34 research outputs found

    Análisis macroeconómico de los efectos de la liberalización financiera y comercial sobre el crecimiento económico de México, 1988-2011

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    Este artículo analiza cuáles han sido los principales obstáculos para el crecimiento económico de México durante los últimos veinticinco años, con particular énfasis en el periodo posterior a la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (tlcan). Si bien la política económica mexicana desde 1982 se ha guiado por una serie de suposiciones y disposiciones conocidas como el Consenso de Washington, estas políticas en lugar de estimular un mayor dinamismo de la economía mexicana han acentuado sus problemas estructurales y reducido el potencial de crecimiento del país. También se analiza cómo las políticas fiscal, monetaria, cambiaria y de libre comercio han obstaculizado el crecimiento económico

    Influence of Dry and Rainy Seasons on Physicochemical Parameters and Water Quality Index, Zahuapan River, Mexico

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    Rivers pollution is an environmental problem in Mexico. Zahuapan River shows an important level of contamination due to raw wastewater discharges and runoff. The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of dry and rainy seasons on physicochemical parameters and water quality index in the Zahuapan River. The physicochemical parameters were registered in situ using a portable multiparametric device. The data analysis was taking into account the dry and rainy seasons. Physicochemical parameters among seasons were compared by the Mann-Whitney and t tests. The analysis of physicochemical, temperature and rainfall relationships were carried out through the multiple regression and correlation matrix. Zahuapan River water quality index was estimated by CCME WQI method. Mann-Whitney and t tests evidenced that the physicochemical parameters were significantly different (p<0.05) in dry and rainy seasons. Coefficients of determination indicated that the multiple regression model was a good descriptor of variables. The pH was the best response variable in the rainy season and the EC was the best response variable in dry season.  More correlated pair variables were present in the rainy season than in the dry season. Water quality index got slightly better in the rainy season but due to the given condition of the river, it remained ranked in poorly quality category. The results revealed that the contamination has affected the Zahuapan River sensitivity, that no longer it responds to seasonal changes. The methodology used in this study may be useful in the evaluation of Zahuapan River restoration, and others rivers as well. Keywords: River pollution, river sensitivity, lineal multiple regression, correlatio

    Horticultura y salud en Cojumatlán, Michoacán. Una aproximación a través de los biomarcadores y el contexto social / Horticultura e saúde em Cojumatlán, Michoacán. Uma abordagem através de biomarcadores e do contexto social

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    El progresivo uso de plaguicidas ha traído una serie de manifestaciones ambientales y efectos nocivos a la salud. Diversos estudios señalan que el empleo de biomarcadores  permite tener un estimado real del impacto de los plaguicidas en la salud humana, especialmente en aquellos asociados a la exposición crónica a bajos niveles en comunidades agrícolas; los biomarcadores permiten identificar mutaciones génicas, aberraciones cromosómicas  (AC) y daño al DNA. Con la oportuna detección del daño genético es posible tomar las medidas necesarias para disminuir o suprimir la exposición al agente cuando aún éste sea reversible, y de ese modo prevenir y disminuir el riesgo de desarrollar alteraciones patológicas, como el cáncer.En México a pesar de ser un país con gran actividad agrícola, los estudios al respecto han sido relativamente pocos. Sobre datos de Cojumatlán de Régules, Michoacán, México a donde se llevaron a cabo los estudios cuyos resultados se presentan, éste es un municipio que se ha dedicado de forma importante por más de tres décadas a la producción de hortalizas y han llevado a cabo un uso indiscriminado de plaguicidas como lo señalan los trabajadores agrícolas. A través del análisis de biomarcadores genotóxicos en un total de 67 individuos entre hombres y mujeres expuestos de forma directa e indirecta a plaguicidas del municipio y un grupo testigo de la región (Municipio de Sahuayo), conformado de 50 individuos no expuestos a plaguicidas y dedicado a labores comerciales y de servicio, se observó que no hay diferencia entre población expuesta directa e indirectamente en Cojumatlán, sin embargo, al compararse con el grupo testigo sí existió diferencia en cuanto a la frecuencia de micronúcleos y otras alteraciones cromosómicas derivadas de daño al DNA. Esto podría guardar relación con una deficiente información sobre efectos a la salud y sobre las medidas de seguridad y manejo de estas sustancias en los campos de cultivo y a nivel doméstico que quedó evidencia a través del trabajo etnográfico

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    Amyloid β, lipid metabolism, basal cholinergic system, and therapeutics in Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    The presence of insoluble aggregates of amyloid β (Aβ) in the form of neuritic plaques (NPs) is one of the main features that define Alzheimer\u27s disease. Studies have suggested that the accumulation of these peptides in the brain significantly contributes to extensive neuronal loss. Furthermore, the content and distribution of cholesterol in the membrane have been shown to have an important effect on the production and subsequent accumulation of Aβ peptides in the plasma membrane, contributing to dysfunction and neuronal death. The monomeric forms of these membrane-bound peptides undergo several conformational changes, ranging from oligomeric forms to beta-sheet structures, each presenting different levels of toxicity. Aβ peptides can be internalized by particular receptors and trigger changes from Tau phosphorylation to alterations in cognitive function, through dysfunction of the cholinergic system. The goal of this review is to summarize the current knowledge on the role of lipids in Alzheimer\u27s disease and their relationship with the basal cholinergic system, as well as potential disease-modifying therapies

