132 research outputs found

    Molecular coding and physiological roles of excitatory neurons in motor control

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    Locomotion is a complex motor action that provides humans and other animals with the ability to move through the environment. In vertebrate locomotion, supraspinal centers convey the initiating or terminating command signals to the spinal cord which in turn generates the rhythm and pattern of muscle activities underlying locomotor activity. In supraspinal centers, the intermingled configuration of neuronal populations has made it difficult to identify cell populations responsible for locomotor initiating and terminating signals with standard electrophysiological methods. These questions can be addressed, however, with the combinatorial use of mouse genetics to manipulate discrete groups of neurons and electrophysiological and behavioral studies to address their function in motor control. Although a lot of progress has been made in deciphering the organization of the mammalian spinal locomotor networks through the use of early developmental markers, the present molecular classification of interneurons does not capture rhythm-generating neurons. It has become apparent that the interneuron composition of the spinal cord is quite complex and that the cardinal classes of interneurons are actually comprised of a highly diverse set of transcriptionally distinct neuronal types that cover diverse physiological functions. There is, therefore, a strong need for the identification of fine- grained molecular markers for spinal interneurons overall and glutamatergic spinal interneurons in particular since glutamatergic neurons are thought to be the drive for rhythmic motor output. The work in this thesis addresses these questions and attempts at either ascribing functions to specific groups of neurons or providing a molecular database for future in- depth investigations. In Paper IV of this thesis, we studied the roles of a subset of glutamatergic neurons in the supraspinal control of locomotion. We identified brainstem V2a neurons as a glutamatergic excitatory descending pathway that is involved in the arrest of ongoing locomotion. In Paper I, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the abnormal locomotor pattern observed in mice with a disrupted EphA4 signaling pathway. We linked the hopping-like locomotor phenotype observed in EphA4 signaling mutants to the aberrant crossing of spinal glutamatergic neurons. In Paper II, we investigated the role of a subset of glutamatergic interneurons in rhythm generation in an attempt to elucidate the identity of rhythm-generating neurons. We showed that, although it is unlikely they are the sole rhythm-generating neurons, glutamatergic Hb9::Cre-derived interneurons contribute to rhythm generation in the mouse. In Paper III, we took it a step further and investigated the transcriptome profile of spinal glutamatergic neurons with the aim of identifying discrete molecular populations to which we can ascribe some of the locomotor functions that still remain elusive such as rhythm generation. Our findings provide a comprehensive overview of the transcription factors, ion channels and metabotropic receptors expressed in spinal glutamatergic neurons. Overall, the work in each of the constituent papers of this thesis has broadened our understanding of glutamatergic neurons, their molecular and functional diversity and at the same time brought us a step closer to deciphering the functional organization of locomotor networks in the mouse

    A prática e os níveis de satistação com o trabalho, stress e burnout dos psicólogos escolares

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    A prática profissional de um psicólogo é determinada por inúmeros fatores e pode ser altamente invasiva, uma vez que a sua abordagem, seja enquanto counselor ou terapeuta, tem impacto na vida dos seus clientes. Além disso, os níveis de satisfação com o trabalho, de stress e de burnout experienciados pelo psicólogo determinam a qualidade do seu desempenho profissional, para além de também terem impacto na sua vida pessoal. Para evitar o surgimento de problemas em qualquer uma das vertentes e manter a qualidade dos serviços prestados, é importante que o técnico e seus colegas prestem atenção a sinais que possam indicar o comprometimento da saúde mental. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar, mediante uma abordagem transversal, descritiva e correlacional de caráter quantitativo, a relação entre a prática e os níveis de satisfação com o trabalho, stress e burnout dos psicólogos que desempenham funções em contexto escolar. Para o efeito, foi construído um questionário demográfico e de práticas psicológicas, o qual foi aplicado, em conjunto com a Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985; Simões, 1992, in Nunes, 2009), o Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral S20/23 (Meliá & Peiró, 1989; Ferreira, Fernandes, Santos, & Peiró, 2010a, 2010b), o Questionário de Stress nos Profissionais de Saúde (Gomes, 2010) e o Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (Maslach et al., 1996; Marques-Pinto, 2009), a um total de 211 participantes. Os resultados obtidos indicam que não existem relações suficientemente significativas entre a prática e os níveis de satisfação com a vida e com o trabalho, stress e burnout dos psicólogos escolares, mas são úteis para a compreensão do estado de saúde mental destes técnicosA psychologist’s professional practice is determined by several factors and its interaction can become too invasive, since his approach, whether as a counselor or a therapist, has an impact on the lives of his clients. In addition, the levels of job satisfaction, stress and burnout, experienced by the psychologist, determines the quality of his performance as a professional, and moreover it has impact on his own personal life. Hence, owing to avoid the appearance of this kinds of problems, in any of these strands, and furthermore maintain the quality of the services provided for the benefit of all, it is important that the technician and his colleagues pay attention to the symptoms that can appear as an indicator of mental health impairment. This study aims to analyze, through a transversal, descriptive and correlational approach of quantitative character, the relationship between practice and levels of job satisfaction, stress and burnout of psychologists who work in a school context. For this purpose, a demographic and psychological practices questionnaire was applied, together with Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985; Simões, 1992, in Nunes, 2009), Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral S20/23 (Meliá & Peiró, 1989; Ferreira, Fernandes, Santos, & Peiró, 2010a, 2010b), Questionário de Stress nos Profissionais de Saúde (Gomes, 2010) and Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (Maslach et al., 1996; Marques-Pinto, 2009), 211 participants overall. The results suggest that there are no sufficiently significant relationships between practice and levels of life satisfaction and job satisfaction, stress and burnout of school psychologists, but they are useful for understanding their mental health status

