391 research outputs found

    Theoretical cosmic Type Ia supernova rates

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    The aim of this work is the computation of the cosmic Type Ia supernova rates at very high redshifts (z>2). We adopt various progenitor models in order to predict the number of explosions in different scenarios for galaxy formation and to check whether it is possible to select the best delay time distribution model, on the basis of the available observations of Type Ia supernovae. We also computed the Type Ia supernova rate in typical elliptical galaxies of different initial luminous masses and the total amount of iron produced by Type Ia supernovae in each case. It emerges that: it is not easy to select the best delay time distribution scenario from the observational data and this is because the cosmic star formation rate dominates over the distribution function of the delay times; the monolithic collapse scenario predicts an increasing trend of the SN Ia rate at high redshifts whereas the predicted rate in the hierarchical scheme drops dramatically at high redshift; for the elliptical galaxies we note that the predicted maximum of the Type Ia supernova rate depends on the initial galactic mass. The maximum occurs earlier (at about 0.3 Gyr) in the most massive ellipticals, as a consequence of downsizing in star formation. We find that different delay time distributions predict different relations between the Type Ia supernova rate per unit mass at the present time and the color of the parent galaxies and that bluer ellipticals present higher supernova Type Ia rates at the present time.Comment: Revised version, 18 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the New Astronomy journa

    Dust from AGBs: relevant factors and modelling uncertainties

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    The dust formation process in the winds of Asymptotic Giant Branch stars is discussed, based on full evolutionary models of stars with mass in the range 11M⊙≤_{\odot} \leqM≤8\leq 8M⊙_{\odot}, and metallicities 0.001<Z<0.0080.001 < Z <0.008. Dust grains are assumed to form in an isotropically expanding wind, by growth of pre--existing seed nuclei. Convection, for what concerns the treatment of convective borders and the efficiency of the schematization adopted, turns out to be the physical ingredient used to calculate the evolutionary sequences with the highest impact on the results obtained. Low--mass stars with M≤3\leq 3M⊙_{\odot} produce carbon type dust with also traces of silicon carbide. The mass of solid carbon formed, fairly independently of metallicity, ranges from a few 10−410^{-4}M⊙_{\odot}, for stars of initial mass 1−1.51-1.5M⊙_{\odot}, to ∼10−2\sim 10^{-2}M⊙_{\odot} for M∼2−2.5\sim 2-2.5M⊙_{\odot}; the size of dust particles is in the range 0.1μ0.1 \mum≤aC≤0.2μ\leq a_C \leq 0.2\mum. On the contrary, the production of silicon carbide (SiC) depends on metallicity. For 10−3≤Z≤8×10−310^{-3} \leq Z \leq 8\times 10^{-3} the size of SiC grains varies in the range 0.05μm<aSiC<0.1μ0.05 \mu {\rm m} < {\rm a_{SiC}} < 0.1 \mum, while the mass of SiC formed is 10−5M⊙<MSiC<10−3M⊙10^{-5}{\rm M}_{\odot} < {\rm M_{SiC}} < 10^{-3}{\rm M}_{\odot}. Models of higher mass experience Hot Bottom Burning, which prevents the formation of carbon stars, and favours the formation of silicates and corundum. In this case the results scale with metallicity, owing to the larger silicon and aluminium contained in higher--Z models. At Z=8×10−38\times 10^{-3} we find that the most massive stars produce dust masses md∼0.01m_d \sim 0.01M⊙_{\odot}, whereas models of smaller mass produce a dust mass ten times smaller. The main component of dust are silicates, although corundum is also formed, in not negligible quantities (∼10−20%\sim 10-20\%).Comment: Paper accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal (2014 January 4

