2,481 research outputs found


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    La Diabetes Mellitus (DM) es un síndrome bien identificado por sus características clínicas y etiológicas. Derivado de la disminución en la producción de insulina o el efecto de la misma sobre los tejidos; se caracteriza por la hiperglucemia, cuando no hay un control adecuado de la misma surgen complicaciones agudas y crónicas que deterioran la calidad de vida del individuo que la padece y en casos muy avanzados llegan a ser la causa de la muerte

    The zoogeographic regionalization for cephalopoda linked to the canary current upwelling system

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    Quantitative data on cephalopods collected in ten multidisciplinary surveys (20–2000 m) between 2004 and 2012, together with original oceanographic and satellite data, were analyzed using multivariate techniques. Statistical analyses were based on presence–absence matrices by species and hydrological variable indices. The results show that cephalopods are distributed in two main zoogeographical groups separated by latitude: “Temperate water” and “Tropical water” clusters. They extended by temperate and tropical regions, separated by a geographical boundary, Cape Blanc, particularly strong in the case of coastal species between these groups. For the total fauna, we have identified a third particular cephalopods’ cluster, the “Upwelling” cluster (22°–17°N), characterized by a higher diversity and dominance of oceanic cephalopods. This is proposed as a new zoogeographical region that would coincide with the area of greatest productivity, intensity and permanence throughout the year of the canary current upwelling, confined between the north of Cape Blanc and the south of Mauritania. The results confirm the strong relationship between the three zoogeographical regions (temperate, tropical, and upwelling) and certain water bodies that characterize the regional hydrology. This paper deepens into the zoogeography of the cephalopods from Northwest Africa (Central-Eastern Atlantic), providing a new, more detailed insight into the region and its boundaries in relation to the oceanographyUniversidade de Vigo/CISU

    AMPK-independent LKB1 activity is required for efficient epithelial ovarian cancer metastasis

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) spreads by direct dissemination of malignant cells and multicellular clusters, known as spheroids, into the peritoneum followed by implantation and growth on abdominal surfaces. Using a spheroid model system of EOC metastasis, we discovered that Liver kinase B1 (LKB1), encoded by the STK11 gene, and its canonical substrate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) are activated in EOC spheroids, yet only LKB1 is required for cell survival. We have now generated STK11-knockout cell lines using normal human FT190 cells and three EOC cell lines, OVCAR8, HeyA8, and iOvCa147. STK11KO did not affect growth and viability in adherent culture, but it decreased anchorageindependent growth of EOC cells. EOC spheroids lacking LKB1 had markedly impaired growth and viability, whereas there was no difference in normal FT190 spheroids. To test whether LKB1 loss affects EOC metastasis, we performed intraperitoneal injections of OVCAR8-, HeyA8-, and iOvCa147-STK11KO cells, and respective controls. LKB1 loss exhibited a dramatic reduction on tumor burden and metastatic potential; in particular, OVCAR8-STK11KO tumors had evidence of extensive necrosis, apoptosis, and hypoxia. Interestingly, LKB1 loss did not affect AMPKα phosphorylation in EOC spheroids and tumor xenografts, indicating that LKB1 signaling to support EOC cell survival in spheroids and metastatic tumor growth occurs via other downstream mediators. We identified the dual-specificity phosphatase DUSP4 as a commonly upregulated protein due to LKB1 loss; indeed, DUSP4 knockdown in HeyA8-STK11KOcells partially restored spheroid formation and viability. Implications: LKB1 possesses key tumor-promoting activity independent of downstream AMPK signaling during EOC metastasis

    A case report of a giant appendiceal mucocele and literature review

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    A 43-year-old female presented at the accident and emergency department of Princess Marina Hospital, Gaborone, Botswana. She reported a deep dull aching pain of two years duration in the right iliac fossa that has been progressively becoming worse. Ultrasound revealed a large sausage like cystic mass extending from the pelvis up to the medial aspect of the ascending colon. CT scan showed a large sausage like cystic mass extending from the pelvis up to the hepatic flexure of the colon with the cecum displaced. No metastatic features were seen. We made an impression of appendiceal mucocele. A semi-elective laparotomy was scheduled. Intraoperative findings: a giant intact cystic distended appendix with involved base, displacing the cecum cranially. A right hemicolectomy was performed. The histopathological results revealed a low-grade appendicular mucinous neoplasm with no lymph node involvement. The surgical margins were free. The patient recovered uneventfully

    Hipertensión arterial y enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis en instructores de Karate-Do

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    Se realiza un estudio observacional, descriptivo y longitudinal donde de 415 profesores de artes marciales (Karate) de la provincia de Ciudad Habana, se seleccionaron 310 que cumplían 2 criterios de inclusión: estar realizando actividad física sistemática y programada, y tener edades comprendidas entre 20 y 60 años. Se estudiaron la Hipertensión y Prehipertensión Arterial, y las Enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis no tuvieron gran presencia; sin embargo, se identificaron 14 pacientes con Cardiopatía Isquémica (4,5%) y solo 2 pacientes con Enfermedad Cerebrovascular y Enfermedad Arterial Periférica, respectivamente. La incidencia de HTA  fue de 23,2% y de PreHTA de 24,7%