    A aplicação da realidade Aumentada no comércio eletrónico no processo de decisão de compra

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    Versão Final (Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri)A Realidade Aumentada (RA) pode ser a solução para ultrapassar obstáculos que ocorrem no momento da aquisição online. A finalidade da presente investigação consiste em analisar se o comportamento do consumidor é influenciável na presença da Realidade Aumentada no contexto de comércio electronico. Para o efeito, foi criada uma marca para o mercado do Turismo Sustentável, intitulada Turn The House e foi elaborado uma aplicação fictícia móvel de uma loja online com recurso a tecnologia RA. O modelo de investigação desenvolvido foi fundamentado em inúmeros noções e teorias que aperfeiçoam, influenciam e elucidam a avaliações do produto e intenção de compra de potenciais clientes. Dentro dessas estruturas, incluem os diferentes construtos de satisfação, informação do consumidor, atitudes da marca, utilidade, avaliação do produto, vantagem da aplicação, atributos da tecnologia utilizada e a sua influência na intenção de compra serão elucidadas e exposto com o objetivo de desenvolver um modelo de pesquisa. No qual este modelo irá responder a questão de pesquisa. O instrumento utilizado consiste num questionário, aplicado online através Google Forms, na qual resultaram em questionários válidos. Da análise dos resultados obtidos conclui-se que a RA é considerada como sendo uma aliada para o processo de decisão de compra dos inquiridos, motivando-os assim, para a intenção de compra. Através desta tecnologia, os indivíduos conseguem obter com maior eficácia a informação essencial acerca do produto. Consideram esta inovação como sinónimo de prazer, útil e fácil de utilizar, como também conseguem através dela eliminar possíveis riscos percebidos durante a experiência online. Por último, os indivíduos confirmam que a RA é uma vantagem para Aplicação Móvel(app), comparando-a como sendo impulsionadora de interatividade para a app, tornando-a muito mais apelativa e real, proporcionando assim, numa relação mais benéfica para ambas partes, empresa e consumidor.Augmented Reality (AR) can be the solution to overcome obstacles that occur when purchasing online. The purpose of this investigation is to analyze whether consumer behavior is influenced by the presence of Augmented Reality in the context of electronic commerce. For this purpose, a brand was created for the sustainable tourism market called ‘Turn The House’ and a fictitious mobile application for an online store was created using RA technology. The research model developed was based on innumerable notions and theories that improve, influence, and elucidate the product evaluations and purchase intention of potential customers. Within these structures, they include the different satisfaction constructs, consumer information, brand attitudes, utility, product evaluation, application advantage, attributes of the technology used and their influence on the purchase intention will be elucidated and exposed with the aim of developing a research model. In which this model will answer the research question. The instrument used consists of a questionnaire, applied online through Google Forms, which resulted in valid questionnaires. From the analysis of the results obtained, it can be concluded that AR is an ally for the purchase decision process of the respondents, thus motivating them towards the intention of purchase. Through this technology, individuals can obtain essential information about the product more effectively. They consider this innovation as a synonym for pleasure, useful and easy to use, as well as through it they eliminate possible risks perceived during the online experience. Finally, individuals confirm that AR is an advantage for mobile application (app), comparing it as driving interactivity for the app, making it much more appealing and real, thus providing a more beneficial relationship for both parties, company, and consumer

    The pharmacological effect of hemin in inflammatory-related diseases: protocol for a systematic review

