119 research outputs found

    Basal cell carcinoma: the experience of the Dermatology Unit of the University of Bologna from 1990 to 2104

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    Il carcinoma a cellule basali (BCC) costituisce l'80 peercento dei tumori cutanei non-melanoma, rappresentando dunque il tumore maligno della cute più frequente nella popolazione generale. Tuttavia, non esistono ad oggi studi epidemiologici ampi ed approfonditi condotti su scala nazionale su questo tipo di neoplasia, poichè i tumori cutanei non-melanoma sono esclusi dal registro statistico dei tumori. A tale scopo presso la Dermatologia dell'Università di Bologna sono stati raccolti di tutti i casi di carcinoma basocellulare osservati dal 1 gennaio 1990 sino al 31 dicembre 2014, e sono stati rielaborati statisticamente. Il criterio di inclusione adottato è stato la positività per BCC all’esame istologico, sia in caso di biopsia semplice, sia in caso di asportazione radicale. Il progetto è stato svolto presso l’ambulatorio di chirurgia oncologica della nostra UO, così come il follow-up dei pazienti nei casi di recidività multiple o di comparsa di nuovi tumori cutanei. Ad oggi, tale neoplasia è risultata essere quella di più frequente osservazione nella Unità Operativa di Dermatologia dell’Università di Bologna. Non solo, la nostra casistica rimane quella più numerosa fino ad ora riportata in tutta Italia negli ultimi 24 anni.Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) accounts for 80 percent of non-melanoma skin cancer, thus representing the most common malignant tumor of the skin. Nonetheless in our country the absolute incidence of BCC is difficult to establish with precision, since non-melanoma skin cancers are excluded from the statistical records of the tumors. The aim of the study we conducted was therefore to analyze retrospectively the cases of BCC of the Dermatology Unit of Bologna, in a period between 1990 and 2014. The inclusion criteria has been the positivity to BCC at histological examination, both in case of a simple biopsy, and in case of radical excision. Patients have been medical and/or surgical treated and followed up, in cases of multiple relapses or occurrance of new skin tumors, at the Oncologic-Dermatological-Surgery Unit of University of Bologna. We concluded that, by far, than any other skin cancers, basal cell carcinoma is the most frequently tumor observed in the Dermatology Unit of the University of Bologna. Not only that, our case study is also the largest so far reported throughout Italy in the last 24 years

    Mixed Hepatoblastoma in a Young Male Adult: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Hepatoblastoma (HB) is a rare malignant tumour of the liver and usually occurs in the first three years of life. Most of these tumours arise in the embryo; hence it seems to be unusual that hepatoblastoma occurs in adults and is an exceptional cause of primary malignant liver tumour in adult patients. The diagnosis is often overlooked, and patients might be diagnosed at late stages of the disease at risk of increased mortality. In this paper we report a case of a 30-year-old man with mixed hepatoblastoma and abdominal pain, hepatomegaly and fever. The patient under went noninvasive diagnostic methods: duplex scanning, Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI). In our experience, despite the important role of histological sample provided by biopsy in defining the diagnosis, very important was the role of MRI, more than ultrasonography and enhanced CT. The MRI detects tumor features as size, margins, and ratio with neighboring organs in order to get the best surgical approach

    Laparoscopic Treatment of a Huge Mesenteric Chylous Cyst

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    Mesenteric chylous cysts are rare. This study suggests that even large mesenteric chylous cysts may be managed with minimally invasive means

    Adult Intra-Thoracic Kidney: A Case Report of Bochdalek Hernia

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    Introduction. Bochdalek hernia is a congenital posterior lateral diaphragmatic defect that allows abdominal viscera to herniate into the thorax. Intrathoracic kidney is a very rare finding representing less than 5% of all renal ectopias with the least frequency of all renal ectopias. Case Presentation. We report a case of a 62-year-old man who had a left thoracic kidney associated with left Bochdalek hernia. Abdominal X-ray and chest X-ray revealed dilated loops of the colon above left hemidiaphragm. Abdominal ultrasound (US) showed the right kidney with many fluid and esophytic cysts; left kidney was unfeasible to study because of the impossibility to find it. Computed Tomography (CT) basal scan demonstrated a left-sided Bochdalek hernia with dilatated colon loops and the left kidney within the pleural space. Magnetic Resonance (MR) confirmed a defect in left hemidiaphragm with herniation of left kidney, omento, spleen and colon flexure, and intrarotation with posterior hilum on sagittal plane. Conclusion. The association of a Bochdalek hernia and an intrathoracic renal ectopia is very rare, that pose many diagnostic and management dilemmas for clinicians. Our patient has been visualized by CT and MR imaging. A high index of suspicion can result in early diagnosis and prompt intervention with reduced morbidity and mortality

