137 research outputs found

    Vortices and turbulence in trapped atomic condensates

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    After over a decade of experiments generating and studying the physics of quantized vortices in atomic gas Bose-Einstein condensates, research is beginning to focus on the roles of vortices in quantum turbulence, as well as other measures of quantum turbulence in atomic condensates. Such research directions have the potential to uncover new insights into quantum turbulence, vortices and superfluidity, and also explore the similarities and differences between quantum and classical turbulence in entirely new settings. Here we present a critical assessment of theoretical and experimental studies in this emerging field of quantum turbulence in atomic condensates

    Análogo mecânico para a condutividade elétrica dos metais : efeitos da temperatura

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    Electrical conductivity is one of the most important concepts within aspects of modern physics with a great extension to materials science. It is responsible for most applications of metallic and semiconductor materials. The understanding of microscopic models that reproduce certain characteristics is an important step towards the understanding of materials. In this work we continue to use a system that constitutes a mechanical analogue to understand how the limitations of electrical conductivity of metals occur. Using this model we investigated the effect of temperature on conductivity. The model presented here is quite instructive and lends itself very well to demonstrations in the classroom or even for carrying out laboratory practices in undergraduate courses or teaching practices in Physics in High School

    Simple analysis of off-axis solenoid fields using the scalar magnetostatic potential: application to a Zeeman-slower for cold atoms

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    In a region free of currents, magnetostatics can be described by the Laplace equation of a scalar magnetic potential, and one can apply the same methods commonly used in electrostatics. Here we show how to calculate the general vector field inside a real (finite) solenoid, using only the magnitude of the field along the symmetry axis. Our method does not require integration or knowledge of the current distribution, and is presented through practical examples, including a non-uniform finite solenoid used to produce cold atomic beams via laser cooling. These examples allow educators to discuss the non-trivial calculation of fields off-axis using concepts familiar to most students, while offering the opportunity to introduce important advancements of current modern research.Comment: 6 pages. Accepted in the American Journal of Physic

    Bose-Einstein Condensation on Curved Manifolds

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    Here we describe a weakly interacting Bose gas on a curved manifold, which is embedded in the three-dimensional Euclidean space.~To this end we start by considering a harmonic trap in the normal direction of the manifold, which confines the three-dimensional Bose gas in the vicinity of its surface.~Following the notion of dimensional reduction as outlined in [L.~Salasnich et al., Phys.~Rev.~A {\bf 65}, 043614 (2002)], we assume a large enough trap frequency so that the normal degree of freedom of the condensate wave function can be approximately integrated out. In this way we obtain an effective condensate wave function on the quasi-two-dimensional surface of the curved manifold, where the thickness of the cloud is determined self-consistently. For the particular case when the manifold is a sphere, our equilibrium results show how the chemical potential and the thickness of the cloud increase with the interaction strength.~Furthermore, we determine within a linear stability analysis the low-lying collective excitations together with their eigenfrequencies, which turn out to reveal an instability for attractive interactions.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

    Intra-scales energy transfer during the evolution of turbulence in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate

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    In turbulence phenomena, including the quantum turbulence in superfluids, an energy flux flows from large to small length scales, composing a cascade of energy. A universal characteristic of turbulent flows is the existence of a range of scales where the energy flux is scale-invariant: this interval of scales is often referred to as inertial region. This property is fundamental as, for instance, in turbulence of classical fluids it characterizes the behavior of statistical features such as spectra and structure functions. Here we show that also in decaying quantum turbulence generated in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), intervals of momentum space where the energy flux is constant can be identified. Indeed, we present a procedure to measure the energy flux using both the energy spectrum and the continuity equation. A range of scales where the flux is constant is then determined employing two distinct protocols and in the same range, the momentum distribution measured is consistent with previous work. The successful identification of a region with constant flux in turbulent BECs is a manifestation of the universal character of turbulence in these quantum systems. These measurements pave the way for studies of energy conservation and dissipation in trapped atomic superfluids, and also analogies with the related processes that take place in ordinary fluids.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Entropy of a Turbulent Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    Quantum turbulence deals with the phenomenon of turbulence in quantum fluids, such as superfluid helium and trapped Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Although much progress has been made in understanding quantum turbulence, several fundamental questions remain to be answered. In this work, we investigated the entropy of a trapped BEC in several regimes, including equilibrium, small excitations, the onset of turbulence, and a turbulent state. We considered the time evolution when the system is perturbed and let to evolve after the external excitation is turned off. We derived an expression for the entropy consistent with the accessible experimental data, that is, using the assumption that the momentum distribution is well-known. We related the excitation amplitude to different stages of the perturbed system, and we found distinct features of the entropy in each of them. In particular, we observed a sudden increase in the entropy following the establishment of a particle cascade. We argue that entropy and related quantities can be used to investigate and characterize quantum turbulence.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure