187 research outputs found

    Human Resource Development

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    Van der Klink, M. (2010). Human Resource Development. In F. Kluijtmans (Ed.), Leerboek HRM (pp. 311-338). Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers.This chapter is an introduction on Learning & Training in Labour organizations. This chapter is provided ass full text in the book Leerboek HRM

    Structured On-the-Job Training:Pre-design Analysis Activities

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    Zelfsturing gaat niet vanzelf. Onderzoek naar sturingsactiviteiten Pabo-studenten en lerarenopleiders

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    Bolks, T., & Van der Klink, M. (2011). Zelfsturing gaat niet vanzelf. Onderzoek naar sturingsactiviteiten Pabo-studenten en lerarenopleiders. Velon Tijdschrift, 32(4), 4-11.In dit artikel wordt verslag gedaan van een onderzoek onder eerstejaars studenten van de PABO. Het betrof onderzoek naar de mate waarin zij in het kader van hun stage in staat zijn hun eigen leervragen te sturen. Data is verzameld bij studenten en hun begeleiders door middel van een vragenlijst, observaties en een focus groep discussi

    Encouraging teachers to become research-active

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    De Bie, M., & Van der Klink, M. (2010). Encouraging teachers to become research-active. Paper presented at the ATEE conference. August, 28, 2010, Budapest, Hungary.This paper discusses the evaluation of trajectories for teachers involved in teacher researc

    Economics and business administration post-graduates in transition from university to work: Labor market success factors

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    Bijker, M. M., Van der Klink, M. R., & Boshuizen, H. P. A. (2012, 13-17 April). Economics and business administration post-graduates in transition from university to work: Labor market success factors. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.Due to rapid economic changes employers require more versatile competences from post-graduates in economics and business administration. The goal of the current study was to develop generalizable measures for self-reported competences in labor market surveys, and to investigate their predictive validity. The sample consisted of more than 4000 Dutch post-graduates in economics and business administration. The Rasch rating scale model indicated that self-reported acquired competences and self-reported required competences are two different constructs. Employers (as reported by the alumni) prioritize competences in different ways than education programs. Regressions revealed that specifically alumni’s self-reported required competences and GPA were powerful positive predictors of labor market success, whereas the self-reported acquired competences were negative or neutral predictors

    All by myself. Research into employees' informal learning experiences

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    Van der Klink, M., Boon, J., & Schlusmans, K. (2012). All by myself. Research into employees' informal learning experiences. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 12(1/2), 77-91.This article reports the findings of 24 interviews with academic employees on their informal learning at work. The article concludes with some critical remarks on the value of informal learning from the perspective of lifelong learnin
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