21 research outputs found

    Methods for Caries Prevention in Children Reported by Dentists from a Brazilian Community

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    Objective: To describe the dental practice patterns related to caries prevention in children aged 6-18 years and associated factors. Material and Methods: Dentists (n=162) from Araraquara, Brazil, completed two paper questionnaires: (1) one about characteristics of their practice and their patient population; and (2) a translated version of the “Assessment of Caries Diagnosis and Caries Treatment” Questionnaire from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Regression analyses were used for data analysis (p<0.05). Results: Dentists reported using in-office fluoride (IOF) and dental sealants (DS) in 74.2% and 45.1% of their pediatric patients, respectively. Regression analysis showed that female dentists (p=0.035 for DS; p=0.044 for IOF; p=0.011 for non-prescription fluoride rinse), those with advanced degrees (p=0.032 for prescription of fluoride), those who graduated from a private dental school (p=0.018 for chlorhexidine rinse), those who provided caries prevention regimens (p<0.001 for DS; p=0.004 for IOF; p=0.013 for non-prescription fluoride rinse), those with a greater percentage of patients interested in a caries prevention regimen (p=0.007 for non-prescription fluoride rinse), those working in a private practice model (p=0.047 for prescription of fluoride) were more likely to recommend some type of preventive methods to their pediatric patients. Conclusion: Dentists reported recommending IOF to most of their pediatric patients. Certain dentists’, practices’, and patients’ characteristics were associated to some caries prevention regimens recommended by dentists

    Association between Pacifier Use, Bottle-Feeding, and Pre- Postnatal Variables: A Cohort Study

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence and analyze the variables associated with the use of pacifiers and/or bottles by infants up to 6 months of age. Material and Methods: Data on sociodemographic characteristics, intention to offer pacifier and bottle-feeding, pregnancy and breastfeeding (BF) variables were collected at baseline by interviews and a self-administered questionnaire among pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. After delivery, mother-baby binomials were followed by phone calls at the 1st, 3rd, and 6th months of the baby\u27s life (n=467) to gather information on the type of delivery, baby’s gender, BF in the first hour of the newborn’s life, baby’s weight, mother’s return to work, and oral habits. Association analyses were performed using logistic regression models with a 5% significance level with the pacifier/bottle-feeding use as the outcome. Results: Most mothers (52.5%) reported their babies used bottle-feeding, 48.2% used pacifiers and 33.4% used both of them throughout the 6 months. Intention to offer pacifier and bottle-feeding was reported by 45.0% and 54.8% of the mothers at the 3rd trimester of the pregnancy, respectively. Not living in one’s own residence (OR=1.53; 95%CI: 1.05-2.24) and having the prenatal intention of offering a pacifier (OR=2.50; 95%CI: 1.63-3.83) to the baby were significantly associated with pacifier use. Variables significantly associated with bottle-feeding were mother’s return to work (OR=2.48; 95%CI: 1.54-3.97), baby’s lower birth weight (OR=1.58; IC95%: 1.07-2.33), and prenatal intention to offer bottle-feeding (OR=2.51; 95%CI 1.56-4.04). Conclusion: About half of the babies used pacifiers or were bottle-fed, which were associated with the mother’s prenatal intention to offer them to their babies and socioeconomic factors

    Avaliacao das condicoes de saude bucal dos idosos em um municipio brasileiro

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    This study assessed the oral health of individuals 60 years or older in the city of Araraquara, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1998. Of the 194 people who participated in the study, 91 of them were institutionalized and had an average age of 73.6 years, and 103 were not institutionalized and had an average age of 69.3 years. The study participants were examined by a previously trained oral surgeon who determined the prevalence of the most common oral health problems. The results revealed a large number of edentulous individuals (72% of those institutionalized and 60% of the noninstitutionalized participants) and many persons with extracted teeth (93% and 90%, respectively), as well as a high frequency of periodontal pockets (57% and 75%, respectively) and of inadequate dentures (80% and 61%, respectively). Our results show reduced quality of life for a large proportion of these older individuals, and also indicate that public health services should pay greater attention to this population group

