129 research outputs found

    Hf-based high-k dielectrics for p-Ge MOS gate stacks

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    The physical and electrical properties of the gate stack high-k/Al2O3/GeO2/p-Ge were studied in detail, where the high-k is either HfO2 or alloyed HfO2 (HfZrOy, HfGdOx, or HfAlOx). Electrical measurements combined with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy chemical bonding analysis and band alignment determination were conducted in order to assess the suitability of hafnium-based high-k for this kind of gate stacks, with emphasis on low density of interface states and border traps. HfAlOx was found to be the most promising high-k from those studied. The authors have also found that the current- voltage trends for the various systems studied can be explained by the band alignment of the samples obtained by our x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis.Fil: Fadida, Sivan. Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; IsraelFil: Palumbo, FĂ©lix Roberto Mario. Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; Israel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nyns, Laura. Imec; BĂ©lgicaFil: Lin, Dennis. Imec; BĂ©lgicaFil: Van Elshocht, Sven. Imec; BĂ©lgicaFil: Caymax, Matty. Imec; BĂ©lgicaFil: Eizenberg, Moshe. Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; Israe

    Direct evidence of the failure of electric-dipole approximation in second-harmonic generation from a chiral polymer film

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    Second-harmonic generation from Langmuir-Blodgett films of a polythiophene is strongly influenced by the chirality of the polymer. The polarization dependence of the process cannot be explained in the elec.-dipole approxn. Evidence of contributions beyond elec. dipoles is obtained directly from individual second-harmonic signal

    Optical activity in the Drude helix model

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    An old classical one-particle helix model for optical activity, first proposed by Drude, is reconsidered here. The quantum Drude model is very instructive because the optical activity can be calculated analytically without further approximations apart from the Rosenfeld long wavelength approximation. While it was generally believed that this model, when treated correctly, is optically inactive, we show that it leads to optical activity when the motion of the particle is quantum mechanically treated. We also find that optical activity arises even in the classical regime at non-zero energy, while for zero energy the model is inactive, in accordance with previous results. The model is compared with other one-electron models and it is shown that its predicted optical activity is qualitatively different from those of other one-electron systems. The vanishing of optical activity in the classical zero-energy limit for the Drude model is due to the localization of the particle at the equilibrium position, whereas in the analogous model of a particle moving freely on a helix without a definite equilibrium position, optical activity does not vanish but the spectrum is rescaled. The model under study leads to interesting predictions about the optical properties of e. g. helicene derivatives

    Thickness dependence of the resistivity of Platinum group metal thin films

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    We report on the thin film resistivity of several platinum-group metals (Ru, Pd, Ir, Pt). Platinum-group thin films show comparable or lower resistivities than Cu for film thicknesses below about 5\,nm due to a weaker thickness dependence of the resistivity. Based on experimentally determined mean linear distances between grain boundaries as well as ab initio calculations of the electron mean free path, the data for Ru, Ir, and Cu were modeled within the semiclassical Mayadas--Shatzkes model [Phys. Rev. B 1, 1382 (1970)] to assess the combined contributions of surface and grain boundary scattering to the resistivity. For Ru, the modeling results indicated that surface scattering was strongly dependent on the surrounding material with nearly specular scattering at interfaces with SiO2 or air but with diffuse scattering at interfaces with TaN. The dependence of the thin film resistivity on the mean free path is also discussed within the Mayadas--Shatzkes model in consideration of the experimental findings.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Atomic layer deposition of high-k dielectric layers on Ge and III-V MOS channels

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    Ge and III-V semiconductors are potential high performance channel materials for future CMOS devices. In this work, we have studied At. Layer Deposition (ALD) of high-k dielec. layers on Ge and GaAs substrates. We focus at the effect of the oxidant (H2O, O3, O2, O2 plasma) during gate stack formation. GeO2, obtained by Ge oxidn. in O2 or O3, is a promising passivation layer. The germanium oxide thickness can be scaled down below 1 nm, but such thin layers contain Ge in oxidn. states lower than 4+. Still, elec. results indicate that small amts. of Ge in oxidn. states lower than 4+ are not detrimental for device performance. Partial intermixing was obsd. for high-k dielec. and GeO2 or GaAsOx, suggesting possible correlations in the ALD growth mechanisms on Ge and GaAs substrates. [on SciFinder (R)

    Pulsed chemical vapor deposition of conformal GeSe for application as an OTS selector

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    The ovonic threshold switch (OTS) selector based on the voltage snapback of amorphous chalcogenides has received tremendous attention as it provides several desirable characteristics such as bidirectional switching, a controllable threshold voltage, high drive currents, and low leakage currents. GeSe is a well-known OTS selector that fulfills all the requirements imposed by future high-density storage class memories. Here, we report on pulsed chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of amorphous GeSe by using GeCl2 center dot C4H8O2 as a Ge source and two different Se sources namely bis-trimethylsilylselenide ((CH3)(3)Si)(2)Se (TMS)(2)Se and bis-triethylsilylselenide ((C2H5)(3)Si)(2)Se (TES)(2)Se. We utilized total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) to study the kinetics of precursor adsorption on the Si substrate. GeCl2 center dot C4H8O2 precursor adsorption on a 300 mm Si substrate showed under-dosing due to limited precursor supply. On the other hand, the Se precursor adsorption is limited by low reaction efficiency as we learned from a better within-wafer uniformity. Se precursors need Cl sites (from Ge precursor) for precursor ligand exchange reactions. Adsorption of (TMS)(2)Se is found to be much faster than (TES)(2)Se on a precoated GeClx layer. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) tests with GeCl2 center dot C4H8O2 and (TMS)(2)Se revealed that the growth per cycle (GPC) decreases with the introduction of purge steps in the ALD cycle, whereas a higher GPC is obtained in pulsed-CVD mode without purges. Based on this basic understanding of the process, we developed a pulsed CVD growth recipe (GPC = 0.3 angstrom per cycle) of GeSe using GeCl2 center dot C4H8O2 and (TMS)(2)Se at a reactor temperature of 70 degrees C. The 20 nm GeSe layer is amorphous and stoichiometric with traces of chlorine and carbon impurities. The film has a roughness of similar to 0.3 nm and it starts to crystallize at a temperature of similar to 370 degrees C. GeSe grown on 3D test structures showed excellent film conformality

    Traveller Specific Drugs Initiative: annual report (November 2000- December 2001): an initiative to promote the inclusion of Travellers in the National Drugs Strategy Building on Experience 2001-2008.

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    Second-harmonic generation was used as a technique to examine different types of chiral materials. All materials studied showed large circular-difference effects in the 2nd-harmonic response, i.e., the efficiency of the process was different for left- and right-hand circularly-polarized light. Study of various chiral materials showed that a different quant. and qual. response can be expected depending on the compn. and structure. The existence of magnetic dipole contributions to the nonlinearity of those materials is demonstrate
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