38 research outputs found

    Istraživanje mehanizma toksičnosti anilina u eritrocitima

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    Strategies for the use of bio-indicators in the prediction of environmental damage should include mechanistic research. This study involves the relationship between the chemical structure and hemotoxic markers of aniline and its halogenated analogs. Aniline-induced methemoglobinemia, loss of circulating blood cells, blood stability, glutathione depletion and membrane cytoskeletal changes were assessed following exposure to phenylhydroxylamine (PHA), para-fluoro-, para-bromo-, and para-iodo in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Methemoglobin was determined spectrophotometrically at 635 nm. Erythrocyte depletion was investigated by loss of radioactivity in chromium-labeled red blood cells in vivo. Membrane proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE using red blood ghost cells treated with various aniline analogs. Results showed dose- and time-dependent changes in the induction of methemoglobin of up to 78 % with para-bromo PHA and 75 % with para-iodo PHA compared to 3 % to 5 % in control. Treated animals lost up to three times more blood from circulation compared to control within 14 days after treatment. Erythrocytes were more stable in buffer solution than in para-iodo-treated cells. Depletion of reduced glutathione in PHA and para-iodo-PHA treated red cells was also observed. Analysis of red cell skeletal membrane treated with para-iodo-PHA showed that protein band 2.1 became broader and band 2.2 diminished completely in some treatments. Dose- and time-dependent changes suggested the use of hemotoxic endpoints as potential biomarkers for assessing chemical and drug safetyStrategije primjene biopokazatelja za predviđanje štete u okolišu trebaju u obzir uzeti istraživanja mehanizama djelovanja. Ovo istraživanje propituje odnos između kemijske strukture i hemotoksičnih pokazatelja djelovanja anilina i njegovh halogeniranih analoga. Nakon izlaganja mužjaka štakora soja Sprague-Dawley para-fluoro-, para-bromo- i para-jodofenilhidroksilaminu, utvrđena je methemoglobinemija uzrokovana anilinom te pad broja krvnih stanica u krvotoku i stabilnosti krvi, gubitak glutationa i promjene na membrani stanice. Methemoglobin je određivan spektrofotometrijski na 635 nm. Pad broja eritrocita mjeren je in vivo s pomoću eritrocita obilježenih radioaktivnim kromom. Membranske su bjelančevine analizirane s pomoću SDS-PAGE, rabeći eritrocite bez hemoglobina (engl. ghost cells) kojima su dodani različiti analozi anilina. Nalazi upućuju na promjene indukcije methemoglobina ovisno o dozi i vremenu djelovanja do 78 % s para-bromo-fenilhidroksilaminom te do 75 % s para-jodofenilhidroksilaminom u usporedbi s 3 % do 5 % u kontrolnih uzoraka. U razdoblju od 14 dana nakon tretiranja izložene životinje izgubile su tri puta više krvi iz krvotoka od kontrolnih. Eritrociti su bili stabilniji u puferskoj otopini negoli u stanicama kojima je dodan para-jodofenilhidroksilamin. Zamijećen je i pad glutationa u eritrocitima kojima je dodan fenilhidroksilamin odnosno para-jodofenilhidroksilamin. Analizom membrane eritrocita kojima je dodan para-jodofenilhidroksilamin zamijećeno je da se u pojedinih obrada raširila proteinska vrpca 2.1, a potpuno smanjila proteinska vrpca 2.2. Zamijećene promjene uvjetovane dozom i vremenom upućuju na primjenu hemotoksičnih parametara kao mogućih biopokazatelja u procjeni sigurnosti lijeka odnosno kemikalije

    Establishment of HK-2 Cells as a Relevant Model to Study Tenofovir-Induced Cytotoxicity

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    Tenofovir (TFV) is an antiviral drug approved for treating Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B. TFV is administered orally as the prodrug tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) which then is deesterified to the active drug TFV. TFV induces nephrotoxicity characterized by renal failure and Fanconi Syndrome. The mechanism of this toxicity remains unknown due to limited experimental models. This study investigated the cellular mechanism of cytotoxicity using a human renal proximal tubular epithelial cell line (HK-2). HK-2 cells were grown for 48 h followed by 24 to 72 h exposure to 0–28.8 μM TFV or vehicle, phosphate buffered saline (PBS). MTT (MTT, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) and Trypan blue indicated that TFV diminished cell viability at 24–72 h. TFV decreased ATP levels at 72 h when compared to vehicle, reflecting mitochondrial dysfunction. TFV increased the oxidative stress biomarkers of protein carbonylation and 4-hydroxynonenol (4-HNE) adduct formation. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) was released into the media following exposure to 14.5 and 28.8 μM TFV. Caspase 3 and 9 cleavage was induced by TFV compared to vehicle at 72 h. These studies show that HK-2 cells are a sensitive model for TFV cytotoxicity and suggest that mitochondrial stress and apoptosis occur in HK-2 cells treated with TFV

    Antimicrobial Activities of Secondary Metabolites from Model Mosses

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    Plants synthetize a large spectrum of secondary metabolites with substantial structural and functional diversity, making them a rich reservoir of new biologically active compounds. Among different plant lineages, the evolutionarily ancient branch of non-vascular plants (Bryophytes) is of particular interest as these organisms produce many unique biologically active compounds with highly promising antibacterial properties. Here, we characterized antibacterial activity of metabolites produced by different ecotypes (strains) of the model mosses Physcomitrium patens and Sphagnum fallax. Ethanol and hexane moss extracts harbor moderate but unstable antibacterial activity, representing polar and non-polar intracellular moss metabolites, respectively. In contrast, high antibacterial activity that was relatively stable was detected in soluble exudate fractions of P. patens moss. Antibacterial activity levels in P. patens exudates significantly increased over four weeks of moss cultivation in liquid culture. Interestingly, secreted moss metabolites are only active against a number of Gram-positive, but not Gram-negative, bacteria. Size fractionation, thermostability and sensitivity to proteinase K assays indicated that the secreted bioactive compounds are relatively small (less than <10 kDa). Further analysis and molecular identification of antibacterial exudate components, combined with bioinformatic analysis of model moss genomes, will be instrumental in the identification of specific genes involved in the bioactive metabolite biosynthesis

    Anticancer Activity of Region B Capsaicin Analogs

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    The heterocyclic vanilloid compound capsaicin is responsible for the spicy and pungent flavor of chili peppers. Several convergent studies have shown that capsaicin suppresses the growth of multiple human cancers. Apart from capsaicin, natural and synthetic capsaicin-like compounds display growth suppressive activity in human cancers. The pharmacophore of capsaicin is comprised of three regions, namely region A (the aromatic ring), region B (the amide bond), and region C (the side chain). The present manuscript describes the isolation and synthesis of capsaicin analogs which have structural modifications in region B of the molecule. Furthermore, the pharmacokinetic properties, anticancer activity of region B capsaicin analogs, as well as the signaling pathways (underlying the growth-inhibitory effects of region B capsaicin analogs) have also been described. The discovery of novel, second-generation region B capsaicin analogs may foster the hope of innovative nutrition-based combination therapies in human cancers