1,097 research outputs found

    41BX68: A Preshitoric Quarry-Workshop In Northern Bexar County, Texas

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    During late February and early March of 1978, personnel from the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio, conducted intensive mapping and limited subsurface testing of the prehistoric quarry-workshop site of 41 BX 68. Investigations of the site, located near the intersection of FM 1604 and Elm Creek in northern Bexar County (see Fig. 1), were conducted under the terms of a contract (Purchase Order No. 40-7442-8-426) with the Soil Conservation Service. Located near proposed Floodwater Retarding Structure 11, portions of the extensive site will soon be altered or critically damaged by modification. Preliminary observations of the site indicated large areas were relatively undisturbed since the original aboriginal activity had taken place (Brown et al. 1977). Intact, relatively undisturbed concentrations of lithic debris were noted (see Fig. 2). The frequency, distribution and association of these materials were considered to be of unusual value in identifying intra-site activity areas. The intent of the current investigation was to formulate a preliminary description of the site and identify various aspects of lithic technological processes and their intra-site relationships in a prehistoric south central Texas quarry-workshop area

    An Archaeological Evaluation of Three Prehistoric Sites Upper Cibolo Creek Watershed, Kendall County, Southern Central Texas

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    During the summer of 1977, personnel from the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), conducted archaeological test excavations at three sites along Frederick Creek in Kendall County, Texas. These sites were located in areas proposed for modification by the construction of Floodwater Retarding Structure #3 in the Upper Cibolo Creek watershed. The field work was conducted under a contract between the Center for Archaeological Research and the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (Purchase Order No. 40-7442-7-1212). An initial survey of the area had been conducted in February 1975, and resulted in the documentation of two historic and 17 prehistoric sites (Bass and Hester 1975). Three prehistoric sites, 41 KE 46, 41 KE 54 and 41 KE 57, were recommended for testing to evaluate their importance. To more clearly define the archaeological potential of these three sites, the investigations had two major objectives: (l) to accurately determine the horizontal and vertical extent of the cultural deposits; and (2) to evaluate these archaeological resources in terms of possible nomination to the National Register of Historic Places

    Natural Gas Pipeline Survey Northwest Menard County, Texas Prepared for the City of Menard

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    Pursuant to requirements of the E.D.A. as outlined in a letter from the City Menard, Texas dated April 16, 1979, the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) submitted a proposal for an archaeological survey of the route of a new natural gas pipeline. This proposal was accepted by the City of Menard in a letter dated April 23, and the survey was accomplished on May 1 and 2 by Thomas C. Kelly and Fred Valdez, Jr., archaeologists from the UTSA Center for Archaeological Research

    Investigation of Prehistoric Rockshelter and Terrace Sites Along Portions of the Salado Creek Drainage, Nothern Bexar County, Texas

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    During late fall and winter of 1977, personnel from the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), conducted limited test excavations and controlled surface collections along portions of the Salado Creek drainage in northern Bexar County (Fig. I). Four specific areas were examined, as they were soon to be inundated or critically altered by proposed floodwater retarding structures. The sites in these locations had previously been identified and recommended for further work by Hester et al. (1974). During field operations, the areas of Floodwater Retarding Structures 3, 6, 10 and 15 were investigated. A total of four terrace sites, two small rockshelters and two rockshelter complexes were tested. Of the shelters, one complex and one individual shelter, both previously unrecorded, were discovered in the immediate vicinity of the retarding structures during the course of testing operations. Testing was concentrated in the immediate vicinities of Mud Creek, Panther Springs Creek and portions of the main channel of Salado Creek

    A Preliminary Assessment of Archaeological Resources at Tobins Oakwell Farm, San Antonio, Texas

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    A preliminary archaeological survey and assessment of the Tobins Oakwell Farm project area was conducted during August 22-24, 1977, by archaeologists from the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). The work was conducted within two nearby but separate areas adjacent to Salado Creek within the city limits of San Antonio, northern Bexar County. The investigation was performed under a contract between the Center and Ford, Powell and Carson, architects and planners
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