    Muito além dos muros

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    The art of dealing with the similar goes beyond simply contact a service provider to the recipient of the service , after the mouth is only part of the individual. The design PET - Saúde provides the academic experience of exploring the world beyond the walls of the college, which is simply phenomenal. This is the best way to form the dental professional with a humanist , critical and reflective view . Providing students the opportunity to encounter the reality of payphones and develop the general skills of the dentist , as communication with other professionals , experiencing multiprofessionality and transdisciplinarity , important in health promotion . During visits to municipalities were executed activities of health care with prevention and rehabilitation . Even against a background of lack of resources , lack of certain materials , common clinical presentation not prevented the carrying out of procedures and care . This experience is essential because it helps in decision making and establishment of costeffectiveness in their professional careers , based not only on scientific evidence , but also the needs of a given population . Therefore , the experience of participating in the PET allows the complete formation of the academic , also marked the Humanities and Social Sciences . Therefore, going beyond the walls of the college provides a comprehensive and humane view of the patient , which is no longer restricted to just one sick " part " , because it may have its context understood and integrated into the vision of each petiano .A arte de lidar com o semelhante vai além do simples contato de um prestador de serviços para o recebedor do serviço, afinal a boca é apenas uma parte do indivíduo. O projeto do PET- SAÚDE proporcionou-me a experiência de desbravar o mundo além dos muros da faculdade, o que é simplesmente sensacional. Essa é a melhor maneira de formar o profissional de odontologia, com uma visão humanista, crítica e reflexiva. Propiciando ao aluno a oportunidade de deparar-se com a realidade dos postos públicos e desenvolver as competências gerais do cirurgião-dentista, como a comunicação com outros profissionais, vivenciando a multiprofissionalidade, interdisciplinaridade e transdisciplinaridade, importantes na promoção da saúde. Durante as visitas aos municípios fiz a territorialização para traçar um perfil desses e percebi a importância da comunicação com o paciente para estabelecer o vínculo e acolhimento deste como pré-requisitos de um trabalho adequado. Colaborei com a atenção à saúde com ações de prevenção e de reabilitação. Mesmo me deparando com realidades de carência de recursos, a falta de determinados materiais, comuns em nosso trabalho, não impossibilitou a realização dos procedimentos e do cuidar. Esta experiência é imprescindível, pois me auxiliará na tomada de decisões e estabelecimento da relação custo- efetividade em minha carreira profissional, baseada não só em evidências científicas, mas também nas necessidades de uma determinada população. Ademais, sinto que minha formação foi completa, além do conteúdo oferecido pelo curso, participando do PET, tive a oportunidade, por meio de reuniões e discussões, de fazer com que minha formação também estivesse pautada nas Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Enfim, ir além dos muros da faculdade proporcionou uma visão completa e humana do paciente, que não se restringe mais a apenas uma “parte” doente, por poder ter seu contexto compreendido e integrado ao meu olhar

