508 research outputs found

    The expected number of critical percolation clusters intersecting a line segment

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    We study critical percolation on a regular planar lattice. Let EG(n)E_G(n) be the expected number of open clusters intersecting or hitting the line segment [0,n][0,n]. (For the subscript GG we either take H\mathbb{H}, when we restrict to the upper halfplane, or C\mathbb{C}, when we consider the full lattice). Cardy (2001) (see also Yu, Saleur and Haas (2008)) derived heuristically that EH(n)=An+34Ο€log⁑(n)+o(log⁑(n))E_{\mathbb{H}}(n) = An + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4\pi}\log(n) + o(\log(n)), where AA is some constant. Recently Kov\'{a}cs, Igl\'{o}i and Cardy (2012) derived heuristically (as a special case of a more general formula) that a similar result holds for EC(n)E_{\mathbb{C}}(n) with the constant 34Ο€\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4\pi} replaced by 5332Ο€\frac{5\sqrt{3}}{32\pi}. In this paper we give, for site percolation on the triangular lattice, a rigorous proof for the formula of EH(n)E_{\mathbb{H}}(n) above, and a rigorous upper bound for the prefactor of the logarithm in the formula of EC(n)E_{\mathbb{C}}(n).Comment: Final version, appeared in Elect.Comm.Probab. 21 (2016

    Two-dimensional volume-frozen percolation: exceptional scales

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    We study a percolation model on the square lattice, where clusters "freeze" (stop growing) as soon as their volume (i.e. the number of sites they contain) gets larger than N, the parameter of the model. A model where clusters freeze when they reach diameter at least N was studied in earlier papers. Using volume as a way to measure the size of a cluster - instead of diameter - leads, for large N, to a quite different behavior (contrary to what happens on the binary tree, where the volume model and the diameter model are "asymptotically the same"). In particular, we show the existence of a sequence of "exceptional" length scales.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Sublinearity of the travel-time variance for dependent first-passage percolation

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    Let EE be the set of edges of the dd-dimensional cubic lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d, with dβ‰₯2d\geq2, and let t(e),e∈Et(e),e\in E, be nonnegative values. The passage time from a vertex vv to a vertex ww is defined as inf⁑π:vβ†’wβˆ‘eβˆˆΟ€t(e)\inf_{\pi:v\rightarrow w}\sum_{e\in\pi}t(e), where the infimum is over all paths Ο€\pi from vv to ww, and the sum is over all edges ee of Ο€\pi. Benjamini, Kalai and Schramm [2] proved that if the t(e)t(e)'s are i.i.d. two-valued positive random variables, the variance of the passage time from the vertex 0 to a vertex vv is sublinear in the distance from 0 to vv. This result was extended to a large class of independent, continuously distributed tt-variables by Bena\"{\i}m and Rossignol [1]. We extend the result by Benjamini, Kalai and Schramm in a very different direction, namely to a large class of models where the t(e)t(e)'s are dependent. This class includes, among other interesting cases, a model studied by Higuchi and Zhang [9], where the passage time corresponds with the minimal number of sign changes in a subcritical "Ising landscape."Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOP631 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The gaps between the sizes of large clusters in 2D critical percolation

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    Consider critical bond percolation on a large 2n by 2n box on the square lattice. It is well-known that the size (i.e. number of vertices) of the largest open cluster is, with high probability, of order n^2 \pi(n), where \pi(n) denotes the probability that there is an open path from the center to the boundary of the box. The same result holds for the second-largest cluster, the third largest cluster etcetera. Jarai showed that the differences between the sizes of these clusters is, with high probability, at least of order \sqrt{n^2 \pi(n)}. Although this bound was enough for his applications (to incipient infinite clusters), he believed, but had no proof, that the differences are in fact of the same order as the cluster sizes themselves, i.e. n^2 \pi(n). Our main result is a proof that this is indeed the case.Comment: 10 page

    A signal-recovery system: asymptotic properties and construction of an infinite volume limit

