promoting health lifestyles. A mixed methods study.

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    The values, knowledge and behaviour of student nurses in promoting health lifestyles. A mixed methods study

    Association between prenatal maternal cigarette smoking and early childhood caries. A systematic review

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship between prenatal maternal cigarette smoking (PMCS) and early childhood caries (ECC) through a systematic review of currently available scientific evidence. Eight observational cross-sectional studies were included. The number of participants ranged between 1102 and 76920 children with age ranging between 24 months and 72 months. Seven studies reported a positive association between PMCS and ECC. One study reported that children whose mother smoked at least five cigarettes/day during pregnancy presented a higher caries severity level compared with to those whose mothers did not smoke. One study showed no association between ECC and PMCS. The association between PMCS and ECC remains debatable. Further well-designed longitudinal studies are needed in this regard

    Long-term effects of fishing on physiological performance of the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in the Lagoon of Venice

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    The Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) is an important economic resource for fisheries in the Lagoon of Venice, where this species is fished and farmed. With the aim of evaluating possible fishing-induced long-term effects undergone by clam populations subjected to fishing efforts, physiological biomarkers were measured at organism level (clearance and respiration rates, scope for growth and survival-in-air test). Clams were collected on a seasonal basis from sites characterized by various fishing management practices: a free fishing area at S. Angelo and an area licensed for clam farming at Chioggia, where a non-fishing sub-area was established. R. philippinarum collected at S. Angelo generally showed reduced filtering activity and higher oxygen consumption, revealing general worsening in clam well-being in comparison with individuals from both Chioggia areas. This condition, resulting in lower standardized scope for growth values, may be explained by both environmental and fishing effort differences. Comparing Chioggia samples, better physiological performances were exhibited by clams from the non-fishing area, though no significant differences were observed. In winter, the survival-in-air test revealed the detrimental effects of fishing on clams, whereas in the other seasons this response generally seemed to be mostly related to other exogenous and endogenous factors. Although differences among sites and seasons were always statistically significant, all physiological parameters indicate the great tolerance of R. philippinarum to changing environmental conditions.European Commission [99/062

    Anàlisi de molècules molt eficients per millorar la síntesis orgànica

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    Mitjançant tècniques experimentals i informàtiques, els autors d'aquest treball van analitzar l'eficiència d'alguns grups de molècules, derivades de compostos de pirazol, usades com a precatalitzadors en els processos de síntesis orgàniques realitzats amb la reacció de Heck.A través de técnicas experimentales e informáticas, los autores de este trabajo analizaron la efectividad de algunos grupos de moléculas, derivados de compuestos de pirazol, usadas como precatalizadores en los procesos de síntesis orgánica realizados mediante la Reacción de Heck.Based on a combined experimental and computacional study, authors of this work analized the effectiveness of some groups of molecules derivated from pirazol, used as precatalists in organic synthesis developed by Heck reactions

    Nonagenarians in Hyperpolypharmacy: relationship between the level of drug interactions and sociodemographic, clinical, and functional characteristics

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    Aim: This research aimed to study the association of drug interactions and sociodemographic, clinical, and functional characteristics in nonagenarians in hyperpolypharmacy. Methods: This was a secondary analysis of an evaluation performed by the Multiprofessional Care for the Oldest-old Project in 2016, with participants identified in hyperpolypharmacy. Results: Results revealed that 69% of 29 participants had at least one major drug interaction, 41% had 10 or more moderate interactions, and 59% had minor interactions. The study revealed significant relationships for major drug interactions with the characteristics of recurrent urinary tract infections, anxiety, and palpitations. The study found near significance for white colour, not good general health and appetite, depression, and impaired cognition. For moderate drug interaction, findings showed a relationship near significance for females, perception of not good general health and appetite, hypertension, diabetes, urinary infection, depression scale change, agitation, pain, fatigue, and a fear of falling.  For minor drug interactions, the study revealed significant findings for an association with depression, and apathy or sleepiness.  There were findings near significance for an association with white colour, diabetes, agitation, pain, fatigue, and cough.  Conclusion: Drug interactions are highly prevalent among nonagenarians in hyperpolypharmacy, with clinical and quality of life impact. Thus, they must be constantly evaluated for the presence of drug interactions at all levels of care, whether in primary care or in specialized care. A study with larger sample size and longitudinal contour is proposed to prove the importance of our observations

    Relationship of visceral adipose tissue with surrogate insulin resistance and liver markers in individuals with metabolic syndrome chronic complications

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    Background: Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) has a hazardous influence on systemic inflammation, insulin resistance and an adverse metabolic profile, which increases the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and chronic complications of diabetes. In our study we aimed to evaluate the association of VAT and the triglyceride glucose (TyG) as a proxy of insulin resistance surrogated with metabolic and liver risk factors among subjects diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed including 326 participants with MetS (55-75 years) from the PREDIMED-Plus study. Liver-status markers, VAT and TyG were assessed. Participants were stratified by tertiles according to VAT (n = 254) and TyG (n = 326). A receiver operating characteristic curve was used to analyse the efficiency of TyG for VAT. Results: Subjects with greater visceral fat depots showed worse lipid profile, higher homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), TyG, alanine transaminase (ALT), fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF-21), fatty liver index (FLI) and hepatic steatosis index (HSI) compared with participants in the first tertile. The multi-adjusted linear-regression analyses indicated that individuals in the third tertile of TyG (>9.1-10.7) had a positive association with HOMA-IR [beta = 3.07 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.28-3.86; p trend < 0.001)], ALT [beta = 7.43 (95% CI 2.23-12.63; p trend = 0.005)], gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) [beta = 14.12 (95% CI 3.64-24.61; p trend = 0.008)], FGF-21 [beta = 190.69 (95% CI 93.13-288.25; p trend < 0.001)], FLI [beta = 18.65 (95% CI 14.97-22.23; p trend < 0.001)] and HSI [beta = 3.46 (95% CI, 2.23-4.68; p trend < 0.001)] versus participants from the first tertile. Interestingly, the TyG showed the largest area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) for women (AUC = 0.713; 95% CI 0.62-0.79) compared with men (AUC = 0.570; 95% CI 0.48-0.66). Conclusions: A disrupted VAT enlargement and impairment of TyG are strongly associated with liver status and cardiometabolic risk factors linked with NAFLD in individuals diagnosed with MetS. Moreover, the TyG could be used as a suitable and reliable marker estimator of VAT

    Blind Benchmark Exercise for Spent Nuclear Fuel Decay Heat

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    The decay heat rate of five spent nuclear fuel assemblies of the pressurized water reactor type were measured by calorimetry at the interim storage for spent nuclear fuel in Sweden. Calculations of the decay heat rate of the five assemblies were performed by 20 organizations using different codes and nuclear data libraries resulting in 31 results for each assembly, spanning most of the current state-of-the-art practice. The calculations were based on a selected subset of information, such as reactor operating history and fuel assembly properties. The relative difference between the measured and average calculated decay heat rate ranged from 0.6% to 3.3% for the five assemblies. The standard deviation of these relative differences ranged from 1.9% to 2.4%