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    Background: Hemin is a commonly used drug in the treatment of acute attacks of porphyria, due to its capability of restoring normal levels of hemoproteins and respiratory pigments. In addition, this drug has demonstrated the capacity to induce the heme oxygenase (HO) enzyme. At the moment, there are 3 known HO isoenzymes in mammals: HO-1, HO-2, and HO-3. The first of these shows cytoprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. Currently, medicines used in inflammatory disorders have increased toxicity, especially over longer time frames, which highlights the need to investigate new, safer options. Indeed, the current nonclinical evidence demonstrates the potential that hemin has a significant anti-inflammatory effect in several animal models of inflammation-related diseases, such as experimental colitis, without significant side effects. However, the underlying mechanism(s) are still not fully understood. In addition, past nonclinical studies have applied different therapeutic regimens, making it relatively difficult to understand which is optimal. According to the literature, there is a lack of review articles discussing this topic, highlighting the need for a summary and analysis of the available preclinical evidence to elucidate the abovementioned issues. Therefore, a qualitative synthesis of the current evidence is essential for the research and medical communities. Objective: This systematic review aims to summarize and analyze currently available nonclinical data to ascertain the potential anti-inflammatory effect of hemin in animal models. Methods: Throughout the development of this protocol, we followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol. The comprehensive search strategy will be carried out in MEDLINE (PubMed), Web of Science, and Scopus without any filters associated with publication date. Only in vivo, nonclinical studies that evaluated the potential anti-inflammatory effect of hemin will be included. The evaluated outcomes will be the observed clinical signs, inflammatory and other biochemical markers, and macroscopic and microscopic evaluations. To analyze the potential risk of bias, we will use the risk of bias tool developed by the Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory Animal Experimentation (SYRCLE). Results: Currently, it is not possible to disclose any results since the project is still in the initial steps. More specifically, we are currently engaged in the identification of eligible articles through the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The work was initiated in April 2023, and it is expected to be finished at the end of 2023. Conclusions: Concerning the major gap in the literature regarding the underlying mechanism(s) and treatment-related properties, this systematic review will be essential to clearly summarize and critically analyze the nonclinical data available, promoting a clearer vision of the potential anti-inflammatory effect of hemin.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The pharmacological effect of hemin in inflammatory-related diseases: a systematic review

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    The authors from the Health and Technology Research Center gratefully acknowledge the support of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (UIDB/05608/2020 and UIDP/05608/2020).Background: Hemin is clinically used in acute attacks of porphyria; however, recent evidence has also highlighted its capability to stimulate the heme oxygenase enzyme, being associated with cytoprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. Indeed, current preclinical evidence emphasizes the potential anti-inflammatory role of hemin through its use in animal models of disease. Nevertheless, there is no consensus about the underlying mechanism(s) and the most optimal therapeutic regimens. Therefore, this review aims to summarize, analyze, and discuss the current preclinical evidence concerning the pharmacological effect of hemin. Methods: Following the application of the search expression and the retrieval of the articles, only nonclinical studies in vivo written in English were considered, where the potential anti-inflammatory effect of hemin was evaluated. Results: Forty-nine articles were included according to the eligibility criteria established. The results obtained show the preference of using 30 to 50 mg/kg of hemin, administered intraperitoneally, in both acute and chronic contexts. This drug demonstrates significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities considering its capacity for reducing the expression of proinflammatory and oxidative markers. Conclusions: This review highlighted the significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of hemin, providing a clearer vision for the medical community about the use of this drug in several human diseases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The color of school failure : factors associated with academic failure of high-school students

