57 research outputs found


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    Natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the water environment has the potential to enhance the solubility of PAHs into the water phase, resulting in strong influence on their environmental fate. In this study, Nordic aquatic humic acid (HA) was used as a DOM. The effect of HA on the partition behaviour of PAHs in the sediment water system was examined by comparing the partition of three PAHs: Phenanthrene (Phe), Pyrene (Pyr), and Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in the water sediment system. An isotherm partition of PAHs between water and sediment was studied. The presence of HA in the sediment water system shifted the sediment water  partition of PAHs to the water phase. The more hydrophobic the PAH was, the stronger the effect of HA on Kd was. Observed KDOM fitted well the linear free energy relationship. A three-phase partitioning model was established and successfully described the partition behavior of PAHs in water-sediment system

    金沢市の河川における多環芳香族炭化水素のモニタリング : 測定地点間の差異・季節変動・固液間分配

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    Concepts of Agri-Competitiveness in Theorical and Imperical Researchs

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitiveness of exported agricultural products through theoretical and empirical studies, estimation methods and determinants. Not only summarizing the competitiveness theories of agricultural products exported from previous studies, the article also clarifies the concept of competitiveness of agricultural products at the level of products/services, firms/ farms, industry, thereby helping firms from agricultural countries - which rely heavily on agricultural production and agricultural products export to find the right ways to identify definitions and concepts, then choose the right methods of measurement, compare its export agricultural products competitiveness. Since, the study also proposed the use of synthetic indicators to measure the competitiveness of agricultural exports which is an important basis for the state agencies in the study and propose their export policy of agricultural products in the near future

    Polysyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in river water in Kanazawa City

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科場所:金沢大学自然科学研究科図書館棟1階,講演会場:図書館棟1階 大会議室,ポスター会場:図書館棟1階12会議室,主催・共催:文部科学省21世紀COE「環日本海域の環境計測と長期・短期変動予測」, 大気環境学会, 金沢大学工学

    6.EMEA International Symposium in Kanazawa, Japan

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科金沢大学工学部Project Number 14404021, Peport of Research Project ; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)(2), from April 2002 to March 2006, Edited by Muramoto,Ken-ichiroKamata, NaotoKawanishi, TakuyaKubo, MamoruLiu, JiyuanLee, Kyu-Sung , 人工衛星データ活用のための東アジアの植生調査、課題番号14404021, 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(B)(2)研究成果報告書, 研究代表者:村本, 健一郎, 金沢大学自然科学研究科教

    Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water and sediment of the rivers in Kanazawa, Japan

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科2005 International Symposium on Environmental Mornitoring in East Asia -Remote Sensing and Forests-,Hosted The EMEA Project, Kanazawa University 21st=Century COE Program -Environmental Monitoring and Predicition of Long- and Short- Term Dynamics of Pan-Japan Sea Area- ,予稿集, EMEA 2005 in Kanazawa, 国際学術研究公開シンポジウム『東アジアの環境モニタリング』-リモートセンシングと森林-,年月日:200511月28日~29日, 場所:KKRホテル金沢, 金沢大学自然科学研究科, 主催:金沢大学EMEAプロジェクト, 共催:金沢大学21世紀COEプログラム「環日本海域の環境変動と長期・短期変動予測

    Polysyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in river water in Kanazawa City

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    Indoor PM₀.₁ and PM₂.₅ in Hanoi: Chemical characterization, source identification, and health risk assessment

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    This study attempted to provide comprehensive insights into the chemical composition, source identification, and health risk assessment of indoor particulate matter (PM) in urban areas of Vietnam. Three hundred and twenty daily samples of PM₀.₁ and PM₂.₅ were collected at three different types of dwellings in Hanoi in two seasons, namely summer and winter. The samples were analyzed for 10 trace elements (TEs), namely Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, As, Cd, Sn, and Pb. The daily average concentrations of indoor PM₀.₁ and PM₂.₅ in the city were in the ranges of 7.0–8.9 μg/m³ and 43.3–106 μg/m³, respectively. The average concentrations of TEs bound to indoor PM ranged from 66.2 ng/m³ to 216 ng/m³ for PM₀.₁ and 391 ng/m³ to 2360 ng/m³ for PM₂.₅. Principle component analysis and enrichment factor were applied to identify the possible sources of indoor PM. Results showed that indoor PM₂.₅ was mainly derived from outdoor sources, whereas indoor PM₀.₁ was derived from indoor and outdoor sources. Domestic coal burning, industrial and traffic emissions were observed as outdoor sources, whereas household dust and indoor combustion were found as indoor sources. 80% of PM₂.₅ was deposited in the head airways, whereas 75% of PM₀.₁ was deposited in alveolar region. Monte Carlo simulation indicated that the intake of TEs in PM₂.₅ can lead to high carcinogenic risk for people over 60 years old and unacceptable non-carcinogenic risks for all ages at the roadside house in winter

    The Correlation between the Structures of the Nasal Tip on the Ultrasound and the Anthropometry of the Nose in Vietnamese

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    BACKGROUND: Nowadays, there are few types of research held in Vietnam to investigate the anthropometric index of the nose as well as analysis the structure of nasal tip on ultrasound to identify the relationship between these parameters. AIM: determine the relationship between the height and the width of the nasal tip and the structures constructed these areas by anthropometric and ultrasound measurement. METHODS: a descriptive study in Thanh Van Hospital from December 2017 to April 2019. RESULTS: There were 94 women (62.7%), and 56 men (37.3%) and the average age were 33.6 years old. The height and width of the nasal tip are 10.1 mm and 21.7 mm, respectively. Through the ultrasound, the thickness of the adipose tissues is 3 mm. The width of the interdomal fat pad is 6.5 mm and the distance between two tip point is 5.6 mm. There are the relationships between the distance of two tip points and the width of the tip (r = 0.341), and the width of the interdomal fat pad (r = 0.72). There is also the correlation between the width of the nasal tip with the distance of two tip points (r = 0.46) and the height of the tip with the thickness of the interdomal fat pad (r = 1.23). CONCLUSION: The thickness of the interdomal fat affects the height of the tip, and the distance of two tip points influences the width of the tip

    A Bayesian belief data mining approach applied to rice and shrimp aquaculture

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    In many parts of the world, conditions for small scale agriculture are worsening, creating challenges in achieving consistent yields. The use of automated decision support tools, such as Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs), can assist producers to respond to these factors. This paper describes a decision support system developed to assist farmers on the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, who grow both rice and shrimp crops in the same pond, based on an existing BBN. The BBN was previously developed in collaboration with local farmers and extension officers to represent their collective perceptions and understanding of their farming system and the risks to production that they face. This BBN can be used to provide insight into the probable consequences of farming decisions, given prevailing environmental conditions, however, it does not provide direct guidance on the optimal decision given those decisions. In this paper, the BBN is analysed using a novel, temporally-inspired data mining approach to systematically determine the agricultural decisions that farmers perceive as optimal at distinct periods in the growing and harvesting cycle, given the prevailing agricultural conditions. Using a novel form of data mining that combines with visual analytics, the results of this analysis allow the farmer to input the environmental conditions in a given growing period. They then receive recommendations that represent the collective view of the expert knowledge encoded in the BBN allowing them to maximise the probability of successful crops. Encoding the results of the data mining/inspection approach into the mobile Decision Support System helps farmers access explicit recommendations from the collective local farming community as to the optimal farming decisions, given the prevailing environmental conditions