655 research outputs found

    Contexte archéologique des dispositifs pariétaux de Reverdit et de Cap-Blanc : nouvelles données

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    National audienceThe re-examination of the parietal sculptures in Reverdit and Cap-Blanc rock-shelters showed the presence of sculpture renewals attesting the existence of two successive graphic compositions. In order to test if these successive compositions could be related to different chronocultural occupations, part of the lithic and osseous industries of Reverdit (Delage collection, IPH) and Cap-Blanc (Lalanne collection, Musée d'Aquitaine) were analyzed. Eleven 14C dates on osseous industry were also carried out. In both sites, the results yield evidence of occupations from the Badegoulian to the Upper Magdalenian, together with solutrean and azilian artifacts in Cap-Blanc. If the second and last phase of sculpture most probably dates from the Middle Magdalenian in both sites, these results raise the question of an older attribution (Badegoulian? Lower Magdalenian?) for the first carvings.La reprise de l'étude de l'art pariétal sculpté de Reverdit et Cap-Blanc a montré dans chaque abri une succession de deux ensembles pariétaux illustrée par des retailles. Pour tenter de déterminer si ces décors consécutifs correspondent à des phases d'occupation distinctes sur le plan chronoculturel, nous avons réétudié une partie des industries lithiques et osseuses de Reverdit (collection Delage, IPH) et de Cap-Blanc (collection Lalanne, Musée d'Aquitaine). Onze dates 14C par AMS ont également été réalisées sur industrie osseuse. Les résultats montrent la présence, dans les deux sites, d'occupations allant du Badegoulien au Magdalénien supérieur, auxquelles s'ajoutent à Cap-Blanc des indices de Solutréen et d'Azilien. Si la seconde et dernière phase de décor se rapporte vraisemblablement au Magdalénien moyen dans les deux sites, ces résultats suggèrent la possibilité d'un âge plus ancien (Badegoulien, Magdalénien inférieur ?) pour les premiers ensembles sculptés, aujourd'hui à l'état vestigiel

    Avaliação de desempenho de filmes de PVC plastificado utilizados na fabricação de bolsas de sangue

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    Orientador: Edison BittencourtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaResumo: Em Hemoterapia,tem-se utilizado bolsas múltiplas para a coleta e fracionamento de sangue e seus derivados. A característica especial destas bolsas é quanto à variação do tempo de estocagem para os concentrados de plaquetas, que depende de propriedades como a permeabilidade ao oxigênio, considerado fator importante para o metabolismo das plaquetas. Tomando como padrão o filme de PVC plastificado com DOP (di-2-etilhexilftalato), de espessura padrão 370 micra, com gravação usual por jateamento, foi estudado o filme denominado PL5, plastificado com o mesmo DOP, com espessura reduzida para 350 micra, com gravação especial, piramidal, regular e o filme de PVC plastificado com TOTM (tri-octil trimelitato) de espessura 370 micra, com gravação usual por jateamento. As modificações causadas pelo tipo de gravação foram avaliadas pelo estudo da permeabilidade ao oxigênio, com filmes da mesma espessura aparente, utilizando diferentes gravações e diferentes plastificantes (DOP e TOTM). Para caracterização da compatibilidade bio-toxicológica foram estudados todos os metais e as substâncias exigidas em portarias do Ministério da Saúde e norma ISO específica...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digitalAbstract: In hemoteraphy, multiple blood bags have been used to collect and fractionate blood and its derivatives. The special feature of such bags is related to the storage-time length variation of the platelet concentrates, which depends upon properties such as permeability to oxygen, considered a factor of high importance for the metabolism oh platelets. Having a PVC film, plasticized with DOP, as thick as 370 micra, made rugged by usual jet as a pattern, a film named PL5, plasticized with the same DOP which was thinned to 350 micra and was regularly, pyramid-like rugged, as well as a PVC film plasticized with TOTM, as thiek as 370 micra, made rugged by usual jet were studied. The changes caused by the kind of rugosity were evaluated by a study on the permeability to oxygen in films with the same thickness using different techniques to make them rugged and different plastieizers ( DOP and TOTM ). ln order to characterize the bio-toxicological compatibility, all the metals and substances required by regulations of the Ministry of Health and specific ISO norm were studied...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertationsMestradoCiencia e Tecnologia de MateriaisMestre em Engenharia Químic

    Rouffignac cave (Dordogne, France): a source of raw material exploited in the Mesolithic

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    The excavation of a small area of a deep gallery within Rouffignac cave produced evidence for the exploitation of flint nodules accessible in the walls, ceiling and clayey fill of the cavity. A technological analysis of the lithic artifacts combined with refitting shed new light on the behavior of the groups who occupied the cave. The very homogeneous lithic assemblage demonstrates the on-site testing, roughing-out and sometimes reduction of nodules. No retouched blanks or hammerstones were recovered, and there is no evidence for any activity other than knapping. However, the technological characteristics of the assemblage and a radiocarbon date obtained on charcoal are consistent with the Mesolithic levels documented at the cave’s porch (Barrière 1973a, b, 1974). Finally, a rapid survey of the floor of certain galleries shows the behavior documented in the studied area to be repeated feature of the cave’s occupation

    La grotte de Rouffignac (Dordogne, France) : un gîte de matière première exploité au Mésolithique

