887 research outputs found

    Starting up networked innovation projects

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    Starting up networked innovation projects

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    Constraining neutrino masses with the ISW-galaxy correlation function

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    Temperature anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) are affected by the late Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (lISW) effect caused by any time-variation of the gravitational potential on linear scales. Dark energy is not the only source of lISW, since massive neutrinos induce a small decay of the potential on small scales during both matter and dark energy domination. In this work, we study the prospect of using the cross-correlation between CMB and galaxy density maps as a tool for constraining the neutrino mass. On the one hand massive neutrinos reduce the cross-correlation spectrum because free-streaming slows down structure formation; on the other hand, they enhance it through their change in the effective linear growth. We show that in the observable range of scales and redshifts, the first effect dominates, but the second one is not negligible. We carry out an error forecast analysis by fitting some mock data inspired by the Planck satellite, Dark Energy Survey (DES) and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). The inclusion of the cross-correlation data from Planck and LSST increases the sensitivity to the neutrino mass m_nu by 38% (and to the dark energy equation of state w by 83%) with respect to Planck alone. The correlation between Planck and DES brings a far less significant improvement. This method is not potentially as good for detecting m_nu as the measurement of galaxy, cluster or cosmic shear power spectra, but since it is independent and affected by different systematics, it remains potentially interesting if the total neutrino mass is of the order of 0.2 eV; if instead it is close to the lower bound from atmospheric oscillations, m_nu ~ 0.05 eV, we do not expect the ISW-galaxy correlation to be ever sensitive to m_nu.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. References added. Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    New constraints on the observable inflaton potential from WMAP and SDSS

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    We derive some new constraints on single-field inflation from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 3-year data combined with the Sloan Luminous Red Galaxy survey. Our work differs from previous analyses by focusing only on the observable part of the inflaton potential, or in other words, by making absolutely no assumption about extrapolation of the potential from its observable region to its minimum (i.e., about the branch of the potential responsible for the last ~50 inflationary e-folds). We only assume that inflation starts at least a few e-folds before the observable Universe leaves the Hubble radius, and that the inflaton rolls down a monotonic and regular potential, with no sharp features or phase transitions. We Taylor-expand the inflaton potential at order v=2, 3 or 4 in the vicinity of the pivot scale, compute the primordial spectra of scalar and tensor perturbations numerically and fit the data. For v>2, a large fraction of the allowed models is found to produce a large negative running of the scalar tilt, and to fall in a region of parameter space where the second-order slow-roll formalism is strongly inaccurate. We release a code for the computation of inflationary perturbations which is compatible with CosmoMC.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, codes available at http://wwwlapp.in2p3.fr/~lesgourgues/inflation/. Version to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Modeling growth of mandibles in the Western Arctic caribou herd

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    We compared growth curves for ramus length and diastema length from two autumn collections of mandibles of male Western Arctic Herd caribou in Alaska. We were primarily interested in determining if growth curves of caribou mandibles differed between caribou born during 1959-1967, after the herd had been high for several years and was probably declining in size, and those born during 1976-1988, when the herd was increasing in size. To compare these growth curves, we used a nonlinear model and used maximum likelihood estimates and likelihood ratio tests. We found that growth rates were similar between periods, but intercepts and variances of growth curves differed. From this we infer that calves were smaller in autumn during the 1960s and that significant compensatory growth did not occur later in life

    Low-speed impact craters in loose granular media

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    We report on craters formed by balls dropped into dry, non-cohesive, granular media. By explicit variation of ball density ρb\rho_{b}, diameter DbD_{b}, and drop height HH, the crater diameter is confirmed to scale as the 1/4 power of the energy of the ball at impact: Dc(ρbDb3H)1/4D_{c}\sim(\rho_{b}{D_{b}}^{3}H)^{1/4}. Against expectation, a different scaling law is discovered for the crater depth: d(ρb3/2Db2H)1/3d\sim({\rho_{b}}^{3/2}{D_{b}}^{2}H)^{1/3}. The scaling with properties of the medium is also established. The crater depth has significance for granular mechanics in that it relates to the stopping force on the ball.Comment: experiment; 4 pages, 3 figure

    Impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus in a rural population in South India

