116 research outputs found

    Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies raised against recombinant human granzymes A and B and showing cross reactions with the natural proteins

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    The human serine proteases granzymes A and B are expressed in cytotoplasmic granules of activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Recombinant granzyme A and granzyme B proteins were produced in bacteria, purified and then used to raise specific mouse monoclonal antibodies. Seven monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were raised against granzyme A, which all recognized the same or overlapping epitopes. They reacted specifically in an immunoblot of interleukin-2 (IL-2) stimulated PBMNC with a disulfide-linked homodimer of 43 kDa consisting of 28 kDa subunits. Seven mAb against granzyme B were obtained, which could be divided into two groups, each recognizing a different epitope. On an immunoblot, all mAb reacted with a monomer of 33 kDa protein. By immunohistochemistry, these mAb could be used to detect granzymes A and B expression in activated CTL and NK cells. The availability of these mAb may facilitate studies on the role of human cytotoxic cells in various immune reactions and may contribute to a better understanding of the role of granzmes A and B in the cytotoxic response in vivo

    Development of critical and curious teachers? Practitioner inquiry in programs of primary teacher education

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    The attention to pre-service teacher inquiry in teacher education is growing. This document analysis is focused on the development of practitioner inquiry competences in teacher education programs for primary education in 19 different universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. First, the intended purpose of pre-service teacher inquiry is studied. This provided six different aspects for the development of practitioner inquiry competences. In the second phase, the study was focused on how these aspects were operationalized in the described programs. Results show that research skills have been extensively described in all study programs in terms of intended learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, and assessment. Research knowledge and application of research results are integrated in conducting research. Although the inquiry habit of mind is found most important in the rationale, the implementation rarely meets the principle of constructive alignment. Neither does the attention to inquiry stance in educational practice.</p

    新「借地借家法」の基本視点 : 「賃借権の物権化」論との関係で

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    Contains fulltext : 149114pub.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) Contains fulltext : 149114_supplement.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access

    Tropical biogeomorphic seagrass landscapes for coastal protection:Persistence and wave attenuation during major storms events

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    The intensity of major storm events generated within the Atlantic Basin is projected to rise with the warming of the oceans, which is likely to exacerbate coastal erosion. Nature-based flood defence has been proposed as a sustainable and effective solution to protect coastlines. However, the ability of natural ecosystems to withstand major storms like tropical hurricanes has yet to be thoroughly tested. Seagrass meadows both stabilise sediment and attenuate waves, providing effective coastal protection services for sandy beaches. To examine the tolerance of Caribbean seagrass meadows to extreme storm events, and to investigate the extent of protection they deliver to beaches, we employed a combination of field surveys, biomechanical measurements and wave modelling simulations. Field surveys of sea- grass meadows before and after a direct hit by the category 5 Hurricane Irma documented that estab- lished seagrass meadows of Thalassia testudinum re- mained unaltered after the extreme storm event. The flexible leaves and thalli of seagrass and calci- fying macroalgae inhabiting the meadows were shown to sustain the wave forces that they are likely to experience during hurricanes. In addition, the seagrass canopy and the complex biogeomorphic landscape built by the seagrass meadows combine to significantly dissipate extreme wave forces, ensuring that erosion is minimised within sandy beach fore- shores. The persistence of the Caribbean seagrass meadows and their coastal protection services dur- ing extreme storm events ensures that a stable coastal ecosystem and beach foreshore is maintained in tropical regions

    Genetic Diversity Enhances Restoration Success by Augmenting Ecosystem Services

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    Disturbance and habitat destruction due to human activities is a pervasive problem in near-shore marine ecosystems, and restoration is often used to mitigate losses. A common metric used to evaluate the success of restoration is the return of ecosystem services. Previous research has shown that biodiversity, including genetic diversity, is positively associated with the provision of ecosystem services. We conducted a restoration experiment using sources, techniques, and sites similar to actual large-scale seagrass restoration projects and demonstrated that a small increase in genetic diversity enhanced ecosystem services (invertebrate habitat, increased primary productivity, and nutrient retention). In our experiment, plots with elevated genetic diversity had plants that survived longer, increased in density more quickly, and provided more ecosystem services (invertebrate habitat, increased primary productivity, and nutrient retention). We used the number of alleles per locus as a measure of genetic diversity, which, unlike clonal diversity used in earlier research, can be applied to any organism. Additionally, unlike previous studies where positive impacts of diversity occurred only after a large disturbance, this study assessed the importance of diversity in response to potential environmental stresses (high temperature, low light) along a water–depth gradient. We found a positive impact of diversity along the entire depth gradient. Taken together, these results suggest that ecosystem restoration will significantly benefit from obtaining sources (transplants or seeds) with high genetic diversity and from restoration techniques that can maintain that genetic diversity

    New evidence for habitat specific selection in Wadden Sea Zostera marina populations revealed by genome scanning using SNP and microsatellite markers

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    Eelgrass Zostera marina is an ecosystem-engineering species of outstanding importance for coastal soft sediment habitats that lives in widely diverging habitats. Our first goal was to detect divergent selection and habitat adaptation at the molecular genetic level; hence, we compared three pairs of permanently submerged versus intertidal populations using genome scans, a genetic marker-based approach. Three different statistical approaches for outlier identification revealed divergent selection at 6 loci among 46 markers (6 SNPs, 29 EST microsatellites and 11 anonymous microsatellites). These outlier loci were repeatedly detected in parallel habitat comparisons, suggesting the influence of habitat-specific selection. A second goal was to test the consistency of the general genome scan approach by doubling the number of gene-linked microsatellites and adding single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci, a novel marker type for seagrasses, compared to a previous study. Reassuringly, results with respect to selection were consistent among most marker loci. Functionally interesting marker loci were linked to genes involved in osmoregulation and water balance, suggesting different osmotic stress, and reproductive processes (seed maturation), pointing to different life history strategies. The identified outlier loci are valuable candidates for further investigation into the genetic basis of natural selection