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    La fouille d’un secteur restreint d’une galerie profonde de la grotte de Rouffignac documente une exploitation des nodules de silex directement accessibles sur les parois, le plafond et dans le remplissage argileux de la cavité. L’étude technologique des vestiges lithiques ainsi que les remontages permettent de reconstituer les comportements des Hommes. La série, très homogène, témoigne du test, du dégrossissage et parfois du débitage sur place des nodules. Aucun des supports produits n’est retouché, aucun percuteur n’a été retrouvé et aucun vestige ne documente une autre activité que la taille. Cependant, les caractéristiques techniques des vestiges et une datation radiocarbone obtenue sur charbon de bois conduisent à associer le locus étudié aux niveaux mésolithiques mis au jour sous le porche d’entrée (Barrière 1973a, b, 1974). En outre, un examen rapide du sol de certaines galeries révèle que le locus étudié est l’illustration d’un comportement récurrent dont la grotte a conservé le témoignage.The excavation of a small area of a deep gallery within Rouffignac cave produced evidence for the exploitation of flint nodules accessible in the walls, ceiling and clayey fill of the cavity. A technological analysis of the lithic artifacts combined with refitting shed new light on the behavior of the groups who occupied the cave. The very homogeneous lithic assemblage demonstrates the on-site testing, roughing-out and sometimes reduction of nodules. No retouched blanks or hammerstones were recovered, and there is no evidence for any activity other than knapping. However, the technological characteristics of the assemblage and a radiocarbon date obtained on charcoal are consistent with the Mesolithic levels documented at the cave’s porch (Barrière 1973a, b, 1974). Finally, a rapid survey of the floor of certain galleries shows the behavior documented in the studied area to be repeated feature of the cave’s occupation

    De vuelta al punto de partida: Nuevas dataciones del arte de la Cueva de la Peña de Candamo (Asturias)

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    La Peña de Candamo was discovered by the scientific community in 1914, being one of the first known caves in the Cantabrian region, and declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2008. The only monographic study of its parietal art was led and published by E. Hernández Pacheco in 1919, showing exceptional complexity and graphic density. In 2007, a new research project was launched to update all the information related to the cave's parietal art from a multidisciplinary perspective. Within this context, and starting from the radiocarbon tests made by J. Fortea in the late 20th century, tests have been conducted at the Gif-sur-Yvette to date a series of black dots located on the "Engraving's Wall". The fact that the results are di - fferent to those published to date leads to the discussion as to which to accept based on the followed metho - dologies and protocols. Likewise, the implications of these results in the decorating of the cave and their place within the artistic production of the region during the Upper Palaeolithic period are also analyse


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    Em virtude da adaptação dos profissionais às novas exigências do cenário empresarial, o coaching permite o autoconhecimento e desenvolvimento das competências comportamentais de quem participa do processo. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as contribuições do coaching para a Carreira, na percepção do coachee (cliente). Este estudo se caracteriza como uma pesquisa qualitativa classificada como exploratória, na qual a coleta de dados ocorreu através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com participantes do processo de coaching de carreira. Os resultados apontam que o coaching atua como facilitador no processo de mudança no que tange à carreira profissional, por desenvolver as competências comportamentais, além de permitir o autoconhecimento, autodesenvolvimento, conhecimento de crenças limitantes e propósito de vida, passando a ter um maior entendimento sobre si mesmos, para alcançar os resultados esperados. ----DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v7n1.04 Fransciély Valladas Velasques*, Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis (UNIRITTER). Brasil.E-mail: [email protected] Deisi Nara Bierende, Universidade La Salle (UNILASALLE). Brasil.E-mail: [email protected]  Submetido: Julho 2017Aceito: Janeiro 2019*Contato para Correspondênci

    The Oldest Anatomically Modern Humans from Far Southeast Europe: Direct Dating, Culture and Behavior

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    Background: Anatomically Modern Humans (AMHs) are known to have spread across Europe during the period coinciding with the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition. Whereas their dispersal into Western Europe is relatively well established, evidence of an early settlement of Eastern Europe by modern humans are comparatively scarce. Methodology/Principal Finding: Based on a multidisciplinary approach for the study of human and faunal remains, we describe here the oldest AMH remains from the extreme southeast Europe, in conjunction with their associated cultural and paleoecological background. We applied taxonomy, paleoecology, and taphonomy combined with geomorphology, stratigraphy, archeology and radiocarbon dating. More than 160 human bone remains have been discovered. They originate from a well documented Upper Paleolithic archeological layer (Gravettian cultural tradition) from the site of Buran-Kaya III located in Crimea (Ukraine). The combination of non-metric dental traits and the morphology of the occipital bones allow us to attribute the human remains to Anatomically Modern Humans. A set of human and faunal remains from this layer has been radiocarbon dated by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. The direct-dating results of human bone establish a secure presence of AMHs at 31,900+240/2220 BP in this region. They are the oldest direct evidence of the presence of AMHs in a well documented archeological context. Based on taphonomical observations (cut marks and distribution of skeletal elements), they represent the oldest Upper Paleolithic modern humans from Eastern Europe, showing post-mortem treatment of the dead as well. Conclusion/Significance: These findings are essential for the debate on the spread of modern humans in Europe during the Upper Paleolithic, as well as their cultural behaviors.

    Nuevas dataciones para el Paleolítico superior de Cueva Morin (Villanueva de Villaescusa, Cantabria)

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    Se presentan dos nuevas dataciones C14 realizadas en Cueva Morin de ios niveles 11 (Musteriense) y 8 (Auriñaciense arcaico). También se efectúa la contextualización de éstas en el marco de la Transición entre el Paleolítico medio y el superior en la región cantábrica.We present the new C14 dates come from Cueva Morin sampies of ttie 11 (Mousterian) and 8 (Archaic Aurignacian) levéis. Moreover we offer the framework of this dates for the Middie-Upper Paiaeolithic Transition in the Cantabrian región