2,511 research outputs found

    Rechtvaardigheid in alarmerende omstandigheden

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    In this paper, I propose an alarm-system model of the justice judgment process. Specifically, I argue that the process by which justice judgments are formed may be influenced reliably by the activation of psychological systems that people use to detect and handle alarming situations. Building on this analysis, I predict that if this line of reasoning is true then presenting (vs. not presenting) alarm-related stimuli to people should lead to more extreme judgments about subsequent justice-related events than not presenting these alarming stimuli. Findings from different studies are reviewed that support this prediction. In particular, the findings indicate that after the presentation of alarming stimuli, people are strongly influenced by fair (as opposed to unfair) events, suggesting that under alarming conditions people are in need for fair treatment. In closing, I discuss the implications the model may have for both scientists and practitioners interested in the justice judgment process

    Uncertainty management: The influence of uncertainty salience on reactions to percieved procedural fairness

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    We blame innocent victims more than I do: Self-construal level moderates responses to just world threats

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    This study investigated the impact of self-construal levels on people's tendency to blame innocent victims for the victims' fates. The authors hypothesized that when the belief in a just world is threatened, social self-construal is associated with more victim blaming than individual self-construal is. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants were primed with either the individual self (with the word I) or the social self (with the word we). Results indeed showed that when threats to just-world beliefs were high, social self-activation produced more victim blaming than individual self-activation did. This effect was not found when just-world threats were low. Extending on these findings, Experiment 3 revealed that, following a just-world threat, an independent self-construal measure was negatively related to victim blaming, and an interdependent self-construal measure was positively related to victim blaming. It is concluded that self-construal levels are important to understanding the justice motive. © 2009 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc

    We zijn druk, druk, druk : Wat blijft er over van rechtvaardigheid?

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    In today’s busy society, people have less and less time. In the current paper we argue that busy people are more influenced by egocentric issues than by issues that are justice related. Several social psychological experiments support this suggestion. Furthermore, we discuss in this paper the mechanism that may explain people’s reactions to being overpaid. We suggest a two-phase model of reactions to the conflict between justice and egoism. Specifically, we propose that when people are better paid than comparable other persons, judging the advantage of receiving an advantageous outcome is quick and easy as preferences are primary. We further propose that adjusting this appraisal requires cognitive resources as it entails integrating fairness concerns with the initial preference appraisal

    Гуманізуючий потенціал дистанційного навчання у контексті демократизації мовної освіти

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    У статті розглядається питання гуманізації мовної освіти за допомогою дистанційного навчання. Зроблено висновок про те, що слід активно використовувати сучасні інформаційні технології для гуманізації і демократизації сфери освіти.В статье рассмотрен вопрос гуманизации языкового образования с помощью дистанционного обучения. Сделан вывод о том, что следует активно использовать современные информационные технологии для гуманизации и демократизации сферы образования.The question of humanization of language education through distant teaching is considered. It is concluded that modern information technologies should be actively used for humanization and democratization of the educational sphere