2,129 research outputs found

    Adler-Gelfand-Dickey approach to classical W-algebras within the theory of Poisson vertex algebras

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    We put the Adler-Gelfand-Dickey approach to classical W-algebras in the framework of Poisson vertex algebras. We show how to recover the bi-Poisson structure of the KP hierarchy, together with its generalizations and reduction to the N-th KdV hierarchy, using the formal distribution calculus and the lambda-bracket formalism. We apply the Lenard-Magri scheme to prove integrability of the corresponding hierarchies. We also give a simple proof of a theorem of Kupershmidt and Wilson in this framework. Based on this approach, we generalize all these results to the matrix case. In particular, we find (non-local) bi-Poisson structures of the matrix KP and the matrix N-th KdV hierarchies, and we prove integrability of the N-th matrix KdV hierarchy.Comment: 47 pages. In version 2 we fixed the proof of Corollary 4.15 (which is now Theorem 4.14), and we added some reference

    Dirac reduction for Poisson vertex algebras

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    We construct an analogue of Dirac's reduction for an arbitrary local or non-local Poisson bracket in the general setup of non-local Poisson vertex algebras. This leads to Dirac's reduction of an arbitrary non-local Poisson structure. We apply this construction to an example of a generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy.Comment: 31 pages. Corrected some typos and added missing equations in Section

    Classical W-algebras for gl_N and associated integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies

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    We apply the new method for constructing integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies of Lax type equations developed in our previous paper, to show that all W-algebras W(gl_N,f) carry such a hierarchy. As an application, we show that all vector constrained KP hierarchies and their matrix generalizations are obtained from these hierarchies by Dirac reduction, which provides the former with a bi-Poisson structure.Comment: 48 pages. Minor revisions and a correction to formulas (7.25) and (7.48

    Finite W-algebras for glN

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    We study the quantum finite W -algebras W (glN, f ), associ-ted to the Lie algebra glN, and its arbitrary nilpotent element f . We construct for such an algebra an r1× r1 matrix L(z) of Yangian type, where r1 is the number of maximal parts of the partition corresponding to f . The matrix L(z) is the quantum finite analogue of the operator of Adler type which we introduced in the classical affine setup. As in the latter case, the matrix L(z) is obtained as a generalized quasideterminant. It should encode the whole structure of W (glN, f ), including explicit formulas for generators and the commutation relations among them. We describe in all detail the examples of principal, rectangular and minimal nilpotent element

    Classical W-algebras and generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies for minimal and short nilpotents

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    We derive explicit formulas for lambda-brackets of the affine classical W-algebras attached to the minimal and short nilpotent elements of any simple Lie algebra g. This is used to compute explicitly the first non-trivial PDE of the corresponding intgerable generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies. It turns out that a reduction of the equation corresponding to a short nilpotent is Svinolupov's equation attached to a simple Jordan algebra, while a reduction of the equation corresponding to a minimal nilpotent is an integrable Hamiltonian equation on 2h-3 functions, where h is the dual Coxeter number of g. In the case when g is sl_2 both these equations coincide with the KdV equation. In the case when g is not of type C_n, we associate to the minimal nilpotent element of g yet another generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy.Comment: 46 pages. Corrected an error in Section 6.2 which has led to additional equations in the case of g=sl_n and its minimal nilpotent element