    AGB and SAGB stars: modelling dust production at solar metallicity

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    We present dust yields for asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and super--asymptotic giant branch (SAGB) stars of solar metallicity. Stars with initial mass 1.5 M⊙≤Mini≤3 M⊙1.5~M_{\odot} \leq M_{\rm ini} \leq 3~M_{\odot} reach the carbon star stage during the AGB phase and produce mainly solid carbon and SiC. The size and the amount of the carbon particles formed follows a positive trend with themass of the star; the carbon grains with the largest size (aC∼0.2μa_{\rm C} \sim 0.2\mum) are produced by AGB stars with Mini=2.5−3 M⊙M_{\rm ini} = 2.5-3~M_{\odot}, as these stars are those achieving the largest enrichment of carbon in the surface regions. The size of SiC grains, being sensitive to the surface silicon abundance, keeps around aSiC∼0.1μa_{\rm SiC} \sim 0.1\mum. The mass of carbonaceous dust formed is in the range 10−4−5×10−3 M⊙10^{-4} - 5\times 10^{-3}~M_{\odot}, whereas the amount of SiC produced is 2×10−4−10−3 M⊙2\times 10^{-4} - 10^{-3}~M_{\odot}. Massive AGB/SAGB stars with Mini>3 M⊙M_{\rm ini} > 3~M_{\odot} experience HBB, that inhibits formation of carbon stars. The most relevant dust species formed in these stars are silicates and alumina dust, with grain sizes in the range 0.1μm<aol<0.15μ0.1\mu m < a_{\rm ol} < 0.15\mum and aAl2O3∼0.07μa_{\rm Al_2O_3} \sim 0.07\mum, respectively. The mass of silicates produced spans the interval 3.4×10−3 M⊙≤Mdust≤1.1×10−2 M⊙3.4\times 10^{-3}~M_{\odot} \leq M_{\rm dust} \leq 1.1\times 10^{-2}~M_{\odot} and increases with the initial mass of the star.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Where does galactic dust come from?

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    Here we investigate the origin of the dust mass (Mdust) observed in the Milky Way (MW) and of dust scaling relations found in a sample of local galaxies from the DGS and KINGFISH surveys. To this aim, we model dust production from Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars and supernovae (SNe) in simulated galaxies forming along the assembly of aMW-like halo in a well-resolved cosmic volume of 4 cMpc using the GAMESH pipeline. We explore the impact of different sets of metallicity and mass-dependent AGB and SN dust yields on the predicted Mdust. Our results show that models accounting for grain destruction by the SN reverse shock predict a total dust mass in the MW, that is a factor of ~4 less than observed, and cannot reproduce the observed galaxy-scale relations between dust and stellar masses, and dust-togas ratios and metallicity, with a smaller discrepancy in galaxies with low metallicity (12 + log(O/H) &lt; 7.5) and low stellar masses (Mstar &lt; 107 M⊙). In agreement with previous studies, we suggest that competing processes in the interstellar medium must be at play to explain the observed trends. Our result reinforces this conclusion by showing that it holds independently of the adopted AGB and SN dust yields

    A spatiotemporal object-oriented data model for landslides (LOOM)

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    LOOM (landslide object-oriented model) is here presented as a data structure for landslide inventories based on the object-oriented paradigm. It aims at the effective storage, in a single dataset, of the complex spatial and temporal relations between landslides recorded and mapped in an area and at their manipulation. Spatial relations are handled through a hierarchical classification based on topological rules and two levels of aggregation are defined: (i) landslide complexes, grouping spatially connected landslides of the same type, and (ii) landslide systems, merging landslides of any type sharing a spatial connection. For the aggregation procedure, a minimal functional interaction between landslide objects has been defined as a spatial overlap between objects. Temporal characterization of landslides is achieved by assigning to each object an exact date or a time range for its occurrence, integrating both the time frame and the event-based approaches. The sum of spatial integrity and temporal characterization ensures the storage of vertical relations between landslides, so that the superimposition of events can be easily retrieved querying the temporal dataset. The here proposed methodology for landslides inventorying has been tested on selected case studies in the Cilento UNESCO Global Geopark (Italy). We demonstrate that the proposed LOOM model avoids data fragmentation or redundancy and topological inconsistency between the digital data and the real-world features. This application revealed to be powerful for the reconstruction of the gravity-induced deformation history of hillslopes, thus for the prediction of their evolution

    Synaptic Vesicle Turnover in Human Brain Synaptosomes

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    The WISSH quasars Project: II. Giant star nurseries in hyper-luminous quasars