    An Atypical Presentation of Extragenital Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus

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    open6noLichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus is a chronic inflammatory,invalidating disorder mainly involving the anogenital skin. Extragenital lesions are uncommon, occurring asmultiple, oval, porcelain-white macules, or papules. Whenpresent, they are mostly observed on the superior trunk, axillae, buttocks, and extremities, following Blaschko lines.openSabina Vaccari, Alessia Barisani, Francesca Pepe, Carlotta Baraldi, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Valeria GaspariSabina Vaccari, Alessia Barisani, Francesca Pepe, Carlotta Baraldi, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Valeria Gaspar

    Whole Genome Sequencing of a Chlamydia trachomatis Strain Responsible for a Case of Rectal Lymphogranuloma Venereum in Italy

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    Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a systemic sexually transmitted infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis serovars L1 to L3. The current LGV cases in Europe are mainly characterized by an anorectal syndrome, spreading within men who have sex with men (MSM). Whole-genome sequencing of LGV strains is crucial to the study of bacterial genomic variants and to improve strategies for contact tracing and prevention. In this study, we described the whole genome of a C. trachomatis strain (LGV/17) responsible for a case of rectal LGV. LGV/17 strain was isolated in 2017 in Bologna (North of Italy) from a HIV-positive MSM, presenting a symptomatic proctitis. After the propagation in LLC-MK2 cells, the strain underwent whole-genome sequencing by means of two platforms. Sequence type was determined using the tool MLST 2.0, whereas the genovariant was characterized by an ompA sequence evaluation. A phylogenetic tree was generated by comparing the LGV/17 sequence with a series of L2 genomes, downloaded from the NCBI website. LGV/17 belonged to sequence type ST44 and to the genovariant L2f. Nine ORFs encoding for polymorphic membrane proteins A-I and eight encoding for glycoproteins Pgp1-8 were detected in the chromosome and in the plasmid, respectively. LGV/17 was closely related to other L2f strains, even in the light of a not-negligible variability. The LGV/17 strain showed a genomic structure similar to reference sequences and was phylogenetically related to isolates from disparate parts of the world, indicative of the long-distance dynamics of transmission

    Lymphogranuloma venereum proctitis mimicking inflammatory bowel diseases in 11 patients: a 4-year single-center experience

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    ABSTRACT Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) serovars L1–L3. Our study wants to underline the similarities between rectal LGV and idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which can share clinical, endoscopic and histopathological findings

    Visits to Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinics in Italy from January 2016 to November 2021: A Multicenter, Retrospective Study

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    There is no evidence of seasonal variation in visits to clinics dedicated to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Italy, nor of changes after the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. An observational, retrospective, multicentric study was conducted to record and analyze all the visits to the STI clinics of the Dermatology Units of the University Hospitals of Ferrara and Bologna and of the Infectious Disease Unit of Ferrara, Italy, between January 2016 and November 2021. Overall, 11.733 visits were registered over a 70-month study period (63.7% males, mean age 34.5 ± 12.8 yrs). The mean number of monthly visits significantly decreased from the advent of the pandemic (136) compared to before (177). In the pre-pandemic period, visits to STI clinics increased in the autumn/winter months when compared to spring/summer, while the trend was the opposite in the pandemic period. Thus, during the pandemic, both an overall significant reduction in visits to STI clinics and a reversal in their seasonality were observed. These trends affected males and females equally. The marked decrease, mostly found in the pandemic winter months, can be linked to the “lockdown”/self-isolation ordinances and social distancing measures during the colder months, coinciding with the spread of the COVID-19 infection, which limited the opportunities for meeting and socializing