317 research outputs found

    Recurrent bacteremia by Chtyseobacterium indologenes in an oncology patient with a totally implanted intravascular device

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    Chryseohaderium indologenes was isolated from the blood cultures of an oncological patient with a totally implantable device. Because a catheter-related infection was suspected, the Port-A-Cath® was removed after a 10-day course of piperacillin–tazobactam. Differences in susceptibility may exist if either the criteria for either Pseudomonas or Enterobaderiaceae are used

    Colonisation of Clostridium in the body is restricted to hypoxic and necrotic areas of tumours

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    The use of gene therapy is one of the most recent molecular strategies for the treatment of cancer. It is essential, however, to have an efficient transfer system by which the desired gene can be delivered to the correct environment. The experiments described in this report investigate apathogenic Clostridium as a possible vector to transfer a specific gene product into the extracellular microenvironment of the tumour which is hypoxic/necrotic in parts, using WAG/Rij rats with transplantable rhabdomyosarcomas as a model. Our data show that Clostridium, after systemic administration of at least 10(7) spores, specifically colonises the hypoxic/necrotic areas of our tumour model, the most efficient species being C. acetobutylicum (NI-4082) and C. oncolyticum. Although spores were also detected in normal tissues for up to 4 weeks, they did not germinate in these tissues. We conclude that it seems likely that these bacteria can be used as a selective transfer system into the extracellular environment of tumours which have hypoxic regions. This strategy would be more tumour-specific than various other strategies that are currently being investigated in anti-cancer gene therapy. (C) 1998 Academic Press.</p

    A simple concept for covering pressure sores : wound edge-based propeller perforator flap

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    We present a new surgical modification to allow propeller perforator flaps to cover pressure sores at various locations. We used a propeller perforator flap concept based on the detection of newly formed perforator vessels located 1 cm from the wound margin and stimulated by the chronic inflammation process. Between January 2009 and January 2017, 33 wound edge-based propeller perforator flaps were used to cover pressure sores at various locations in 28 patients. In four cases more than one flap was used on the same patient. The patients comprised 18 males and 10 females with a mean age of 4125 (range, 16-70) years. All patients underwent follow-up for 0-12 months. The mean follow-up duration was 503 months. Venous congestion was observed in three flaps that were rotated by 180 degrees (91%). However, there was a significant difference between flaps rotated by 90 degrees and 180 degrees according to the complication rate (P = 0034). Out of 33 flaps, 29 flaps healed uneventfully. Patients were able to sit and lie on their flaps three weeks after surgery. In our study, we were able to obtain satisfying final results using these novel flaps

    How may beach nourishment affect the sandy beach ecosystem? The case of Belgian beaches

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    Though often regarded as biological deserts, sandy beaches provide a unique habitat for several species. Research was conducted by a consortium of experts with as a first objective to provide an integrated overview of the Belgian beach ecosystem and all its major components. A second objective comprised a review of available literature on the ecological impact of beach nourishment. To meet the first objective, an integrated overview of the Belgian sandy beach ecosystem based on spatial and temporal variation of fauna and flora of 11 sandy beaches is provided. The presented results corroborate the overlooked ecological significance of sandy beaches as a habitat. Besides sedimentology and hydrodynamics, five ecosystem components were taken into account: microphytobenthos, vascular plants, terrestrial arthropods, zoobenthos and avifauna. Nourishment of beaches is a large scale anthropogenic influence on sandy beach ecosystem. Sandy beaches are regarded as systems with a strong resilience towards such impacts. Nevertheless serious (short term) ecological effects can be expected. A review of prior studies indicates that the impact of nourishment is rather case-specific and that it is difficult to draw general conclusions. Short term impact is mostly large due to total mortality of benthic life. It seems very likely that potential recovery from the impact of nourishment will be limited to two essential, species specific pathways: (1) survival by resident organisms and (2) re-colonisation by immigrating individuals, the latter depending on both the dispersal capacities and habitat demands of the organisms. Further research is needed to explore possibilities for reducing detrimental ecological effects. Specific studies are needed towards the survival options, the dispersal capacities and habitat demands of the species present. These should allow for management guidelines to be drawn in terms of preferable nourishment sediment characteristics, timing and practice of the deposition of the sand
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