1,144 research outputs found

    Kostprijs eieren het hoogst in Nederland

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    Uit onderzoek naar de kostprijs van consumptie-eieren in het jaar 2000 is gebleken dat de productiekosten van eieren in Nederland 71 eurocent per kilogram bedragen

    Duurzame arbeid in de pluimveevleessector : een verkennend onderzoek van duurzame arbeidsvoorwaarden en concurrentiekracht van de Nederlandse pluimveevleessector

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    Het LEI heeft op verzoek van het Productschap Pluimvee en Eieren (PPE) een verkennend onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de internationale concurrentiekracht van de Nederlandse pluimveevleessector, in relatie tot duurzame arbeidsvoorwaarden. De centrale vraag van het onderzoek is: in hoeverre kunnen duurzame arbeidsvoorwaarden bijdragen aan de internationale concurrentiepositie van de Nederlandse pluimveevleessector? In deze studie is allereerst alle relevante literatuur rondom duurzame arbeidsvoorwaarden en concurrentiekracht geïnventariseerd. Vervolgens is de relatie tussen beide thema’s uitgewerkt. In het derde deel van de studie zijn de arbeidsvoorwaarden bij pluimveeslachterijen in Nederland vergeleken met de concurrenten in Duitsland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk

    Impact of EU Council Directive 99/74/EC 'welfare of laying hens' on the competitiveness of the EU egg industry.

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    Because of animal welfare concerns in the EU, from 2012 only enriched cages will be allowed for the housing of laying hens (Council Directive 1999/74/EC). Production in enriched cages will increase the production cost of eggs. At the same time the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has launched a new round of negotiations to further liberalise trade in agricultural products. This report provides the results of a study on the impact of the EU Directive for EU egg processors. Within several scenarios, the increase in production costs (enriched cages) are combined with different levels of import levies and currency exchange rates. In general it can be concluded that in 2012 EU countries cannot compete on their home market for egg products with countries such as Ukraine, United States, Brazil and India

    Competitiveness of the EU poultry meat sector

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    EU poultry meat producers have to comply with legislation on environmental protection, animal welfare and food safety. This legislation has increased the production costs of poultry meat. At the same time the EU is negotiating with other countries or groups of countries to liberalise trade in agricultural products. This report examines how lowering import levies impacts the competitiveness of the EU poultry industry. The results show that the offer price of broiler breast fillet in 2011 of some third countries was already below the average EU price. Despite the current import levy on breast fillet, these third countries can be competitive in the EU market. In a scenario with 50% lower import levies and no additional levy, Brazil, Argentina, the USA, Ukraine and Thailand have a lower offer price for breast fillet than the EU poultry meat industry

    Kostprijsontwikkeling consumptie-eieren 2004-2012: Basisjaar 2004

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    In dit rapport worden de kostprijzen van eieren in 2004 van verschillende EU-landen vergeleken met Brazilië en de Verenigde Staten. Voor alle genoemde landen is een doorkijk gemaakt naar het jaar 2012. Per land zijn de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van dierenwelzijn, milieu en voedselveiligheid in kaart gebracht. Geconcludeerd wordt dat in de EUlanden de komende jaren de kostprijs voor eieren zal stijgen, waardoor het verschil met de niet-EU-landen verder toeneemt. Binnen de EU hebben de leghennenhouders in Nederland en Duitsland te maken met extra regelgeving op het gebied van dierenwelzijn en milieu in vergelijking met Frankrijk, Spanje en Polen. This report relates to a comparative study of the production cost of eggs in 2004 in some EU countries and Brazil and the USA. This was supplemented by a review of the prospects up until 2012. An insight was obtained into the national developments in animal welfare, environmental measures, and food safety. It was concluded that the production cost of eggs in the EU will further increase and as a result the difference in production cost with the non-EU countries will further increase. In the EU, Dutch and German layer farmers are confronted with additional animal-welfare and environmental regulations as compared to their counterparts in France, Spain and Poland

    Hard X-ray flares in IGR J08408-4503 unveil clumpy stellar winds

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    Context : A 1000-s flare from a new hard X-ray transient, IGR J08408-4503, was observed by INTEGRAL on May 15, 2006 during the real-time routine monitoring of IBIS/ISGRI images performed at the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre. The flare, detected during a single one-hour long pointing, peaked at 250 mCrab in the 20-40 keV energy range. Aims : Multi-wavelength observations, combining high-energy and optical data, were used to unveil the nature of IGR J08408-4503. Methods : A search in all INTEGRAL public data for other bursts from IGR J08408-4503 was performed, and the detailed analysis of another major flare is presented. The results of two Swift Target of Opportunity observations are also described. Finally, a study of the likely optical counterpart, HD 74194, is provided. Results : IGR J08408-4503 is very likely a supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT) system. The system parameters indicate that the X-ray flares are probably related to the accretion of wind clumps on a compact object orbiting about 1E13 cm from the supergiant HD 74194. The clump mass loss rate is of the order of 1E-6 solar mass/yr. Conclusions : Hard X-ray flares from SFXTs allow to probe the stellar winds of massive stars, and could possibly be associated with wind perturbations due to line-driven instabilities.Comment: 5 pages with 5 figures. Published as a Letter in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Brane-world Cosmologies with non-local bulk effects

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    It is very common to ignore the non-local bulk effects in the study of brane-world cosmologies using the brane-world approach. However, we shall illustrate through the use of three different scenarios, that the non-local bulk-effect Pμν{\cal P}_{\mu\nu} does indeed have significant impact on both the initial and future behaviour of brane-world cosmologies.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, iopart.cls, submitted to CQ

    Parallax and Distance Estimates for Fourteen Cataclysmic Variable Stars

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    I used the 2.4 m Hiltner telescope at MDM Observatory in an attempt to measure trigonometric parallaxes for 14 cataclysmic variable stars. Techniques are described in detail. In the best cases the parallax uncertainties are below 1 mas, and significant parallaxes are found for most of the program stars. A Bayesian method which combines the parallaxes together with proper motions and absolute magnitude constraints is developed and used to derive distance estimates and confidence intervals. The most precise distance derived here is for WZ Sge, for which I find 43.3 (+1.6, -1.5) pc. Six Luyten Half-Second stars with previous precise parallax measurements were re-measured to test the techniques, and good agreement is found.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures. Astronomical Journal, accepte

    Irradiation of the secondary star in X-ray Nova Scorpii 1994 (=GRO J1655--40)

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    We have obtained intermediate resolution optical spectra of the black-hole candidate Nova Sco 1994 in June 1996, when the source was in an X-ray/optical active state (R~15.05). We measure the radial velocity curve of the secondary star and obtain a semi-amplitude of 279+/-10 km/s; a value which is 30 per cent larger than the value obtained when the source is in quiescence. Our large value for K_2 is consistent with 60 +9,-7 per cent of the secondary star's surface being heated; compared to 35 per cent, which is what one would expect if only the inner face of the secondary star were irradiated. Effects such as irradiation-induced flows on the secondary star may be important in explaining the observed large value for K_2.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRA
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