678 research outputs found

    Supporting development and management of smart office applications: a DYAMAND case study

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    To realize the Internet of Things (IoT) vision, tools are needed to ease the development and deployment of practical applications. Several standard bodies, companies, and ad-hoc consortia are proposing their own solution for inter-device communication. In this context, DYnamic, Adaptive MAnagement of Networks and Devices (DYAMAND) was presented in a previous publication to solve the interoperability issues introduced by the multitude of available technologies. In this paper a DYAMAND case study is presented: in cooperation with a large company, a monitoring application was developed for flexible office spaces in order to reliably reorganize an office environment and give real-time feedback on the usage of meeting rooms. Three wireless sensor technologies were investigated to be used in the pilot. The solution was deployed in a "friendly user" setting at a research institute (iMinds) prior to deployment at the large company's premises. Based on the findings of both installations, requirements for an application platform supporting development and management of smart (office) applications were listed. DYAMAND was used as the basis of the implementation. Although the local management of networked devices as provided by DYAMAND enables easier development of intelligent applications, a number of remote services discussed in this paper are needed to enable reliable and up-to-date support (of new technologies)

    Afterword: Could a Merger Lead to Both a Monopoly and a Lower Price?

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    This article demonstrates that significant net efficiencies from a merger could cause prices to decrease, even if the merger results in a monopoly. The article also shows that a price focus would require substantially more efficiencies to justify an otherwise anticompetitive merger than would an efficiency focus (in other words, it re-does the Williamsonian merger tradeoff, using price to consumers instead of net efficiencies as its focus). We demonstrate this by calculating how large the necessary efficiency gains would have to be to prevent price increases under different market conditions

    Long path monitoring of tropospheric O3, NO2, H2CO and SO2

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    Concentrations of tropospheric O3, NO2, H2CO, and SO2 have been measured on the Campus of the 'Universite Libre de Bruxelles' on a routine basis since October 1990. The long path system consists of a source lamp, a first 30 cm f/8 Cassegrain type telescope which collimates the light onto a slightly parabolic mirror placed on the roof of a building situated 394 m away from the laboratory. The light is sent back into a second 30 cm Cassegrain telescope. This telescope has been modified so that the output beam is a 5 cm diameter parallel beam. This beam is then focused onto the entrance aperture of the BRUKER IFS120HR fourier transform spectrometer. The two telescopes are mounted on alignment devices and the external mirror is equipped with a driving system operated from the laboratory. The choice of the light source (either a 1000 W high pressure 'ozone free' xenon lamp or a 250 W tungsten filament) and of the detector (either a solar blind UV-diode or a silicon diode) depended on the spectral region studied. These regions lie respectively from 26,000 cm(exp -1) to 30,000 cm(exp -1) (260-380 nm) and from 14,000 cm(exp -1) to 30,000 cm(exp -1) (330-700 nm). The spectra have been recorded at the resolution of 16 cm(exp -1) and with a dispersion of 7.7 cm(exp -1). They have been measured during the forward and the backward movements of the mobile mirror, in double sided mode; each spectrum is an average of 2000 scans. The time required to record a spectrum is about 45 minutes. The shape of the raw spectra in the two investigated regions are represented

    Participation of women scientists in ESA solar system missions: A historical trend

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    We analyzed the participation of women scientists in 10 ESA (European Space Agency) Solar System missions over a period of 38 years. Being part of a spacecraft mission science team can be considered a proxy to measure the "success"in the field. Participation of women in PI (Principal Investigators) teams varied between 4% and 25 %, with several missions with no women as PI. The percentage of female scientists as Co-I (Co-Investigators) is always less than 16 %. This number is lower than the percentage of women in the International Astronomical Union from all ESA's Member State (24 %), which can give us an indication of the percentage of women in the field. We encountered many difficulties to gather the data for this study. The list of team members were not always easily accessible. An additional difficulty was to determine the percentage of female scientists in planetary science in Europe. We would like to encourage the planetary community as a whole, as well as international organizations, universities and societies to continuously gather statistics over many years. Detailed statistics are only the first step to closely monitor the development of achievement gaps and initiate measures to tackle potential causes of inequity, leading to gender inequalities in STEM careers