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    Studying the coupling between the energy output produced by the central quasar and the host galaxy is fundamental to fully understand galaxy evolution. Quasar feedback is indeed supposed to dramatically affect the galaxy properties by depositing large amounts of energy and momentum into the ISM. In order to gain further insights on this process, we study the SEDs of sources at the brightest end of the quasar luminosity function, for which the feedback mechanism is supposed to be at its maximum. We model the rest-frame UV-to-FIR SEDs of 16 WISE-SDSS Selected Hyper-luminous (WISSH) quasars at 1.8 < z < 4.6 disentangling the different emission components and deriving physical parameters of both the nuclear component and the host galaxy. We also use a radiative transfer code to account for the contribution of the quasar-related emission to the FIR fluxes. Most SEDs are well described by a standard combination of accretion disk+torus and cold dust emission. However, about 30% of them require an additional emission component in the NIR, with temperatures peaking at 750K, which indicates the presence of a hotter dust component in these powerful quasars. We measure extreme values of both AGN bolometric luminosity (LBOL > 10^47 erg/s) and SFR (up to 2000 Msun/yr). A new relation between quasar and star-formation luminosity is derived (LSF propto LQSO^(0.73)) by combining several Herschel-detected quasar samples from z=0 to 4. Future observations will be crucial to measure the molecular gas content in these systems, probe the impact between quasar-driven outflows and on-going star-formation, and reveal the presence of merger signatures in their host galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures; Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics on June 13, 201

    Light, medium-weight or heavy? The nature of the first supermassive black hole seeds

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    Observations of hyper-luminous quasars at z>6z>6 reveal the rapid growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs >109M⊙>10^9 \rm M_{\odot}) whose origin is still difficult to explain. Their progenitors may have formed as remnants of massive, metal free stars (light seeds), via stellar collisions (medium-weight seeds) and/or massive gas clouds direct collapse (heavy seeds). In this work we investigate for the first time the relative role of these three seed populations in the formation of z>6z>6 SMBHs within an Eddington-limited gas accretion scenario. To this aim, we implement in our semi-analytical data-constrained model a statistical description of the spatial fluctuations of Lyman-Werner (LW) photo-dissociating radiation and of metal/dust enrichment. This allows us to set the physical conditions for BH seeds formation, exploring their relative birth rate in a highly biased region of the Universe at z>6z>6. We find that the inclusion of medium-weight seeds does not qualitatively change the growth history of the first SMBHs: although less massive seeds (<103M⊙<10^3 \rm M_\odot) form at a higher rate, the mass growth of a ∼109M⊙\sim 10^9 \rm M_\odot SMBH at z<15z<15 is driven by efficient gas accretion (at a sub-Eddington rate) onto its heavy progenitors (105M⊙10^5 \rm M_\odot). This conclusion holds independently of the critical level of LW radiation and even when medium-weight seeds are allowed to form in higher metallicity galaxies, via the so-called super-competitive accretion scenario. Our study suggests that the genealogy of z∼6z \sim 6 SMBHs is characterized by a rich variety of BH progenitors, which represent only a small fraction (<10−20%< 10 - 20\%) of all the BHs that seed galaxies at z>15z > 15.Comment: (21 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

    Diversity amongst human cortical pyramidal neurons revealed via their sag currents and frequency preferences

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    In the human neocortex coherent interlaminar theta oscillations are driven by deep cortical layers, suggesting neurons in these layers exhibit distinct electrophysiological properties. To characterize this potential distinctiveness, we use in vitro whole-cell recordings from cortical layers 2 and 3 (L2&3), layer 3c (L3c) and layer 5 (L5) of the human cortex. Across all layers we observe notable heterogeneity, indicating human cortical pyramidal neurons are an electrophysiologically diverse population. L5 pyramidal cells are the most excitable of these neurons and exhibit the most prominent sag current (abolished by blockade of the hyperpolarization activated cation current, Ih). While subthreshold resonance is more common in L3c and L5, we rarely observe this resonance at frequencies greater than 2 Hz. However, the frequency dependent gain of L5 neurons reveals they are most adept at tracking both delta and theta frequency inputs, a unique feature that may indirectly be important for the generation of cortical theta oscillations
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