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    We consider a linear sequence of `nodes', each of which can be in state 0 (`off') or 1 (`on'). Signals from outside are sent to the rightmost node and travel instantaneously as far as possible to the left along nodes which are `on'. These nodes are immediately switched off, and become on again after a recovery time. The recovery times are independent exponentially distributed random variables. We present properties for finite systems and use some of these properties to construct an infinite-volume extension, with signals `coming from infinity'. This construction is related to a question by D. Aldous and we expect that it sheds some light on, and stimulates further investigation of, that question.Comment: 16 page

    On the size of the largest cluster in 2D critical percolation

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    We consider (near-)critical percolation on the square lattice. Let M_n be the size of the largest open cluster contained in the box [-n,n]^2, and let pi(n) be the probability that there is an open path from O to the boundary of the box. It is well-known that for all 0< a < b the probability that M_n is smaller than an^2 pi(n) and the probability that M_n is larger than bn^2 pi(n) are bounded away from 0 as n tends to infinity. It is a natural question, which arises for instance in the study of so-called frozen-percolation processes, if a similar result holds for the probability that M_n is between an^2 pi(n) and bn^2 pi(n). By a suitable partition of the box, and a careful construction involving the building blocks, we show that the answer to this question is affirmative. The `sublinearity' of 1/pi(n) appears to be essential for the argument.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, minor change

    Near-critical percolation with heavy-tailed impurities, forest fires and frozen percolation

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    Consider critical site percolation on a "nice" planar lattice: each vertex is occupied with probability p=pcp = p_c, and vacant with probability 1βˆ’pc1 - p_c. Now, suppose that additional vacancies ("holes", or "impurities") are created, independently, with some small probability, i.e. the parameter pcp_c is replaced by pcβˆ’Ξ΅p_c - \varepsilon, for some small Ξ΅>0\varepsilon > 0. A celebrated result by Kesten says, informally speaking, that on scales below the characteristic length L(pcβˆ’Ξ΅)L(p_c - \varepsilon), the connection probabilities remain of the same order as before. We prove a substantial and subtle generalization to the case where the impurities are not only microscopic, but allowed to be "mesoscopic". This generalization, which is also interesting in itself, was motivated by our study of models of forest fires (or epidemics). In these models, all vertices are initially vacant, and then become occupied at rate 11. If an occupied vertex is hit by lightning, which occurs at a (typically very small) rate ΞΆ\zeta, its entire occupied cluster burns immediately, so that all its vertices become vacant. Our results for percolation with impurities turn out to be crucial for analyzing the behavior of these forest fire models near and beyond the critical time (i.e. the time after which, in a forest without fires, an infinite cluster of trees emerges). In particular, we prove (so far, for the case when burnt trees do not recover) the existence of a sequence of "exceptional scales" (functions of ΞΆ\zeta). For forests on boxes with such side lengths, the impact of fires does not vanish in the limit as ΞΆβ†˜0\zeta \searrow 0.Comment: 67 pages, 15 figures (some small corrections and improvements, one additional figure); version to be submitte

    An OSSS-type inequality for uniformly drawn subsets of fixed size

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    The OSSS inequality [O'Donnell, Saks, Schramm and Servedio, 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'05), Pittsburgh (2005)] gives an upper bound for the variance of a function f of independent 0-1 valued random variables, in terms of the influences of these random variables and the computational complexity of a (randomised) algorithm for determining the value of f. Duminil-Copin, Raoufi and Tassion [Annals of Mathematics 189, 75-99 (2019)] obtained a generalization to monotonic measures and used it to prove new results for Potts models and random-cluster models. Their generalization of the OSSS inequality raises the question if there are still other measures for which a version of that inequality holds. We derive a version of the OSSS inequality for a family of measures that are far from monotonic, namely the k-out-of-n measures (these measures correspond with drawing k elements from a set of size n uniformly). We illustrate the inequality by studying the event that there is an occupied horizontal crossing of an R times R box on the triangular lattice in the site percolation model where exactly half of the vertices in the box are occupied.Comment: 23 pages. Theorem 1.3 has been added. Section 5.2 discusses (ideas for) other proofs of Theorem 5.2. References [7], [10] and [17] adde
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