370 research outputs found

    The gifts and ‘contributions' Friedrich Froebel and Russian education (1850–1929)

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    This article examines the contribution of the Russian Froebelian movement to educational theory and practice in Russia, in the context of the cultural transformation there from the second half of the nineteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. The Froebel movement had a strong influence on not only the formation of Russian early years educational practice but also child psychology. The analysis explores mainly, but not exclusively, the educational ideas of two followers of Froebel, Elizaveta Vodovosova (1844–1923), educator and writer, and Luiza Schleger (1862–1942), founder of the first public kindergarten in Moscow. Their lives and educational beliefs highlight the development of two different interpretations of Froebelian educational theory in two particular periods of Russian cultural development. In this article we argue that the specific accommodation of Froebelian pedagogy in pre‐revolutionary Russia created the foundation for the presence of Froebelian ideas in the curriculum of Soviet Early Childhood Education

    On some special conditions of the civil process, regarding medical establishments in their capacity as debtors

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    Лечебните заведения като едни от участниците в гражданския оборот са поставени в сложна икономическа среда. В качеството им на длъжници спрямо тях се прилагат механизмите на гражданския процес, според който обезпечаването, осъществяването и удовлетворяването на признатите със съдебно решение граждански субективни права става чрез правилата на обезпечителното и изпълнително производство.Настоящата статия е опит да се посочат някои основни моменти, свързани с прилагането на правилата на ГПК, като се акцентира на спецификите и новите моменти, касаещи лечебните заведения.Medical establishments as one of the participants in civilian turnover are placed in a complex economic environment. In their capacity as debtors, the mechanisms of the civil procedure have been applied to them, according to which the safeguard, fulfillment and satisfaction of the civil subjective rights recognized by court decision are done through the rules of the civils safeguards and executives procedures.This article is an attempt to point out some basic points related to the application of the rules of the Civil Procedure Code, focusing on the specifics and the new points concerning the medical institutions

    Study of legal framework of involvement of nurses in the process of patient`s informed consent in the republic of Bulgaria and other countries

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    Introduction: Essential in providing medical assistance to patients is achieving clarity and legal certainty in the work of medical professionals. To this end, a clear and uniform approach in regulation of involvement of nurses in the process of patient`s informed consent, which is currently lacking in the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, is to be adopted.Objective: To examine the legal framework of the involvement of nurses in the process of patients` informed consent in the Republic of Bulgaria and other countries.Materials and methods: We have applied a documentary method. A comparative legal analysis of the legislation on the involvement of nurses in the process of patients` informed consent in the Republic of Bulgaria and other countries within the period January 2014 - May 2015 has been made.Deliverables: Based on the comparative legal analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria and the countries studied, it was found that there is no single approach to the regulations of the involvement of nurses in the process of patients` informed consent in the country unlike the laws of other countries where it is clearly and systematically arranged.Discussion: In the laws that have been reviewed the liability to inform patients lies on all health professionals. According to the analyzed legal definitions in the legal sources compared, a nurse is a health professional and as such, she has certain obligations in the process of informed consent of patients.Conclusion: It is necessary the current Bulgarian legislation on the involvement of nurses in the process of patients` informed consent to be further developed and refined taking into account the experience of other countries

    The need to obtain written informed consent for invasive nursing procedures with a view of Bulgarian legislation