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    Atualmente, o ensino fundamental (EF) está praticamente universalizado no Brasil e as taxas de escolarização bruta e líquida têm aumentado no ensino médio (EM). Apesar dos avanços, os resultados educacionais fornecidos pelos órgãos governamentais demonstram que o desempenho dos alunos, tanto no EF quanto no EM, tem declinado para diferentes subgrupos da população. Particularmente, alguns trabalhos têm evidenciado diferenciais educacionais importantes, segundo sexo e raça. No entanto, os estudos voltados para se entender quais os fatores associados ao desempenho escolar são, em sua maioria, direcionados para o EF. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a relação entre raça/cor, segundo sexo, para os adolescentes matriculados no 2º ano do EM, em escolas da rede estadual de ensino (REE) de nove municípios mineiros integrantes da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (RMBH). Os dados utilizados foram os da Pesquisa Jovem (PJ) e os do Censo Escolar, referentes ao ano de 2009, e foram aplicados modelos multivariados de regressão logística. No geral, os resultados mostraram diferenciais importantes segundo raça/cor e sexo. Os riscos de reprovação no 2º ano do EM foram maiores para aqueles que se autodeclararam como sendo da raça/cor parda, sendo a situação ainda pior para o sexo feminino (OR=2,23) comparada ao sexo masculino (OR=1,66).Currently, elementary/middle school is virtually offered to all children in Brazil, and crude and net schooling rates have increased for high school. Despite the advancements, educational results provided by governmental bodies demonstrate that student academic performance, both in elementary/middle school and in high school, have declined in all different subgroups of the population. Some studies have shown important educational differentials, according to gender and race. However, studies intended to understand which factors associated with school achievement are, in their majority, related to elementary/middle school. In light of this, the purpose of this work is to verify the relationship between race/color, according to gender, to students enrolled in the 11th grade of high school, from the state education system of nine municipalities that are part of the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, capital of the state of Minas Gerais. Data utilized came from Pesquisa Jovem (Youth Research) and from School Census, regarding the year 2009. Logistic regression models were applied. In general, results have shown major differentials according to race/color and gender. Risks of failure at the 10th grade of high school were higher for those who declared themselves as being brown (pardo) and the situation was even worse for the females (OR=2,23) compared to the males (OR=1,66)

    Children with mental deficiency and interpersonal relationships in a community toy library

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    A sociedade contemporânea tem limitado o brincar das crianças sendo que as crianças com deficiência enfrentam, ainda, barreiras psicossociais. Uma brinquedoteca comunitária pode ser um local de enfrentamento das limitações ao brincar. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as relações interpessoais entre crianças com deficiência e crianças sem deficiência num contexto de brinquedoteca comunitária, e como esta pode influenciar essas relações. Observou-se durante 10 encontros um grupo de crianças sendo duas delas com deficiência mental. Utilizou-se como foco de coleta a descrição da situação lúdica que envolvesse a questão da deficiência, utilizando como categorias de coleta: tipo de brincadeira, estilo de interação e seu caráter social. Comparou-se um episódio com outro que envolvessem os mesmos participantes buscando identificar transformação ou não do tipo de interação de caráter social ou agonístico. Identificamos três contextos de interação que se mostraram significativos: de passagem, em brincadeiras paralelas e nas brincadeiras com o outro. As interações de passagem mostraram potencializar mais interações agonísticas, enquanto brincadeiras paralelas, mais interações pró-sociais. As situação de brincadeira de escolinha, de fantasia e jogos potencializaram mais interações pró-sociais, pelos próprios integrantes escolherem as brincadeiras e seus companheiros. As brincadeiras em que todos participavam, embora dessem visibilidade e participação grupal às crianças com deficiência, mostraram maior quantidade de interações agonísticas e pró-sociais. Concluiu-se que as crianças com deficiência conquistaram um lugar.Contemporary society has been limiting the play activity of children. Children with mental deficiency also have to face psychosocial barriers. A community toy library can be a place where it is possible to face limitations while playing. The objective was to describe the interpersonal relationships among children with mental deficiency and children without deficiency in a context of community toy library, pointing out how this context can influence these relationships. Basic procedures were a group of children was observed during ten meetings. In this group, two children had mental deficiency. The description of the play situation that involved the issue of deficiency was used as collection focus. Categories of data collection were: type of game, interaction style and its social character. An episode was compared with another involving the same participants, aiming to identify transformation or not of the type of interaction of social or agonistic character. We identified three significant interaction contexts: passage interactions, interactions in parallel games and interactions in games with another child. It seems that the passage interactions potentialized more agonistic interactions, while the parallel games potentialized more pro-social interactions. Situations of school play, fantasies and games seemed to potentialize more pro-social interactions, because of the fact that the members of the group chose the games and their companions. Although games in which all children participated gave visibility and group participation to children with mental deficiency, they showed a larger amount of agonistic and pro-social interactions. As conclusions, Children with mental deficiency have conquered a place. A place to go, to play, to find children, to transform themselves, their relationships and the relationship of the others

    Ação extensionista de teatro no ensino fundamental: reverberações na formação inicial de professores

