69 research outputs found


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    Il mio articolo e’ basato sull’analisi di alcuni degli interventi urbani di Banksy. Lo stesso analizza il piu’ importante street artist del mondo sottolineando l’impatto dei suoi lavori sulla citta’ ed i suoi cittadini. Le sue performances richiamano l’attenzione sull’ipocrisia del mondo politico ed economico e sul controllo degli spazi pubblici. I suoi stencils e i suoi interventi nei musei favoriscono l’interazione, spesso usando simboli ed icone senza tempo, incitando a interrogarsi sulle strutture di autorita’ egemoniche esistenti, e a lottare per una ridistribuzione del potere. La mia analisi dimostra che la produzione culturale di Banksy collega la street art con l’abbellimento ed il miglioramento dei contesti urbani. In conclusione questo studio evidenzia l’uso creativo di luoghi e spazi pubblici promosso da Banksy da interpretare come strumento utile alla ri-scoperta del nostro scenario urbano e capace di creare un nuovo scenario urbano della mente.Este artículo analiza algunas de las intervenciones urbanas de Bansky, el artista callejero más importante del mundo, subrayando el impacto que su trabajo tiene sobre la ciudad y sobre los ciudadanos. Sus performances ponen en evidencia lahipocresía de un mundo político y económico que contrala el espacio público. Usando símbolos e iconos sin tiempo, sus stencils y sus intervenciones en los museos favorecen la interacción, incitan a preguntarse sobre las estructuras hegemónicas vigentes y a luchar por una redistribución del poder. Este estudio demuestra que la producción cultural de Banksy une el street art con el embellecimiento y la mejora de los contextos urbanos. En conclusión este análisis pone en evidencia como el uso creativo de lugares y espacios públicos, promovido por Bansky, se tiene que interpretar como un instrumento útil para el re- descubrimiento de nuestro escenario urbano y para la creación de un nuevo escenario urbano mental

    “The Theater of the Mind”: The Effect of Radio Exposure on TV Advertising

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    Contemporary society requires communication strategies that integrate different media channels in order to improve advertising performance. Currently, there are not many scientific research studies of the various mass media, comparing the results of audiovisual advertising to purely audio or visual messages aimed at detecting the best combination of media, especially from a neurophysiological perspective. This study aims to investigate the effects of previous exposure to an advertisement via radio on the consumers’ response to the same advertisement shown on television (TV) or as a banner on a website. A total of seventy participants in a between-subjects experiment watched several television commercials during the advertising break of a documentary or saw some banners during a web surfing task. Half were first exposed to the same advertisements via radio. The results have shown that participants who previously listened to the radio advertisements spent a longer time looking at the brand and had a higher engagement when watching the same advertisements on television. Moreover, they had a different kind of visual attention to the website banners. This pattern of results indicates the effect of mere exposure—that is, the exposure to a radio advertisement enhances the effectiveness of the same advertisement via television or web, offering useful insights for media planning campaigns. Even if mere exposure has been extensively studied, cross-media research is scarcely explored, whereas this study detected the effects of mere exposure in a cross-media communication strategy, showing that it can be measured through psychophysiological methods

    The Master in International Health of Parma University: a possible model of sanitary cooperation with developing Countries

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    The Master in “International Health and Medicine for Cooperation with Developing Countries” was established by CUCI, based on the evaluation that many health facilities and hospitals in the low-middle income Countries are not properly equipped to face daily emergencies. The objective of the Master’s program is to train doctors with multi-sector skills, necessary to operate in healthcare ambulatories, hospitals and medical districts, characterized by poor infrastructures and management systems, that are typical in areas of high-poverty, facing cases of emergencies of various entities. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is funding a number of scholarships for the best candidates classified in the final selection rating and residing in African Countries. The Course is also open to Italians who wish to extend their professional skills in order to work in resource-constrained settings. The Master course lasts one year and includes lectures, seminars, videoconferencing and internships both at the University Hospital of Parma and in other Structures / Laboratories. The final work includes a scientific section and a project work for future collaboration with the Countries from which the doctors come from. Besides the various fields of medicine, other important themes are addressed in the course, like guidelines for hospital managements, health cooperation, development, prevention strategies. Why this Master could be a model of sanitary cooperation? The WHO and the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research provide scientific support and they are involved in the teaching programme; the physicians formed in the course, once back in their Countries, are expected to facilitate training of the local staff (physicians, nurses and auxiliary personnel) and to continue collaboration; the project allows strengthening of partnerships with other Universities, Ministries, local and international Associations, NGO. The feedback of the participants who have attended the previous editions will also be discussed

    Neuroselling: applying neuroscience to selling for a new business perspective. An analysis on teleshopping advertising.

