1,468 research outputs found

    Prayer, Sacrifice, and Service: Themes in the Mormon Folk Narrative Tradition

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    The purpose of this study was to increase understanding of the Mormon folk group. Specifically, I aimed to analyze the Mormon folk narratives that center on three core values of Mormonism: prayer, sacrifice, and service. This project was an introductory approach, pointing the field of Mormon folk studies toward the study of these three narrative types. As these themes are central to Mormonism, my purpose was to offer more insight and understanding about Latter-day Saints. Looking at these stories, I examined the ways in which Latter-day Saints believe and practice the doctrinal principles that undergird these themes. Furthermore, I discussed the manner in which and the purposes for which Latter-day Saints share these narratives. I analyzed each of the three narrative types in terms of their history, context, structure and patterns, performance qualities and functions, and meaning. This study examined narratives that I collected from various places in Utah. The stories that I collected through interviews formed the foundation of my study. Additionally, I obtained stories by observing storytelling events and conversing interpersonally and in small groups with Latter-day Saints. In order to obtain a larger sampling, I collected some stories from LDS published works. I ended up compiling at least thirty stories for each narrative type. The results of the study included a greater understanding of how prayer, sacrifice, and service operate in Latter-day Saint life. Answered-prayer narratives were found to be a critical aspect of Mormon supernatural belief, as Latter-day Saints seek to involve God in everyday life. Narratives of sacrifice revealed the various ways in which Mormons seek to give up valued activities and interests in order to draw closer to God. Furthermore, service narratives exposed how Latter-day Saints commit themselves to service upon joining the Church and subsequently participate in a multitude of various service opportunities. My analysis of these three narrative types demonstrated essential aspects of what it means to be Mormon

    A light-fronts approach to electron-positron pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We perform a gauge-transformation on the time-dependent Dirac equation describing the evolution of an electron in a heavy-ion collision to remove the explicit dependence on the long-range part of the interaction. We solve, in an ultra-relativistic limit, the gauged-transformed Dirac equation using light-front variables and a light-fronts representation, obtaining non-perturbative results for the free pair-creation amplitudes in the collider frame. Our result reproduces the result of second-order perturbation theory in the small charge limit while non-perturbative effects arise for realistic charges of the ions.Comment: 39 pages, Revtex, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Ambrein: a minor, but common constituent of mammalian faeces?

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    For nearly 200 years, the only natural source of the alcohol ambrein has been coproliths produced in about 1% of sperm whales and in related jetsam. However, the finding of ambrein in adipocere/faeces of human corpses, led us to hypothesise that ambrein might occur in the faeces of other mammals. Herein, we used a recently developed gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method, with suitable derivatisation of the hindered hydroxy group of ambrein, to screen a number of extracts of mammalian faeces. Minor proportions of ambrein were detected in digested human sewage sludge and in the dung of elephant, domestic cattle, giraffe and buffalo. Whether ambrein formation in the terrestrial species is associated with coprolith formation, is unknown, but solid deposits known as enteroliths and fecaliths occur in humans and some domestic animals

    The impact of trade costs on rare earth exports : a stochastic frontier estimation approach.

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    The study develops a novel stochastic frontier modeling approach to the gravity equation for rare earth element (REE) trade between China and its trading partners between 2001 and 2009. The novelty lies in differentiating betweenbehind the border' trade costs by China and theimplicit beyond the border costs' of China's trading partners. Results indicate that the significance level of the independent variables change dramatically over the time period. While geographical distance matters for trade flows in both periods, the effect of income on trade flows is significantly attenuated, possibly capturing the negative effects of financial crises in the developed world. Second, the total export losses due tobehind the border' trade costs almost tripled over the time period. Finally, looking atimplicit beyond the border' trade costs, results show China gaining in some markets, although it is likely that some countries are substituting away from Chinese REE exports

    Establishing the origin of aromatic products from vascular and non-vascular vegetation inputs in surficial peats using 13C-labelled tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) thermochemolysis

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    Six cambic stagnohumic gley soil profiles located on marginal peatland between a gymnosperm plantation (Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.)) and heather grassland in Wark Forest (northeast England), were analysed using 13C labelled tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) thermochemolysis to yield methylated phenolic and oxygenated aromatic products. The identification of aromatic compounds derived from the thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (THM) of vascular plant, Sphagnum and non-Sphagnum spp. allowed changes in vegetation both within the top 50 cm of peat (surficial peat) and across the site to be explored. Four sphagnum acid pyrolysis products reflected the presence of Sphagnum spp.; lignin phenols reflected the presence of vascular inputs; whilst 3,4-dimethoxybenzenepropanoic acid methyl ester reflected the presence of the non-Sphagnum moss Polytrichum commune. 210Pb dating of the surficial peat suggests that a historic change in vegetation identified by the changes in aromatic compound distribution with depth, coincide with the adjacent plantation of coniferous woodland. The peat closest to the plantation has seen a shift from grass dominated vegetation, to a species diverse vegetation cover, including Sphagnum spp. and vascular vegetation. These results suggest that Sphagnum spp. are able to survive not only perturbing environmental conditions, but are also able to establish themselves amongst non-Sphagnum species. This study demonstrates the ability of 13C-TMAH THM to be utilised as a screening method for the rapid characterisation of aromatic biomacromolecules in peat to identify key historic and current vegetation inputs. This technique in combination with peat dating helps identify the degradation patterns of these inputs and associated carbon dynamics, providing information on the resilience of current peat deposits to climate change and changing peat conditions