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    INTRODUCTION: The study on the need to obtain written informed consent for invasive nursing procedures has important scientific and practical importance in meeting the patients‘ rights and achieving professional nursing security.AIM: To examine the need to obtain written informed consent for invasive nursing manipulations with a view to the current Bulgarian legislation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have conducted an analysis of the literature and used a documentary method (due diligence). The legal regulation of public relations was analyzed and was linked to the nurse`s par­ticipation in the process of obtaining informed consent from the patient and in particular to the need to obtain written informed consent for invasive nursing procedures. The study is part of a complex, targeted and thor­ough study of the possibilities to optimize the participation of nurses in the process of obtaining informed con­sent from patients, conducted in the period January 2008 - September 2015.RESULTS: As result of the legal analysis of the primary and secondary legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria on the researched problem, it was found that an essential part of the medical activities performed by the nurses belong to the so-called invasive methods. At the same time the law requires informing and obtaining consent for the aforementioned medical activities to be carried out in writing. Moreover, it is a condition regarding the reality and validity of the consent. In this case, we performed a detailed analysis on issues concerning the indi­vidual that is obliged to provide the consent when performing the invasive procedures that are written above.CONCLUSIONS: Based on a thorough analysis of the primary and secondary legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria and also an analysis of the available scientific literature on the issue, the conclusion is that not the doctor, but the nurse is the one to inform and to obtain written consent from the patient before performing the invasive procedures for which the nurse is responsible

    On some matters concerning the concept „Adverse event` in medicine and its relation to existing legal concepts

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    Рискът е неизменна част от медицинската дейност. Поради това световен приоритет е подобряването сигурността на пациента. Разбирането за качество на медицинските грижи все повече корелира с обезпечаване на сигурността на пациентите и редуциране на рисковете, съпътстващи медицинската дейност. Рискът е една потенциална опасност, чието настъпване води до неблагоприятни последици. В тази връзка особено значение придоби понятието „нежелано събитие` в медицината. Неговото изследване от юридическа гледна точка ще съдейства на практиката в процеса на анализиране и класифициране на т.нар. нежелани събития в медицината.Risk is an integral part of medical practice. Therefore the global priority is to improve patient safety in medicine. Understanding the quality of care correlates with ensuring patient`s safety and reducing the risks that comes with medical care. The risk is a potential danger, the occurence of which leads to adverse consequences for the patient. In such a context the term „adverse event` has acquired a special importance in medicine. The research of this term legally will assist the process of analyzing and classifying the so-called adverse events in medicine

    A systematic review of the contribution of art education to cultural learning in learners aged 5–16

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    This review was prompted by a concern to collect evidence about art education and cultural identity formation. Art is widely viewed as one of the main communication systems in most cultures and as a medium for transmission and transformation of culture. In the past, art curricula tended to be dominated by an elite tradition of western fine art. The wider range of cultural practices and identifications being advocated as a result of multicultural reform raises practical difficulties for art teachers. These are widely debated: for example, how to teach cultural heritage and which kind of cultural content to include. Governments are increasingly advocating the use of art education to redress pressing societal problems, such as social exclusion and culture conflict. However, the nature of such curriculum interventions and their impact on learners’ cultural identifications is unclear. This systematic review covers a section of the research literature on art and cultural learning. The literature is first described in a map and then assessed for quality and synthesised. Aim The aim of the review is to provide evidence about the contribution of art to cultural education for learners aged 5–16 (i.e. understanding of self and others in relation to culture). Conclusions Policy Probably the most significant finding is that the extensive literature discussing the positive contribution of art to cultural learning in the United Kingdom is not supported by empirical research. The review highlights the worrying possibility therefore that publicly funded policy in art and cultural understanding is without a significant evidence base. Practice The majority of studies included in this review are doctoral theses. They were carried out in collaboration with school teachers and were practice based. Although this probably caused them to be quite small scale, they provide detailed examples of experimental curricula. This is perhaps indicative of a desire by some practitioners for research evidence to guide them on the topic. Research The research reports included in this review are small-scale evaluations of curriculum experiments by the participants. There was very little hard, empirical evidence in them to support claims that art education affects positive changes in learners’ understanding of others and self. This suggests that more reliable and valid research in this area of the art curriculum needs to be carried out. The Arts Council of England (2002), for example, could see it as one of its functions to investigate systematically the impact of art education interventions on identity formation and cross-cultural understanding as part of its Creative Partnership Scheme