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    This paper presents an innovative research project that aims to study the emotional factors influencing decision-making elicited by infomercials, a powerful sales technique that uses emotional communication to engage viewers, capture attention, and build trust. Using cutting-edge consumer neuroscience techniques, this study focuses on the identification of the variables that most impact the Call-to-Action and Purchase Intention. Forty participants were selected and divided into two groups, with each group exposed to one of two infomercials (condition A = male seller; condition B = female seller). EEG signals were recorded as well as Eye-tracking data. After the viewing, participants completed a self-report questionnaire. Results show that seller characteristics such as Performance and Trustworthiness, as well as Neurophysiological variables such as Approach-Withdrawal Index, Willingness to Pay, Attention and Engagement, significantly impact the final Call-to-Action, Purchase Intention, and infomercial Likeability responses. Moreover, eye-tracking data revealed that the more time is spent observing crucial areas of the infomercial, the more it will increase our Willingness to Pay and our interest and willingness to approach the infomercial and product. These findings highlight the importance of considering both the Seller attributes and the consumers’ Neurophysiological responses to understand and predict their behaviors in response to marketing stimuli since they all seem to play a crucial role in shaping consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions. Overall, the study is a significant pilot in the new field of neuroselling, shedding light on crucial emotional aspects of the seller/buyer relationship and providing valuable insights for researchers and marketers

    From Coaching to Neurocoaching: A Neuroscientific Approach during a Coaching Session to Assess the Relational Dynamics between Coach and Coachee-A Pilot Study.

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    Life transitions represent moments characterized by changes that can profoundly influence individual life trajectories and subjective well-being. Recently, career coaching has become an important method of helping people expand their self-awareness, facilitate personal development, and increase their performance in the school-to-work transition. Although previous studies have confirmed that one of the most important keys to the success of a coaching program is the quality of the relationship between coach and coachee, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how to objectively measure it. In this pilot study, we adopted a neuroscientific approach to introduce objective measures of the relationship between coach and coachee through the phases of a coaching session. A sample of 14 university students and a professional coach participated in career-coaching sessions while their affective states were measured by recording brain (EEG) and physiological (Skin conductance) activity. Electroencephalographic indicators of valence, arousal, and engagement showed differences between session phases, highlighting the possibility of a neurophysiological measurement of relational dynamics. Our results provide initial evidence that neurophysiological activity can be considered a way to understand differences in the coach-coachee relationship, thereby providing information on the effectiveness of coaching interventions and facilitating a better life transition from school to work

    A tecnologia de produção das pedras lascadas e polidas em sítios arqueológicos da Região Norte do Estado de São Paulo

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    O artigo trata dos resultados obtidos a partir do estudo de coleções líticas lascadas e polidas, evidenciadas no resgate de sítios arqueológicos na região norte do Estado de São Paulo. O programa de resgate arqueológico, desenvolvido na área, teve por objetivo o estudo e a salvaguarda do patrimônio arqueológico regional. A análise dos materiais partiu do pressuposto teórico-metodológico de investigação e reconstituição das etapas da cadeia operatória de produção dos artefatos líticos para, com isso, conhecer características peculiares das populações humanas que, no passado, habitaram a região do Município de Meridiano, SP

    Metacognição como proposta pedagógica nos cursos de Terapia Ocupacional: priorização do raciocínio clínico

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    O raciocínio clínico é importante para a caracterização do domínio da prática em Terapia Ocupacional (TO), mas o seu aprendizado é difícil, em função de sua estrutura complexa que, ao incluir as dimensões científica, narrativa, pragmática e ética, implica na execução de variadas operações mentais pelo aluno no seu aprendizado e pelo profissional na sua atuação cotidiana. Este artigo objetiva apresentar a metacognição como recurso auxiliar para o ensino do raciocínio clínico em Terapia Ocupacional. Realizou-se estudo metodológico fundamentado em revisão narrativa que busca estabelecer interface entre o ensino do raciocínio clínico em TO e as bases teóricas e conceituais do domínio metacognitivo e da aprendizagem significativa. Percebe-se a necessidade de reflexão e pensamento crítico para fazer diagnóstico clínico em TO. A metacognição caracteriza-se pelo seu foco dirigido a esses processos e por sua capacidade de explicitá-los e de permitir o seu gerenciamento. No entanto na Terapia Ocupacional, o uso da metacognição ainda não faz parte das propostas de ensino-aprendizagem do raciocínio clínico. Dado o seu desempenho positivo em domínios similares, conclui-se ser factível o uso da metacognição para facilitar o ensino e o aprendizado do raciocínio clínico em TO

    Clean Wall, Voiceless People: Exploring Socio-Identitarian Processes through Street-Urban Art as Literature

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    My dissertation underlines the fundamental link between culture, societies, and urban environments, with a deep exploration of new approaches to cultural policy, such as cultural planning. Mapping and planning new aesthetic scenarios, I defend street-urban expressions as forms of social re-action, against a regime of power that controls and determines human behaviors and impoverishes culturally and economically cities. Reflecting on interdisciplinary processes -the collection, cataloging, and sorting of pictures, travel, writings, photographs, knowledge and experiences- of exploration into the relation between space, place and self, I promote the construction of new personal identities. I also analyze how the experiences and memories of citizenships, neighborhoods, and even streets and walls, begin to define a shared identity with regard to place through a reflexive social-collective process. My dissertation attempts to turn upside down the connection between art and society, by providing a change of perspective that allows us to see our urban environments in different ways, re-contextualizing urban public art within a larger cultural studies framework, and underscoring the complex web of social processes that brings together artivists, social thinkers, researchers, and glocal residents