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    The text deals with the five-year trajectory of the Project of Extension of Theater Experiences in Schools, linked to the Degree in Theater-Licentiateship, of the Federal University of Pelotas, which develops workshops with children and adolescents in the last years of elementary school, in a public school in a city in the south of Rio Grande do Sul. It presents the social and cultural context of the city and how the university and school partnership came about. The reflections deal with the dynamics of the project, the theatre classes and the methodological choices and strategies, the process of collective creation and aesthetic appreciation, the progress perceived and the challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic brought to the continuation of the actions developed. As theoretical contributions of the work carried out and that support this work we highlight: Boal (2004), Ferreira (2006), Kischimoto (1993), Spolin (2004; 2005).  Finally, we highlight the dialogic interaction between the academic community and society, promoting art and culture in the school space and in the municipality of Pedro Osório. As well as, the importance of extension projects in the initial education of teachers, to enable the experience of knowledge in the daily life of the community, impacting on the learning that takes place in the school as a space for dialogue, experimentation and exchange of knowledge. O texto aborda sobre a trajetória de cinco anos do Projeto de Extensão “Vivências Teatrais em Escolas”, vinculado ao Curso de Teatro-Licenciatura, da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, que desenvolve oficinas de teatro com crianças e adolescentes dos anos finais do ensino fundamental, em uma escola pública de uma cidade do sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Apresenta o contexto social e cultural da cidade e como se deu a parceria universidade e escola. As reflexões tratam sobre a dinâmica do projeto, das aulas de teatro e das escolhas e estratégias metodológicas, do processo de criação coletiva e apreciação estética, dos avanços percebidos e dos desafios que a pandemia de Covid-19 trouxe para a continuação das ações desenvolvidas. Como aportes teóricos do trabalho realizado e que embasam esta escrita destacamos: Boal (2004), Ferreira (2006), Kischimoto (1993), Spolin (2004; 2005).  Ao final, refletimos sobre a interação dialógica entre a comunidade acadêmica e a sociedade, ao fomentar a arte e a cultura no espaço escolar e no município de Pedro Osório. E, a importância de projetos de extensão na formação inicial de professores, ao possibilitar a vivência dos conhecimentos no cotidiano da comunidade, reverberando em aprendizagens que se dão na escola como espaço de diálogo, experimentação e partilha de saberes

    Desde antes do nascimento até muito além da morte: uma análise de conteúdo das dissertações e teses defendidas nos primeiros 25 anos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Demografia do CEDEPLAR/UFMG

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    The main objective of this paper is to do a content analysis of the production of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations of the graduate program in Demography at Cedeplar/UFMG between April 1989 and May 2009. More specifically, the paper aims at (i) verifying how the topics under study change over time; (ii) evaluating the dimensions advisor/co-advisor, geographical coverage, and period under study; and (iii) analyzing when and how aging has been studied. Data come from the Cedeplar webpage. Results suggest that, among the 114 master’s theses, the most frequent topics are migration and spatial mobility and mortality, followed closely by sexual and reproductive behavior and fertility. Among the 70 doctoral dissertations, the mode of the distribution is the topic demographic dynamic and public policies. Regarding time, the topics migration and spatial mobility and mortality are present during the entire period of analysis but other topics such as population, space, and environment, have appeared more recently, along with course offers by visiting faculty and faculty hiring. It is important to stress that the subtopics within migration and mortality change over time and tend to follow the demographic dynamics. Advising is quite spread among all professors. Geographic coverage range from local to national (Brasil and other countries) and the period under study varies.Demography, graduate program, content analysis, Cedeplar, thesis, dissertation, Brazil

    Desafios e oportunidades de repensar o processo de trabalho em Vigilância Sanitária: um relato de experiência

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    Introduction: This is an experience report based on the learning process at work as a tool to overcome difficulties experienced by health surveillance workers. Objective: To list the challenges and possibilities for improving health surveillance actions, based  on a critical reflection of the work process itself. Method: The report was prepared  from records and observations of debates conducted at meetings held between workers. Results: The group meetings created a dialogical space within the daily workspace,  allowing enriching discussions about the health surveillance work processes. Conclusions: The dialogue spaces enabled a critical reflection of the work process and made health surveillance workers able to recognize the challenges and propose alternatives for their own professional performance.Introdução: Trata-se de um relato de experiência pautado no processo de aprendizagem no trabalho como ferramenta para superação de dificuldades vivenciadas por trabalhadores da área de vigilância sanitária. Objetivo: Elencar os desafios e as possibilidades para o aprimoramento das ações de vigilância sanitária, a partir da  reflexão crítica do próprio processo de trabalho. Método: O relato foi elaborado a  partir de registros e observações de debates realizados em reuniões realizadas entre os trabalhadores. Resultados: As reuniões em grupo criaram um espaço dialógico dentro do espaço cotidiano de trabalho permitindo discussões enriquecedoras sobre os processos de trabalho em vigilância sanitária. Conclusões: Os espaços de diálogos possibilitaram uma reflexão crítica do processo de trabalho e fizeram com que os trabalhadores de vigilância sanitária fossem capazes de reconhecer os desafios e propor alternativas para a sua própria atuação profissional