318 research outputs found

    Electronic system for flight data recording

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    Cilj diplomskega dela, bo razviti samostojen izdelek za namene beleženja podatkov o lokaciji in hitrosti gibanja modela letala. Naprava mora biti kar se da majhna, baterijsko napajana, da jo lahko uporabimo tudi drugod. Zaradi čim daljše avtonomije stremimo k nizki porabi. Medij za shranjevanje podatkov mora biti odstranljiv, da podatke lahko kasneje beremo in obdelujemo na osebnem računalniku. Na začetku bom predstavil osnovno teorijo o delovanju satelitske navigacije, kajti vsi podatki bodo zajeti s pomočjo sprejemnika GPS, zato je razumevanje dobljenih podatkov bistveno. V naslednjih poglavjih bom opisal vse, kar sem za potrebe diplomskega dela izdelal. To je model letala, ki bo predmet merjenja, strojno opremo (ang. Hardware) in programsko opremo za mikrokrmilnik (ang. Firmware). Najprej bo predstavljeno letalo in njegove elektronske komponente, potrebne za krmiljenje. Sledil bo opis strojne opreme, narisane s pomočjo programa Altium Designer. Strojno opremo bo potrebno oživeti s pomočjo programske opreme. Za njen razvoj sem uporabil integrirano razvojno okolje Keil uVision, kar bo opisano v predzadnjem poglavju. Za zaključek bom predstavil še podatke, pridobljene s pomočjo zbiralnika podatkov in jih analiziral. Že sedanja strojna oprema vsebuje nekatere komponente, ki omogočajo razširitev uporabe.Within the thesis, my goal will be to develop a stand-alone device for the purpose of recording location and velocity data of the flying model airplane. The device must be as small as possible and battery-powered so it can be used also elsewhere. To achieve longest possible autonomy, we strive for a low power consumption. Data storage medium must be removable so information can later be read and processed on a personal computer. In the beginning of the thesis the background theory is presented, including the navigation, as all data will be captured with the help of GPS receiver. In the following sections the hardware components and the firmware software for the microcontroller are presented. In more details the plane and the accompanying electronic components are described. The hardware was designed using the Altium Designer software tool. The integrated development environment Keil uVision was used for software development. Finally, the location data obtained by the data collector and corresponding evaluation is presented. Future research and application of the presented solution are discussed in the conclusion

    Detection of former landfills in gravel plain using geomorphometric analysis and High-Resolution LiDAR DTM

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    The article represents the application of geomorphologic approach to discover the potential areas of buried waste in agricultural landscape of Ljubljana gravel plain. Some former waste disposal sites or landfills are underground sites characterized by heterogeneous old waste buried in formerly concave landforms: old inactive gravel pits or paleo-riverbeds. They form different types of anthropogenic landforms. They were primary recognized and located with the terrain visualization (analytical shading, hypsometry) of LiDAR data and in continuation with geomorphometric analysis and classification of fluvial terrain. Due to subsidence of heterogeneous waste, terrain of former landfill sites is bumpy and uncharacteristic of fluvial surface morfology or terrain. The geomorphometric analysis was applied to differentiate the anthropogenic landforms (gravel pits, filled gravel pits …) from natural alluvial landforms with combination of two geomorphometrics: multiresolution index of valley bottom flatness (MrVBF) and convergence index and high density LiDAR data. Result is the automatically derived classification of terrain in to three classes: (1) bumpy terrain, typical for areas with high terrain potential for landfill, (2) flat terrain, typical for dry paleo riverbeds and (3) »agricultural« terrain, typical for intensive fields and meadows. By comparing the results of geomorphometric analysis with the results of visual analysis the 26 of 46 visually detected anthropogenic landforms are overlapping the areas of high terrain potential for landfill and among these 8 objects were proved with geohistorical analysis of archive aerial photographs

    Vegetation as the Bioindicator of Human-induced Degradation in Karst Landscape: Case Study of Waste-filled Dolines

