81 research outputs found

    Joan Poblet i Teixidó. La qüestió agrària com a qüestió nacional (Xavier Ferré Trill)

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    Joan Poblet i Teixidó. La qüestió agrària com a quüestió nacional (Xavier Ferré Trill

    Importancia de la figura del entrenador personal en el mundo del fitness

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    Tal y como afirma la ciencia, los entrenadores personales (EP) representan una interesante herramienta para lograr nuestros objetivos y, por ello, nuestro propósito fundamental es corroborar dicha afirmación desde 3 puntos de vista diferentes: composición corporal (masa muscular en kg y grasa en %), fuerza de tren superior e inferior (1RM en press banca palanca y 1RM en sentadilla multipower) y conducta (alimentación, descanso, opinión acerca del entrenamiento personalizado y consecución de objetivos).En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado de CCAFD se ha analizado a 26 sujetos (18 hombres y 8 mujeres) dividiéndolos en dos grupos, uno con EP y otro sin EP. Se han llevado a cabo 2 pruebas, una inicial y otra final, con un intervalo de tiempo entre ambas de 16 semanas.Tras valorar los cambios entre ambas intervenciones, se ha concluido que la fuerza de tren inferior y la masa muscular presentan mejoras significativas en el grupo con EP y, además, estos profesionales logran una gran adherencia en los sujetos y ciertos hábitos, como la alimentación, mejoran tras varias semanas bajo su supervisión.<br /

    Valoració pels alumnes dels ensenyaments del Campus de l'Alimentació de la UB de les activitats d'aprenentatge de l'assignatura de Fisiologia Humana

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524La Fisiologia Humana és una assignatura obligatòria de primer curs, comuna als graus de Nutrició Humana i Dietètica (NHD) i de Ciència i Tecnologia dels Aliments (CTA). L’avaluació de l’assignatura consisteix en diverses proves distribuïdes al llarg del curs, relacionades amb els continguts teòrics (examen final), les habilitats i competències pràctiques (examen pràctic), i el desenvolupament de competències transversals (anàlisi i síntesi d’articles científics). A més, i per tal d’estimular l’aprenentatge continuat, es fan proves d’avaluació formativa no acreditativa en forma de qüestionaris a través del campus virtual que anomenem bonus-test..

    El plom : un problema mediambiental i per la salut

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    El plom és l'element de la taula periòdica amb número atòmic 82. Té una abundància de 1,3 ppm en l'escorça terrestre i es troba a la natura en proporció petita i en diferents àmbits. Aquest article presenta els problemes que el plom pot arribar a generar ja que, encara que actualment s'utilitzi molt menys, és molt perillós tant per la salut com per el medi ambient. També analitza les diferents tècniques existents per detectar i eliminar el plom.El plomo es el elemento de la tabla periódica con número atómico 82. Tiene una abundancia de 1,3 ppm en la corteza terrestre, y se encuentra en la naturaleza en una proporción pequeña y en diferentes ámbitos. Este artículo presenta los problemas que el plomo puede llegar a generar y, aunque en la actualidad se utiliza mucho menos, aún continua siendo muy peligroso tanto para la salud como para el medio ambiente. También analiza las diferentes técnicas que existen para detectar y eliminar el plomo

    Visual data mining with self-organizing maps for ''self-monitoring'' data analysis

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    Data collected in psychological studies are mainly characterized by containing a large number of variables (multidimensional data sets). Analyzing multidimensional data can be a difficult task, especially if only classical approaches are used (hypothesis tests, analyses of variance, linear models, etc.). Regarding multidimensional models, visual techniques play an important role because they can show the relationships among variables in a data set. Parallel coordinates and Chernoff faces are good examples of this. This article presents self-organizing maps (SOM), a multivariate visual data mining technique used to provide global visualizations of all the data. This technique is presented as a tutorial with the aim of showing its capabilities, how it works, and how to interpret its results. Specifically, SOM analysis has been applied to analyze the data collected in a study on the efficacy of a cognitive and behavioral treatment (CBT) for childhood obesity. The objective of the CBT was to modify the eating habits and level of physical activity in a sample of children with overweight and obesity. Children were randomized into two treatment conditions: CBT traditional procedure (face-to-face sessions) and CBT supported by a web platform. In order to analyze their progress in the acquisition of healthier habits, self-register techniques were used to record dietary behavior and physical activity. In the traditional CBT condition, children completed the self-register using a paper-and-pencil procedure, while in the web platform condition, participants completed the self-register using an electronic personal digital assistant. Results showed the potential of SOM for analyzing the large amount of data necessary to study the acquisition of new habits in a childhood obesity treatment. Currently, the high prevalence of childhood obesity points to the need to develop strategies to manage a large number of data in order to design procedures adapted to personal characteristics and increase treatment efficacy