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    The microRNAs as potential biomarkers for predicting the onset of aflatoxin exposure in human beings: a review

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    The identification of aflatoxins as human carcinogens has stimulated extensive research efforts, which continue to the present, to assess potential health hazards resulting from contamination of the human food supply and to minimize exposure. The use of biomarkers that are mechanistically supported by toxicological studies will be important tools for identifying stages in the progression of development of the health effects of environmental agents. miRNAs are small non-coding mRNAs that regulate post-transcriptional gene expression. Also, they are molecular markers of cellular responses to various chemical agents. Growing evidence has demonstrated that environmental chemicals can induce changes in miRNA expression. miRNAs are good biomarkers because they are well defined, chemically uniform, restricted to a manageable number of species, and stable in cells and in the circulation. miRNAs have been used as serological markers of HCC and other tumors. The expression patterns of different miRNAs can distinguish among HCC-hepatitis viruses related, HCC cirrhosis-derivate, and HCC unrelated to either of them. The main objective of this review is to find unreported miRNAs in HCC related to other causes, so that they can be used as specific molecular biomarkers in populations exposed to aflatoxins and as early markers of exposure, damage/presence of HCC. Until today specific miRNAs as markers for aflatoxins-exposure and their reliability are currently lacking. Based on their elucidated mechanisms of action, potential miRNAs that could serve as possible markers of HCC by exposure to aflatoxins are miR-27a, miR-27b, miR-122, miR-148, miR-155, miR-192, miR-214, miR-221, miR-429, and miR-500. Future validation for all of these miRNAs will be needed to assess their prognostic significance and confirm their relationship with the induction of HCC due to aflatoxin exposure

    Rare-EDIFICA-SOS: recuperación arquitectónica de lo inconcluso-obsoleto, desde una rehabilitación más sostenible

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    ...ante el conjunto de edificios existentes que, por razones energéticas, históricas, estéticas o económicas, han dejado de ser considerados como eficientes desde el punto de vista de la habitabilidad contemporánea [obsoletos]... ...ante el conjunto de edificios en los cuales el hecho arquitectónico no ha llegado a ser completado, por razones ciertamente relacionadas con la deriva económico-social de los años precedentes, dando lugar a “elefantes blancos” varados a lo largo y ancho de la geografía andaluza [inconclusos]... ...ante el conjunto de edificios e inmuebles concluidos pero no habitados (o bien, habitados de manera a-legal), dando lugar a consideraciones y problemáticas sociales de imperiosa actualidad [quiméricos]... ...se habrán de conjeturar una serie de factores que, a la postre, repercutirán en la viabilidad de la conservación, reparación, consolidación, transformación, reforma, rehabilitación o, en definitiva, de su recuperación optimizada, con la premisa de que las construcciones a considerar constarán –en su mayoría- de condiciones tecnológicas, estructurales, constructivas y de materialidad distintas a las usuales hoy en día. Bajo tales consideraciones, el principal objetivo del trabajo de investigación sería la detección del conjunto de edificaciones obsoletas, inconclusas y quiméricas en Andalucía y su clasificación por grados de obsolescencia y falta de terminación, así como estado de ocupación para, tras una estratégica diagnosis sobre oportunidades de recuperación (en las que podría englobarse la viabilidad de nuevos usos o la aplicación de nuevas formas de gestión de la habitabilidad contemporánea), diseñar finalmente propuestas que permitan la recuperación de las edificaciones a través soluciones constructivas sostenibles para un ámbito característico (el hábitat mediterráneo), relacionadas con la envolvente del edificio y su rehabilitación energética....given the set of existing buildings that, for energetic, historical, aesthetic or economic reasons, are no longer considered efficient from the point of view of contemporary habitability [obsolete]... ...given the set of buildings in which the architectonic fact has not become completed, for reasons certainly related with the economic-social results from previous years, resulting white elephants stranded, in this case along the andalusian geography [inconclusive]... ...given the sets of constructed building uninhabited or habited but without the normal and legal consideration and social issues [chimeric]......then, a whole set of factors, that ultimately will have an impact on the viability of the maintenance, repair, consolidation, transformation, reform, rehabilitation or, definitively, its optimized recovery, will have to be surmised, with the premise that the constructions considered will feature, mostly, with technological, structural, constructive and materials conditions different from the actual. Under the above considerations, the main aim of the research would be the detection of the set of obsolete, inconclusive and chimeric buildings in Andalusia and its classification by degree of obsolescence, failure to complete and occupation status to, after a strategic diagnosis about opportunities recovery (in which could be encompassed the viability of new uses or the application of new management of contemporary habitability), design proposals that allow the recovery of buildings through sustainable constructional solutions for a characteristic mediterranean habitat, related to the building envelope and its energy rehabilitation