    Registro periodontal simplificado em gestantes

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar através do PSR (Registro Periodontal Simplificado) a prevalência, severidade e necessidades básicas de tratamento da doença periodontal em gestantes que freqüentaram a Clínica de Prevenção da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara ­ UNESP. MÉTODOS: Foram examinadas 41 gestantes com idades que variaram de 16 a 37 anos. O PSR foi aplicado com auxílio de uma sonda especialmente recomendada para este exame (sonda Trinity - tipo 621 OMS), indicando os códigos 0 a 4 cujos critérios identificam de saúde gengival, sangramento, cálculo, bolsa periodontal rasa e profunda. Estes foram atribuídos a cada sextante, podendo ou não estarem associados a um asterisco (*) diante da presença de recessão gengival, invasão de furca, mobilidade ou alterações muco-gengivais. RESULTADOS: Demonstraram que 100% das gestantes apresentaram alguma alteração gengival, sendo os códigos 2 (56,1%) e o * (19,5%) os mais prevalentes. Os grupos etários de 15-19 e 20-24 anos, apresentaram o código 2 como maior escore e ausência de sextante excluído (X). A partir do grupo de 25-29 anos, além da maior prevalência ainda ser do código 2 (54,5%), ocorreram os códigos 3 e 4 (bolsa periodontal). Os códigos * e sextante excluído (X) tenderam a aumentar com a idade no grupo de 30-37 anos. de modo geral, os códigos 1 e 2, prevaleceram em relação ao percentual de sextantes afetados, correspondendo a 41,6% e 39,8%, respectivamente e afetando 2,49 e 2,39 sextantes, em média, por gestante. em relação às necessidades de tratamento, 90,2% das gestantes necessitaram tratamentos adicionais aos preventivos, ou seja, 61,0% das gestantes necessitaram de raspagem e alisamento radicular e/ou eliminar margens de restaurações defeituosas e 29,2% de tratamento complexo. CONCLUSÃO: O atendimento às necessidades de tratamento na gravidez deve receber especial atenção com o intuito de se promover saúde bucal e motivação, e conseqüentemente, contribuir para minimizar a provável transmissibilidade de microrganismos bucais patogênicos para a criança, obtendo assim uma prevenção primária das principais doenças bucais.PURPOSE: The assessment using the PSR (Periodontal Screening and Recording) of the prevalence and severity of and the basic treatment needs for periodontal disease in a group of pregnant women who attended the Preventive Dentistry Clinic at the School of Dentistry of Araraquara - UNESP. METHODS: Forty-one pregnant women of 16 to 37 years of age, were examined. The PSR index was evaluated with a suitable periodontal probe (Trinity - model 621-WHO) with index codes scores of from 0 to 4, capable of indicating the presence of the following conditions: periodontal health, bleeding on probing, calculus, shallow and deep pockets. These codes were attributed to each sextant and could be marked with an asterisk (*) to indicate the presence of gingival recession, furcation lesions, mobility or any other mucogingival alterations. RESULTS: It is shown that 100% of the pregnant women had some kind of gingival alteration, represented mainly by PSR code 2 (56.1%) and*(19.5%). The women in the youngest age groups, 15-19 and 20-24 years, had code 2 as their highest score with no sextant excluded. In the 25-29 age group, the PSR code 2 still prevailed (54.5%) although codes 3 and 4 were already appearing. The code*and the ocurrence of excluded sextants tended to increase in the oldest age group (30-37). In general, the affected sextants showed codes 1 and 2 more frequently, corresponding to 41.6% and 39.8% respectively, which represented a mean of 2.49 and 2.39 sextants affected in each pregnant woman. Regarding the treatment needs, 90.2% of the women needed some treatment beyond the preventive measures begun, including scaling and root planning and/or corrections of defective restorative margins (61%), and more complex treatment (29.2%). CONCLUSION: The meeting of the treatment needs during pregnancy must include special efforts to increase motivation and promote oral health, minimizing the possiblity of vertical transmission of pathogenic microrganisms to the child, and thus contributing to the primary prevention of the main oral diseases.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Oral health perception of pregnant women seen at a healthcare center in the municipality of Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJETIVOS: avaliar a percepção das condições de saúde bucal de um grupo de gestantes, através da aplicação do índice General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). MÉTODOS: participaram do estudo 53 gestantes que freqüentavam uma Unidade Básica de Saúde em Araraquara, São Paulo. Foi aplicado um questionário contendo questões do índice GOHAI, questões sobre a autopercepção das condições bucais e sobre as características sócio-demográficas. Por meio dos testes não-paramétricos Mann-Whitney e Kruskall-Wallis, foram determinados a associação das variáveis sociais e de autopercepção com o índice GOHAI. RESULTADOS: a percepção das condições bucais, medida pelo índice GOHAI, foi positiva e apresentou um valor médio de 31,6. Os dados subjetivos mostram que apenas 12,0% das gestantes classificaram sua condição bucal como ruim, a maioria declarou nenhum problema dentário, embora 58,7% tenha relatado distúrbios gengivais. As questões como dor e/ou desconforto foram as mais percebidas pelas gestantes. CONCLUSÕES: as gestantes fizeram uma avaliação positiva de sua condição bucal, estando o índice GOHAI associado a variáveis relacionadas à autopercepção. Tal índice pode ser aplicado em grupos populacionais como as gestantes, possibilitando medidas educativas e/ou preventivas direcionadas às suas reais necessidades.OBJECTIVES: to assess oral healthcare conditions of a group of pregnant women through the application of the General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). METHODS: fifty three pregnant women clients of the Basic Oral Health Clinic in Araraquara São Paulo were enrolled in the program. A questionnaire with the GOHAI rating questions, questions related to self-perception of oral conditions and to social and demographic characteristics was applied. Through these Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis non-paramedic tests, the association of social variables and self-perception of the GOHAI rates were determined. RESULTS: oral conditions perception as measured by the GOHAI index was positive and presented a median value of 31,6. Subjective data indicated that only 12,0% of the pregnant women rated their oral condition as bad, the majority did not disclose any dental problem, although 58,7% reported gum problems. Issues such as pain and/or discomfort were the ones more closely perceived by the pregnant women. CONCLUSIONS: pregnant women had a positive assessment of their oral conditions with the GOHAI rating associated to self-perception variables. This index could be applied to population groups such as pregnant women, enabling educational and/or preventive measures focused on their real needs