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    In the present study the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in a rural population in South India was assessed and its associations with body mass index and a family history of diabetes mellitus. Data were obtained from inhabitants of two villages located in the North Arcot District of Tamil Nadu. After an overnight fast, 467 randomly selected subjects, aged 40 years or over, were given 75 g glucose orally. After two hours the capillary glucose level was determined. The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (2 h value ≥ 7.8 mmol/l and < 11.1 mmol/l) was 6.6% (31 subjects). Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (2 h value ≥ 11.1 mmol/l) was found in 23 subjects (4.9%). Of these, 53% were previously unknown. Age and sex adjusted mean body mass index was significantly higher among subjects with impaired glucose tolerance compared to subjects without glucose intolerance, with a mean difference of 1.4 kg/m2 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.2, 2.6). A positive family history of diabetes was non-significantly higher in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. Subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus had a higher mean body mass index compared to subjects with normal glucose levels with a mean difference of 1.9 kg/m2 (95% CI 0.5, 3.3). A positive family history of diabetes was more common among diabetics with a difference of 20% (95% CI 10, 30). Our findings suggest that in a considerable proportion (11.5%) of the rural South Indian population aged 40 years or over glucose intolerance is present. These results may indicate that apart from other important causes of morbidity and mortality, a substantial proportion of the rural Indian population will suffer from cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the near future

    Transvaginal endoscopy and small ovarian endometriomas: unravelling the missing link?

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    The incidence of endometriosis in the infertile female is estimated to be between 20 and 50 %. Although the causal relationship between endometriosis and infertility has not been proven, it is generally accepted that the disease impairs reproductive outcome. Indirect imaging techniques and transvaginal laparoscopy now offer the possibility of an early stage diagnosis. Although it remains debated whether the disease is progressive, treatment in an early stage is recommendable as it carries less risk for ovarian damage, hence premature ovarian failure. Under water, inspection with the technique of transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (THL) accurately shows the invagination of the ovarian cortex as minimal superficial lesions but with the presence of well-differentiated endometrial like tissue at the base, the lateral walls and especially the inner edges of the small endometrioma. An inflammatory environment is responsible for the formation of connecting adhesions with the broad ligament and lateral wall with invasion of endometrial-like tissue and formation of adenomyotic lesions. In around 50 % of the small endometriomas, adhesiolysis is necessary at the site of invagination with opening of the cyst, to free the chocolate content and hereby recognize the underlying endometrioma. The detailed inspection of these early-stage endometriotic lesions at THL reunites the hypothesis of Sampson with the observation of Hughesdon

    Constraining Inflation

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    Slow roll reconstruction is derived from the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of inflationary dynamics. It automatically includes information from sub-leading terms in slow roll, and facilitatesthe inclusion of priors based on the duration on inflation. We show that at low inflationary scales the Hamilton-Jacobi equations simplify considerably. We provide a new classification scheme for inflationary models, based solely on the number of parameters needed to specify the potential, and provide forecasts for likely bounds on the slow roll parameters from future datasets. A minimal running of the spectral index, induced solely by the first two slow roll parameters (\epsilon and \eta) appears to be effectively undetectable by realistic Cosmic Microwave Background experiments. However, we show that the ability to detect this signal increases with the lever arm in comoving wavenumber, and we conjecture that high redshift 21 cm data may allow tests of second order consistency conditions on inflation. Finally, we point out that the second order corrections to the spectral index are correlated with the inflationary scale, and thus the amplitude of the CMB B-mode.Comment: 32 pages. v

    Vacuum properties of nonsymmetric gravity in de Sitter space

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    We consider quantum effects of a massive antisymmetric tensor field on the dynamics of de Sitter space-time. Our starting point is the most general, stable, linearized Lagrangian arising in nonsymmetric gravitational theories (NGTs), where part of the antisymmetric field mass is generated by the cosmological term. We construct a renormalization group (RG) improved effective action by integrating out one loop vacuum fluctuations of the antisymmetric tensor field and show that, in the limit when the RG scale goes to zero, the Hubble parameter -- and thus the effective cosmological constant -- relaxes rapidly to zero. We thus conclude that quantum loop effects in de Sitter space can dramatically change the infrared sector of the on-shell gravity, making the expansion rate insensitive to the original (bare) cosmological constant.Comment: 32 pages, 2 eps figure