    Beclin-1 Expression is Retained in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer yet is Not Essential for Autophagy Induction In Vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Autophagy is a conserved cellular self-digestion mechanism that can either suppress or promote cancer in a context-dependent manner. In ovarian cancer, prevalent mono-allelic deletion of BECN1 (a canonical autophagy-inducer) suggests that autophagy is impaired to promote carcinogenesis and that Beclin-1 is a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor. Nonetheless, autophagy is known to be readily inducible in ovarian cancer cells. We sought to clarify whether Beclin-1 expression is in fact disrupted in ovarian cancer and whether this impacts autophagy regulation. METHODS: BECN1 expression levels were assessed using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) datasets from 398 ovarian high-grade serous cystadenocarcinomas (HGSC) and protein immunoblot data from HGSC samples obtained at our institution. Knockdown of BECN1 and other autophagy-related gene expression was achieved using siRNA in established human ovarian cancer cell lines (CaOV3, OVCAR8, SKOV3, and HeyA8) and a novel early-passage, ascites-derived cell line (iOvCa147-E2). LC3 immunoblot, autophagic flux assays, transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy were used to assess autophagy. RESULTS: We observed prevalent mono-allelic BECN1 gene deletion (76 %) in TCGA tumors, yet demonstrate for the first time that Beclin-1 protein expression remains relatively unaltered in these and additional samples generated at our institution. Surprisingly, efficient siRNA-mediated Beclin-1 knockdown did not attenuate autophagy induction, whereas knockdown of other autophagy-related genes blocked the process. Beclin-1 knockdown instead decreased cell viability without inducing apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these data demonstrate that despite its sustained expression, Beclin-1 is dispensable for autophagy induction in ovarian tumor cells in vitro, yet may be retained to promote cell viability by a mechanism independent of autophagy or apoptosis regulation. Overall, this work makes novel observations about tumor expression of Beclin-1 and challenges the accepted understanding of its role in regulating autophagy in ovarian cancer

    Alcoholismo y enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis en instructores de karate-2

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    Se realiza un estudio observacional, descriptivo y longitudinal, en el que de 415 profesores de Artes Marciales (Karate)  de la provincia de Ciudad Habana, se seleccionaron 310 que cumplían 2 criterios de inclusión: Estar realizando actividad física sistemática y programada y tener edades comprendidas entre 20 y 60 años. Se estudió el alcoholismo y las enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis, las cuales no tuvieron gran presencia;  sin embargo, el alcoholismo estuvo presente en 57,7% de los analizados; se identificaron 14 pacientes con Cardiopatía Isquémica (4,5%) y solo  2 pacientes con Enfermedad Cerebro Vascular y Enfermedad Arterial Periférica, respectivamente

    The effect of exercise on cardiovascular risk markers in Mexican school-aged children: comparison between two structured group routines

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    Objective. To assess the effects of two groups of exercise routines on cardiovascular disease risk markers. Material and Methods. An intervention study was conducted with 319 Mexican school-aged children in which routines were implemented Monday through Friday for 12 weeks. Routine A was the reference group, with 20 min of less intense activity and routine B was the new group with 40 min of aerobic exercises. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, fat mass percentage (FM%), systolic and diastolic blood pressure, lipids, lipoproteins, glucose and insulin were measured before and after the intervention. Results. Routine A had an effect on diastolic pressure, while routine B had an effect on BMI, FM%, blood pressure and triglycerides. Routine B had a greater effect on blood pressure than routine A. The prevalence of obesity, high blood pressure and hypertriglyceridemia decreased in both groups. Conclusion. Aerobic exercise is an effective health promotion strategy to reduce some cardiovascular disease risk markers

    Estilos de vida asociados al riesgo cardiovascular global en trabajadores universitarios del Estado de México

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    Objetivo. Evaluar la asociación del estilo de vida con el riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) en trabajadores universitarios del Estado de México. Material y métodos. Estudio de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte. Se evaluaron variables del estilo de vida, sociodemográficas, antropométricas y antecedentes familiares. El análisis estimó razones de momios pareadas crudas y ajustadas a través de regresión logística condicional. Resultados. Se estudiaron 342 casos con RCV y 684 controles. En los trabajadores con sobrepeso u obesidad, el RCV superó al de aquéllos con peso normal. Los antecedentes familiares de infarto del miocardio se asociaron directamente, y la actividad física moderada-vigorosa inversamente con el RCV, en modelos con interacciones entre género y actividad física; esta relación se mantuvo sólo en los hombres. Conclusiones. Los resultados muestran el papel preponderante de la actividad física moderada-vigorosa como factor del estilo de vida asociado con menor RCV