    Strong suppression of Coulomb corrections to the cross section of e+e- pair production in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions

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    The Coulomb corrections to the cross section of e+ee^+e^- pair production in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions are calculated in the next-to-leading approximation with respect to the parameter L=lnγAγBL=\ln \gamma_A\gamma_B (γA,B\gamma_{A,B} are the Lorentz factors of colliding nuclei). We found considerable reduction of the Coulomb corrections even for large γAγB\gamma_A\gamma_B due to the suppression of the production of e+ee^+e^- pair with the total energy of the order of a few electron masses in the rest frame of one of the nuclei. Our result explains why the deviation from the Born result were not observed in the experiment at SPS.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Photonuclear fission with quasimonoenergetic electron beams from laser wakefields

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    Recent advancements in laser wakefield accelerators have resulted in the generation of low divergence, hundred MeV, quasimonoenergetic electron beams. The bremsstrahlung produced by these highly energetic electrons in heavy converters includes a large number of MeV γγ rays that have been utilized to induce photofission in natural uranium. Analysis of the measured delayed γγ emission demonstrates production of greater than 3×1053×105 fission events per joule of laser energy, which is more than an order of magnitude greater than that previously achieved. Monte Carlo simulations model the generated bremsstrahlung spectrum and compare photofission yields as a function of target depth and incident electron energy.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87815/2/231107_1.pd

    Relative sea-level change in Connecticut (USA) during the last 2200 yrs

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    We produced a relative sea-level (RSL) reconstruction from Connecticut (USA) spanning the last ∼2200 yrs that is free from the influence of sediment compaction. The reconstruction used a suite of vertically- and laterally-ordered sediment samples ≤2 cm above bedrock that were collected by excavating a trench along an evenly-sloped bedrock surface. Paleomarsh elevation was reconstructed using a regional-scale transfer function trained on the modern distribution of foraminifera on Long Island Sound salt marshes and supported by bulk-sediment δ13C measurements. The history of sediment accumulation was estimated using an age-elevation model constrained by radiocarbon dates and recognition of pollution horizons of known age. The RSL reconstruction was combined with regional tide-gauge measurements spanning the last ∼150 yrs before being quantitatively analyzed using an error-in-variables integrated Gaussian process model to identify sea-level trends with formal and appropriate treatment of uncertainty and the temporal distribution of data. RSL rise was stable (∼1 mm/yr) from ∼200 BCE to ∼1000 CE, slowed to a minimum rate of rise (0.41 mm/yr) at ∼1400 CE, and then accelerated continuously to reach a current rate of 3.2 mm/yr, which is the fastest, century-scale rate of the last 2200 yrs. Change point analysis identified that modern rates of rise in Connecticut began at 1850–1886 CE. This timing is synchronous with changes recorded at other sites on the U.S. Atlantic coast and is likely the local expression of a global sea-level change. Earlier sea-level trends show coherence north of Cape Hatteras that are contrasted with southern sites. This pattern may represent centennial-scale variability in the position and/or strength of the Gulf Stream. Comparison of the new record to three existing and reanalyzed RSL reconstructions from the same site developed using sediment cores indicates that compaction is unlikely to significantly distort RSL reconstructions produced from shallow (∼2–3 m thick) sequences of salt-marsh peat

    Ionization in fast atom-atom collisions: The influence and scaling behavior of electron-electron and electron-nucleus interactions

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    We report cross sections for ionization of He coincident with electron loss from He, Li, C, O, and Ne projectiles. For He, Li, C, and O projectiles, the cross sections were measured directly, while the Ne cross sections were obtained by transforming results for He projectiles colliding with Ne. We find that, at energies of about 100–500 keV/u, neutral projectiles can ionize a He target almost as effectively as a charged projectile. The contribution to ionization due to electron-electron interactions is found to scale with the number of available projectile electrons. Comparing ionization by the bound electrons on projectiles to ionization by free electrons, we find that the cross sections for ionization by bound electrons are systematically smaller than those for free electrons

    Modern foraminifera, δ\u3csup\u3e13\u3c/sup\u3eC, and bulk geochemistry of central Oregon tidal marshes and their application in paleoseismology

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    We assessed the utility of δ13C and bulk geochemistry (total organic content and C:N) to reconstruct relative sea-level changes on the Cascadia subduction zone through comparison with an established sea-level indicator (benthic foraminifera). Four modern transects collected from three tidal environments at Siletz Bay, Oregon, USA, produced three elevation-dependent groups in both the foraminiferal and δ13C/bulk geochemistry datasets. Foraminiferal samples from the tidal flat and low marsh are identified by Miliammina fusca abundances of \u3e 45%, middle and high marsh by M. fusca abundances of \u3c 45% and the highest marsh by Trochamminita irregularis abundances \u3e 25%. The δ13C values from the groups defined with δ13C/bulk geochemistry analyses decrease with an increasing elevation; − 24.1 ± 1.7‰ in the tidal flat and low marsh; − 27.3 ± 1.4‰ in the middle and high marsh; and − 29.6 ± 0.8‰ in the highest marsh samples. We applied the modern foraminiferal and δ13C distributions to a core that contained a stratigraphic contact marking the great Cascadia earthquake of AD 1700. Both techniques gave similar values for coseismic subsidence across the contact (0.88 ± 0.39 m and 0.71 ± 0.56 m) suggesting that δ13C has potential for identifying amounts of relative sea-level change due to tectonics