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    Mismanagement practices, such as unsustainable waste disposal, created many degraded sites. In karst landscapes, old uncontrolled landfills are often located in dolines (sinkholes). Buried waste material in dolines represents degradation of landform, habitats and a potential danger of groundwater pollution. Buried waste provides heterogeneous ecological conditions on the surface, thus plant communities or individual plant species that developed on the surface of landfills can be used as a bioindicators of waste-filled doline sites and therefore indicators of land degradation. We aimed to discover the potential of vegetation to detect unknown locations of old dump-sites in suffusion dolines in Logaško polje (Dinaric Karst, Slovenia), either by plant communities or by plant species. We aimed to ascertain whether vegetation can indicate the dumping period by estimation of community succession stage. Locations and the age of waste-filled dolines (doline-dumps) were preliminary identified by a historical landscape study. Thus, we used time series of aerial photographs and digital photogrammetry tools for 3D modelling of historical terrain. Ecological evaluation was based on sampling the floristic composition of plots (5x5 m). We analysed ecological conditions by Ellenberg bioindicator values, structure by life history traits and naturalness by hemerobic levels of plants. We studied in detail 30 up to 50-years-old waste-filled dolines that are interspersed by dry and mesic grasslands. Ecological evaluation demonstrated that the main driver of ecological diversity at doline-dumps is the time at which the doline was backfilled and succession started. Annual and eutrophic communities dominate the youngest doline-dumps, middle aged doline-dumps are covered by nitrophilous perennial forbs and, finally, communities developed towards mesic grassland. We conclude that plant communities in combination with diagnostic plant species can be used as a bioindicators of doline-dumps in agricultural landscape of Logaško polje and can therefore indicate the sites of potential groundwater pollution sources but not the type of long-time buried waste.Key words: suffusion dolines, plant communities, waste dumping, Ellenberg indicator values, polje

    Wege und Wandlungen deutscher Südostforschung

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    Ein „Votum Valachicum" v. J. 1681

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    Fünfundzwanzig Jahre Südostinstitut 1930-1955

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    Nekdanja odlagališča odpadkov v vrtačah in gramoznicah

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    This volume (‘Former waste disposal sites in dolines and gravel pits’) presents former waste disposal sites in depressions (dolines and gravel pits) using relief analysis of the former and current landscape and based on comparing them with one another. A comprehensive methodological approach has been created called the three-dimensional (3D) model, which is used to detect and record unknown, hidden former waste disposal sites in depressions above sensitive aquifers. The research deals with the problem of former waste disposal sites from the viewpoint of discovering them, creating a registry, and studying noticeable surface effects on the landscape (relief, soil, and vegetation).Monografija predstavlja nekdanja odlagališča odpadkov v kotanjah (vrtače, gramoznice) z uporabo reliefne analize nekdanje in sedanje pokrajine ter na podlagi njune medsebojne primerjave. Z analizo reliefa smo na vzorčnih območjih Logaškega polja in Logaškega ravnika ter Ljubljanskega polja določili izhodiščno stanje vrtač in gramoznic pred njihovim zasipavanjem z odpadki. Dobljene rezultate smo preverjali s terenskim delom. Vzorčili (sondirali) smo prsti nad odpadki, na preseku zasutih kotanj smo merili električno upornost tal, s fitogeografskim popisom pa smo določili indikatorske rastline, ki so pokazatelj navzočnosti organskih odpadkov v kotanji. Rezultati terenskega preučevanja pomenijo nova izhodišča za bodoče geoinformacijske analize rastlinstva in prsti na odlagališčih odpadkov. Izsledki monografije so pomembna podlaga za morebitno izdelavo katastra nekdanjih odlagališč odpadkov na ravni celotne Slovenije, kjer je odprtih še veliko metodoloških izzivov, povezanih z različnimi tipi podatkov

    Siedlungsgeschichte des bairischen Stammes

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    Assessing the suitability of planned garden-plot areas in Ljubljana

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    This article examines garden plots in Ljubljana to present the planning of this self-sufficient vegetable production activity, which developed mostly spontaneously in all urban environments in and around Ljubljana. Some residents of Ljubljana, the Slovenian capital, are involved in this activity not so much because of economic necessity but because it provides recreation and relaxation, meets their need for direct contact with nature, and offers them an opportunity to produce healthy food. Typically, older people are involved in this activity, among which the number of highly educated people is unexpectedly high. The majority are happy with the plot-gardening situation. The city government has begun systematically removing garden plots in unsuitable locations, and has drafted a proposal to organize gardening areas in a way that does not pollute the environment, and at the same time provide them with suitable infrastructure. We evaluated the appropriateness of the planned locations in the draft City Municipality of Ljubljana Zoning Implementation Plan on the basis of the fulfillment of key exclusion and attraction criteria that were established based on survey answers included in support of the decision-making with the help of GIS tools. Decision-making by consensus, inclusion of public stakeholders, and establishing dialog between the city government and garden-plot users will need to be ensured in carrying out this plan