    Acogimiento en el proceso de formación de los odontologos en Brasil: un analisis en el contexto del Sistema Unico de Salud (SUS)

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    To define the profile of Dentistry’s academics, on the welcoming reception of patients/users attended in the Public Institution, under the guidelines of the SUS. Methods: A structured questionnaire was applied to 163 students, which contained questions that covered five variables (reception, dialogue and listening, action and care first contact, professional identity) and conducted an interview to associate to responses obtained during the first phase. Quantitative data were tabulated and analyzed by descriptive statistics in SPSS 16.0 and qualitative data analyzed through discourse of the collective subject. Results: It was observed that, intellectually, the most of student (70.7%) understand the concept and the repercussion of the welcoming reception process in health and many have caring characteristics. However, the pedagogic system formation makes it difficult or systemizes an integral and spontaneous welcoming action. Conclusions: The academics have the embracement profile but it is need more motivation in the humanization of the university teaching.Definir el perfil de los académicos en Odontología, cuanto al acogimiento de los pacientes/usuarios atendidos en la Institución, en el ámbito de las directrices del SUS. Métodos: Fue aplicado un cuestionario Se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado a 163 estudiantes, con cuestiones que englobaban cinco variables (recepción, diálogo y escucha, actuación y cuidado, primer contacto e identidad profesional). Fue realizado una entrevista para verificar la coherencia de respuestas obtenidas durante la primera fase. Los datos cuantitativos fueron tabulados y analizados por estadística descriptiva en el programa Epi-Info (versión 6.0) y los datos cualitativos analizados por medio del discurso del sujeto colectivo. Resultados: Fue verificado que, intelectualmente, la mayoría de los académicos (70,7%) entienden el concepto y la repercusión del proceso de acogimiento en salud y muchos poseen características de cuidadores. El sistema pedagógico formativo, centrado en el tecnicismo, puede dificultar o sistematizar una acción acogedora espontánea e integral. Conclusión: Los académicos poseen perfil acogedor, pero existe una necesidad de mayor motivación de humanización en la educación universitaria

    Prevalence and severity of orofacial pain in pregnant women

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    OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the prevalence and severity of oral pain in pregnant women.METHODS:A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of pregnant women who were receiving dental care at a Dental School. A structured questionnaire about self-perception of oral conditions and the presence and severity of orofacial pain in the mouth or teeth in the last 6 months was applied.RESULTS:80 pregnant women participated in the study and, of these, 58.8% reported having a problem with their teeth, 31.3% periodontal problems, 61.3% bad taste in mouth and 62.5% bad breath. Only 22.5% of pregnant women did not exhibit any form of oral pain. The most frequently reported pains were: pain with hot/cold liquids or sweets (56.2%) and spontaneous toothache (38.8%). With regard to severity, mild and moderate pain were the most frequently reported, but there was a group of 23.8% of pregnant women with severe or very severe pain caused by hot or cold liquids and 18.8% in the same condition in relation to spontaneous pain.CONCLUSION:The results of this study showed that, despite the high prevalence of pain detected in the pregnant women, severity was low and referred to specific situations.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência e a severidade da dor orofacial em gestantes. MÉTODOS: O estudo transversal foi realizado em uma amostra de gestantes em atendimento odontológico em uma faculdade de odontologia. Foi aplicado questionário estruturado com perguntas sobre a auto percepção das condições bucais e a presença e a severidade da dor orofacial sentida na boca ou dentes nos últimos 6 meses. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 80 gestantes e, destas, 58,8% afirmaram ter algum problema nos dentes, 31,3% problema na gengiva, 61,3% gosto ruim na boca e 62,5% mau hálito. Apenas 22,5% não apresentaram nenhum tipo de dor orofacial. As dores mais relatadas foram: dor com líquidos quentes, frios ou doces (56,2%) e dor de dente espontânea (38,8%). Quanto à severidade, as dores de intensidade leve e moderada foram as mais frequentes, mas havia um grupo de 23,8% das gestantes com dores intensas ou muito intensas provocadas por líquidos frios ou quentes e 18,8% na mesma condição em relação à dor espontânea. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do estudo mostraram que, apesar da alta prevalência de dor orofacial encontrada, a severidade foi baixa e relacionada a algumas situações específicas.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES