1,105 research outputs found

    An ecosystem approach to knowledge management: Case studies of two Australian SMEs

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    This study is centred on the premise that knowledge is personalised information which can be enriched through the process of learning, then shared and applied to practical situations to attain value. To highlight the complex nature of knowledge management (KM) as a set of practices and aimed to enhance collaboration, the concept of a Collaborative Leaning Ecosystem (CLES) is presented as holistic approach toward improving practical learning environments. In view of the pressing need for better KM in small-to-medium (SME) enterprises, the CLES framework is used to examine the KM positions of two Australian SMEs. Viewing each case as an 'organisational ecosystem', the holistic assessment of each SME exposes certain KM inefficiencies unique to the firm, which are addressed through a set of actionable KM strategies for improving the relationships among the components interacting within each organisational ecosystem

    Governance for e-learning ecosystem

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    Governance has emerged as an important issue for organisations across the world. Governance is the combined activities of developing and managing cohesive and consistent policies, processes and decisions right for a given area of responsibility. For an e-learning ecosystem to work effectively, it is essential that we have the right regulatory, technological and social conditions. This paper discusses a framework to support the successful implementation of an e-learning system includes (1) organisational decision making structures, (2) processes which include operational and technical supports, and (3) communications and relational mechanisms. Six characteristics and dimensions of Darking's [12] digital ecosystem governance were used to enhance the framework. E-learning information seurity governance is also discussed in the paper. The underlying goals for adopting e-learning governance practices are improvement of business performance and conformance to regulations. This paper discusses governance for e-learning ecosystems within the digital business ecosystms (DBE)

    Practices and Principles of IT Governance in Australian Legal Aid Organizations

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    Information Technology (IT) governance has emerged as a fundamental issue for organizations worldwide as organizations depend on IT. IT governance is an integral part of corporate practice; it consists of leadership and organizational structures, processes and communication systems. The underlying goals for implementing an IT governance framework are to maximize operational effectiveness of business processes; align IT strategies with business strategies and objectives; and conform to regulations. This paper presents a comprehensive and pragmatic model of IT Governance through an integrated framework of structures, processes and communications capabilities. This framework integrates the work of Van Grembergen, De Haes & Guldentops’ (2004) IT governance framework with the principles of IT Governance proposed by Weill and Ross (2004). An amended IT Governance represents one of the major contributions of this paper. The case study presented in this paper investigates the IT governance practices and principles adopted in two Australian legal aid organizations

    Towards a Model of Internet Technology Adoption for Not-for-profit Organisations

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    This paper describes research into the adoption of internet technologies by not-for-profit organisations. Five factors were identified from previous research that may influence the adoption of internet technologies by non-profit organisations. These factors were perceived external pressure, internal support, organisational readiness (comprised of technical resources, financial resources, knowledge and workforce composition) and the organisation’s compatibility with internet technologies. To investigate the influence of these factors a survey of West Australian community sector organisations was conducted. Surveys were completed by 119 respondents from a range of non-profit organisations. The results of the survey are discussed and an amended internet technology model for not-for-profit organisations is proposed

    Transforming Organizations Through the Implementation of Processes, Structures and Relational Mechanisms for Governing IT: A Leadership Role for IS Departments in Institutions of Higher Education in Australia

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    Over the past decade, IT governance has become a key issue of concern for senior IT decision makers around the world. This exploratory study examines how central IS departments in four institutions of higher education in Australia are transforming organizational attitudes and approaches to governing IT by implementing structural and processes changes and establishing relational mechanisms. This paper will focus particularly on the implementation of IT governance processes in these institutions and examine how internationally recognized standards such as COBIT, ITIL and ISO17799 are being utilized. The study reveals a number of findings in the context of the implementation of IT governance in the higher education environment

    A user-centred personalised e-learning system

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    The paper proposes a framework for understanding the factors that affect usability of e-learning. The framework can be applied to the development of (1) a formative usability evaluation method for e-learning systems and (2) personalisation rules for e-learning systems interface. The formative usability evaluation method is intended for the evaluation of e-learning systems during its development stages, from screen-based prototypes to near completion. The evaluation criteria will be customisable depending on contingent criteria such as user characteristics and e-learning system characteristics. A web-based prototype will be developed to allow the convenient implementation of the methodology. The personalisation rules for e-learning system is intended for the automatic adaptation of e-learning systems' interface to different users' preferences in order to maximise its usability and learnability for individual users

    An Exploration of the Implementation and Effectiveness of IT Governance Processes in Institutions of Higher Education in Australia

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    Over the past decade, IT governance has become a key issue of concern for senior IT decision makers around the world. This exploratory study examined how IT governance is being implemented through a number of processes, structures and relational mechanisms in four leading institutions of higher education in Australia. This paper will focus particularly on the implementation of IT governance processes in these institutions and examine how internationally recognized standards such as COBIT, ITIL and ISO17799 are being utilized in this implementation. The study reveals a number of findings in the context of the implementation of IT governance processes in the higher education environment

    The Need for Data Governance: A Case Study

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    Data governance is an emerging trend in enterprise information management. This paper explores the relationship between IT Governance and Data Governance. Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance requires accurate financial data and to achieve this IT controls are designed to ensure that data is correct and protected from unauthorised change. Data quality is measured by its accuracy, timeliness, relevance, completeness, trustworthiness and contextual definition. Good data quality requires effective data management. The research looks at the need for Data Governance to manage data effectively. This study examines a large organisation that has adopted an ad-hoc Data Governance model to manage its data. It was found that its data management efforts were hampered mainly by the lack of clear roles and responsibilities and the lack of mandate to carry out data quality improvement initiatives. In order to promote effective data management, this research identifies a Data Governance Structure and Framework with the emphasis on collaboration between business and IT to support organisations

    Community perception of mobile payment in e-Government services

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    Mobile payment and e-Government are emerging topics in the research area of Information Systems. This research addresses the preferred e-Government services for mobile payment, the suitable payment methods of mobile payment, and adoption factors of e-Government services. The research derives the notion of technology adoption and related constructs, however, as no particular Information Systems adoption theory was adequate to study emerging systems of electronic payment, the research did not utilise any specific theory. Rather, the research uses the characteristics of mobile payment as revealed in the contemporary research to develop an adoption model based on user perceptions regarding mobile payments in the context of e-Government services. A survey study on the use of mobile devices to pay for e-Government services was conducted in Western Australia. The findings of this research contribute conceptually and practically by recommending suitable services and mobile payment methods. This paper also addresses the positive and negative factors impacting the adoption of mobile payment for e-Government services.<br /

    How to Support More Flexible Learning Settings in Second Life

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    Together with advanced technologies, learning environments in today’s education context are becoming more and more sophisticated. The learning requirements and options for students and instructors are also changing with different types and combination of learning modes (face-to-face, online learning, and blended learning). In addition, students are also located at different geographical regions and these students have to be given the opportunity to choose a mode of learning that suit their lifestyle and location. Virtual 3D Worlds can support such options bytaking advantage of the multiple communication channels and the social engagement associated with presence and awareness. There exist a number of learning settings which are designed for traditional learning approaches that donot support flexible environment. This situation has motivated us to initiate research towards a flexible system which supports configuration and adaptation of virtual learning environment according to the learners’ needs. In this paper, we will present the concept of reuse of resources which were invested to support flexible learning settings. Preliminary findings based on the virtual world Second Life are also discussed
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