    Oksidacijski stres, aktivnost kolinesteraza i primarna oštećenja u jetri, krvi i plazmi Wistar štakora nakon 28-dnevnog izlaganja glifosatu

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    In this 28 day-study, we evaluated the effects of herbicide glyphosate administered by gavage to Wistar rats at daily doses equivalent to 0.1 of the acceptable operator exposure level (AOEL), 0.5 of the consumer acceptable daily intake (ADI), 1.75 (corresponding to the chronic population-adjusted dose, cPAD), and 10 mg kg-1 body weight (bw) (corresponding to 100 times the AOEL). At the end of each treatment, the body and liver weights were measured and compared with their baseline values. DNA damage in leukocytes and liver tissue was estimated with the alkaline comet assay. Oxidative stress was evaluated using a battery of endpoints to establish lipid peroxidation via thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS) level, level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), glutathione (GSH) level, and the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). Total cholinesterase activity and the activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) were also measured. The exposed animals gained less weight than control. Treatment resulted in significantly higher primary DNA damage in the liver cells and leukocytes. Glyphosate exposure significantly lowered TBARS in the liver of the AOEL, ADI, and cPAD groups, and in plasma in the AOEL and cPAD group. AChE was inhibited with all treatments, but the AOEL and ADI groups significantly differed from control. Total ChE and plasma/liver ROS/GSH levels did not significantly differ from control, except for the 35 % decrease in ChE in the AOEL and ADI groups and a significant drop in liver GSH in the cPAD and 100xAOEL groups. AOEL and ADI blood GSH-Px activity dropped significantly, but in the liver it significantly increased in the ADI, cPAD, and 100xAOEL groups vs. control. All these findings show that even exposure to low glyphosate levels can have serious adverse effects and points to a need to change the approach to risk assessment of low-level chronic/sub-chronic glyphosate exposure, where oxidative stress is not necessarily related to the genetic damage and AChE inhibition.U okviru 28-dnevnog pokusa istražili smo učinke herbicida glifosata na modelu odraslih mužjaka Wistar štakora koji su oralno dobivali testirani spoj u subletalnim dnevnim dozama: 0,1 od prihvatljive razine izloženosti operatera (0,1xAOEL), 0,5 od prihvatljivog dnevnog unosa za potrošače (0,5xADI), 1,75 (odgovara kroničnoj populacijskoj prilagođenoj dozi, cPAD) i 10 mg kg-1 tjelesne težine na dan (odgovara 100xAOEL). Tijekom pokusa praćeni su sistemski toksični učinci. Nakon završetka svih tretmana svakoj je pokusnoj životinji izmjerena tjelesna težina i težina jetre te su uspoređene s polazišnim vrijednostima. Alkalnim komet-testom izmjerena je razina primarnih oštećenja DNA u leukocitima i jetrenim stanicama. Primjenom metoda za procjenu oksidacijskog stresa izmjerene su razine lipidne peroksidacije (TBARs), reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta (ROS) i glutationa (GSH) te aktivnost enzima glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px). Izmjerene su i aktivnosti ukupnih kolinesteraza (ChE), acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) i butirilkolinesteraze (BChE). Izloženi štakori imali su manje priraste težine od kontrolnih. Izloženost glifosatu uzrokovala je značajne poraste razine primarnih oštećenja DNA u jetrenim stanicama te malo manje u leukocitima. U svim izloženim skupinama izmjerene su niže vrijednosti TBARs u odnosu na kontrolu, sa značajno nižim vrijednostima u AOEL, ADI i cPAD skupinama u uzorcima jetre te u AOEL i cPAD skupinama u uzorcima plazme. Aktivnost AChE bila je smanjena u svim tretmanima, s najnižom stopom nakon izlaganja dozi ADI. Aktivnost BChE blago je smanjena nakon izlaganja ADI, a povećana nakon izlaganja dozama cPAD i 100xAOEL. Ukupna aktivnost ChE te razine ROS/GSH u plazmi / jetri nisu se značajno razlikovale od kontrole, osim značajnog smanjenja jetrenog GSH nakon izlaganja dozama cPAD i 100xAOEL te 35-postotnog smanjenja aktivnosti ChE nakon izlaganja dozama AOEL i ADI. Aktivnost GSH-Px u krvi značajno je smanjena u AOEL i ADI tretmanu, a aktivnost GSH-Px u uzorcima jetre značajno je povećana u skupinama ADI, cPAD i 100xAOEL prema kontroli. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da čak i izloženost vrlo niskim dozama glifosata može izazvati mjerljive toksične učinke te upućuje na potrebu za promjenom pristupa procjeni rizika zbog kronične/subkronične izloženosti niskim dozama glifosata gdje oksidacijski stres ne mora nužno korelirati s razinom oštećenja DNA i inhibicijom acetilkolinesteraz

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research