    Cow responses and evolution of the rumen bacterial and methanogen community following a complete rumen content transfer

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    Understanding the rumen microbial ecosystem requires the identification of factors that influence the community structure, such as nutrition, physiological condition of the host and host-microbiome interactions. The objective of the current study was to describe the rumen microbial communities before, during and after a complete rumen content transfer. The rumen contents of one donor cow were removed completely and used as inoculum for the emptied rumen of the donor itself and three acceptor cows under identical physiological and nutritional conditions. Temporal changes in microbiome composition and rumen function were analysed for each of four cows over a period of 6 weeks. Shortly after transfer, the cows showed different responses to perturbation of their rumen content. Feed intake depression in the first 2 weeks after transfer resulted in short-term changes in milk production, methane emission, fatty acid composition and rumen bacterial community composition. These effects were more pronounced in two cows, whose microbiome composition showed reduced diversity. The fermentation metrics and microbiome diversity of the other two cows were not affected. Their rumen bacterial community initially resembled the composition of the donor but evolved to a new community profile that resembled neither the donor nor their original composition. Descriptive data presented in the current paper show that the rumen bacterial community composition can quickly recover from a reduction in microbiome diversity after a severe perturbation. In contrast to the bacteria, methanogenic communities were more stable over time and unaffected by stress or host effects

    Visceral artery aneurysm

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    Background: A 36-year-old female patient with no relevant clinical history was referred to the gastroenterology department for chronic epigastric pain. Blood analysis and gastroscopy were normal. Subsequently, abdominal ultrasonography and CT scan of the abdomen were made

    Water vapour line assignments in the 9250-26 000 cm (-1) frequency range

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    Line parameters for water vapour in natural abundance have recently been determined for the 9250-13 000 cm(-1) region [M.-F. Wrienne, A. Jenouvrier, C. Hermans, A.C. Vandaele, M. Carleer, C. Clerbaux, P.-F. Coheur, R. Colin, S. Fally, M. Bach, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 82 (2003) 99] and the 13 000-26 000 cm(-1) region [P.-F. Coheur, S. Fally, M. Carleer, C. Clerbaux, R. Colin, A. Jenouvrier, M.-F. Wrienne, C. Hermans, A.C. Vandaele, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radial. Transfer 74 (2002) 493] using a high-resolution Fourier-transform spectrometer with a long-path absorption cell. These spectra are analysed using several techniques including variational line lists and assignments made. In total, over 15 000 lines were assigned to transitions involving more than 150 exited vibrational states of (H2O)-O-16. Twelve new vibrational band origins are determined and estimates for a further 16 are presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Cell arrest and cell death in mammalian preimplantation development

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    The causes, modes, biological role and prospective significance of cell death in preimplantation development in humans and other mammals are still poorly understood. Early bovine embryos represent a very attractive experimental model for the investigation of this fundamental and important issue. To obtain reference data on the temporal and spatial occurrence of cell death in early bovine embryogenesis, three-dimensionally preserved embryos of different ages and stages of development up to hatched blastocysts were examined in toto by confocal laser scanning microscopy. In parallel, transcript abundance profiles for selected apoptosis-related genes were analyzed by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Our study documents that in vitro as well as in vivo, the first four cleavage cycles are prone to a high failure rate including different types of permanent cell cycle arrest and subsequent non-apoptotic blastomere death. In vitro produced and in vivo derived blastocysts showed a significant incidence of cell death in the inner cell mass (ICM), but only in part with morphological features of apoptosis. Importantly, transcripts for CASP3, CASP9, CASP8 and FAS/FASLG were not detectable or found at very low abundances. In vitro and in vivo, errors and failures of the first and the next three cleavage divisions frequently cause immediate embryo death or lead to aberrant subsequent development, and are the main source of developmental heterogeneity. A substantial occurrence of cell death in the ICM even in fast developing blastocysts strongly suggests a regular developmentally controlled elimination of cells, while the nature and mechanisms of ICM cell death are unclear. Morphological findings as well as transcript levels measured for important apoptosis-related genes are in conflict with the view that classical caspase-mediated apoptosis is the major cause of cell death in early bovine development
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