    Improvement of antibiotic therapy and ICU survival in severe non-pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia: a matched case-control study

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    INTRODUCTION: We aimed to compare intensive care unit mortality due to non-pneumococcal severe community-acquired pneumonia between the periods 2000-2002 and 2008-2014, and the impact of the improvement in antibiotic strategies on outcomes. METHODS: This was a matched case-control study enrolling 144 patients with non-pneumococcal severe pneumonia: 72 patients from the 2000-2002 database (CAPUCI I group) were paired with 72 from the 2008-2014 period (CAPUCI II group), matched by the following variables: microorganism, shock at admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, immunocompromise, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and age over 65 years. RESULTS: The most frequent microorganism was methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (22.1%) followed by Legionella pneumophila and Haemophilus influenzae (each 20.7%); prevalence of shock was 59.7%, while 73.6% of patients needed invasive mechanical ventilation. Intensive care unit mortality was significantly lower in the CAPUCI II group (34.7% versus 16.7%; odds ratio (OR) 0.78, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.64-0.95; p = 0.02). Appropriate therapy according to microorganism was 91.5% in CAPUCI I and 92.7% in CAPUCI II, while combined therapy and early antibiotic treatment were significantly higher in CAPUCI II (76.4 versus 90.3% and 37.5 versus 63.9%; p < 0.05). In the multivariate analysis, combined antibiotic therapy (OR 0.23, 95% CI 0.07-0.74) and early antibiotic treatment (OR 0.07, 95% CI 0.02-0.22) were independently associated with decreased intensive care unit mortality. CONCLUSIONS: In non-pneumococcal severe community-acquired pneumonia , early antibiotic administration and use of combined antibiotic therapy were both associated with increased intensive care unit survival during the study period

    Quantum correlations and degeneracy of identical bosons in a two-dimensional harmonic trap

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    We consider a small number of identical bosons trapped in a two-dimensional isotropic harmonic potential and also the N-boson system when it is feasible. The atom-atom interaction is modeled by means of a finite-range Gaussian interaction. The spectral properties of the system are scrutinized and, in particular, we derive analytic expressions for the degeneracies and their breaking for the lower-energy states at small but finite interactions. We demonstrate that the degeneracy of the low-energy states is independent of the number of particles in the noninteracting limit and also for sufficiently weak interactions. In the strongly interacting regime, we show how the many-body wave function develops holes whenever two particles are at the same position in space to avoid the interaction, a mechanism reminiscent of the Tonks-Girardeau gas in one dimension. The evolution of the system as the interaction is increased is studied by means of the density profiles, pair correlations, and fragmentation of the ground state for 2, 3, and 4 bosons

    Oxidative Stress, Neuroinflammation and Mitochondria in the Pathophysiology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive motor neuron (MN) disease. Its primary cause remains elusive, although a combination of different causal factors cannot be ruled out. There is no cure, and prognosis is poor. Most patients with ALS die due to disease-related complications, such as respiratory failure, within three years of diagnosis. While the underlying mechanisms are unclear, different cell types (microglia, astrocytes, macrophages and T cell subsets) appear to play key roles in the pathophysiology of the disease. Neuroinflammation and oxidative stress pave the way leading to neurodegeneration and MN death. ALS-associated mitochondrial dysfunction occurs at different levels, and these organelles are involved in the mechanism of MN death. Molecular and cellular interactions are presented here as a sequential cascade of events. Based on our present knowledge, the discussion leads to the idea that feasible therapeutic strategies should focus in interfering with the pathophysiology of the disease at different steps

    Medida de la Velocidad de Onda de Pulso mediante Ecografía Doppler : Concordancia con el Método Complior

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    La rigidez arterial es un parámetro establecido dentro de la valoración del riesgo cardio-vascular. Actualmente disponemos de múltiples métodos para determinar la velocidad de onda de pulso (VOP) y entre ellos los más utilizados son los métodos mecánicos, como el Complior o el Sphigmocor, que precisan de dispositivos específicos y una inversión importante en aprendizaje y tiempo de exploración. La utilización del doppler guiado por ecografía 2D es una buena alternativa a estos métodos. Realizamos un estudio comparativo para evaluar la fiabilidad del eco-doppler en la medida de la VOP carótida-femoral respecto al método Complior. Se estudió la VOP carótida-femoral utilizando los dos sistemas en 40 pacientes, mostrando ambos métodos muy buena concordancia (R=0'91). En el análisis de reproducibilidad de la VOP por doppler no se hallaron diferencias intra e interobservador. En base a los resultados, el estudio demuestra que la ecografía doppler puede ser usada para medir la VOP aórtica de manera fiable y reproducible, similar otros métodos más establecidos