55 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento Humano: Da Concepção à Maturidade

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    The main objective of this review was to describe and emphasize the care that a woman must have in the period prior to pregnancy, as well as throughout pregnancy and after the birth of the baby, cares and duties that should continue to be followed by mother and child throughout the first years of the child’s life. Such cares are of nutritional, behavioral and lifestyle natures, and also involve the father and the whole family. Human development, from conception to maturity, consists of a critical and important period due to the multitude of intrinsic genetic and environmental factors that influence, positively or negatively, the person's entire life. The human being, who originated and passed his/her first phase of development in the womb, receives influence from different factors: a) of parental origin (father and mother), including health and lifestyle of the father and mother, genetic inheritance, nutrition of the mother prior to and during pregnancy; b) events that affected the mother and hence the child under development in intrauterine life, at birth (delivery), during perinatal period, and throughout the early years of life. The fragility of development continues throughout the preschool, school and adolescent periods during which proper nutrition with a balanced lifestyle is essential and depends on guidance from the parents, caregivers and teachers.2

    Influence of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cell wall fractions on some nutritional parameters of growing rats

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present work was to assess the nutritional impact of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall fractions on some nutritional parameters in growing Wistar rats. METHODS: Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) biomass collected without undergoing thermolysis came from the mill São José, Zillo Lorenzetti (Macatuba, SP) in a suspension of approximately 20% p/v of cells. Fractionation of the cell wall material was done by differential extraction, centrifugation, and drying in spray dryer. The importance of the yeast cell components as dietary fibers was assessed in recently weaned Wistar rats by measuring weight gain, diet consumption (28 days), diet efficiency ratio, apparent protein digestibility, total amount of feces and lipids and cholesterol excreted in feces. RESULTS: Rats which were submitted to diets containing glycan plus mannan gained less weight when compared with the other diets. The mannan-containing diet yielded the highest weight gain, followed by the standard AIN diet (S-AIN) and the insoluble glycan diet. Regarding diet efficiency ratio, the diet containing glycan plus mannan produced the lowest values throughout the 28 days. The highest apparent protein digestibility was obtained for the modified standard diet, for the standard AIN diet, as well as for the 10% mannan-containing diet (M). Total lipids and cholesterol excreted in the feces varied substantially among the diets. The diet containing 10% mannan was the one that promoted the greatest excretion of cholesterol. CONCLUSION: At the end of 28 days, the rats submitted to the glycan plus mannan-containing diets consumed less food and gained less body weight than those submitted to the other diets. Apparent digestibility of all diets was high, 98.6% on average. The amounts of total lipids and cholesterol excreted in the feces varied considerably; however, the mannan-containing diet promoted proportionally more cholesterol excretion than the other diets.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência das frações de parede celular de levedura (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) sobre alguns parâmetros nutricionais de ratos Wistar em crescimento. MÉTODOS: A biomassa de levedura (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), coletada sem sofrer o processo de termólise, foi recebida da usina São José, Zillo Lorenzetti (Macatuba, SP), em suspensão de, aproximadamente, (20% p/v) de células. O fracionamento da parede celular da levedura foi realizado por extração diferencial, centrifugação e secagem em spray dryer. A importância como fibra da dieta foi determinada em ratos da linhagem Wistar, recém desmamados, por meio das seguintes avaliações: ganho de peso corporal, consumo de dieta (28 dias), quociente de eficiência da dieta, digestibilidade aparente da proteína, quantidade total de fezes, lipídeos e colesterol excretados nas fezes. RESULTADOS: Os animais que receberam a dieta contendo a fração glicana mais manana ganharam menos peso em relação aos demais tratamentos. A dieta com a fração manana foi a que proporcionou maior ganho de peso, seguida pela dieta padrão (AIN-P) e a dieta com 10% de glicana insolúvel. Quanto ao quociente de eficiência da dieta, observou-se, ao longo dos 28 dias, que a dieta com a fração glicana mais manana foi a que apresentou os menores valores. As maiores porcentagens de digestibilidade aparente da proteína foram observadas nas dietas: padrão modificada (AIN-M), padrão (AIN-P) e (M) com 10% da fração manana. As quantidades de lipídeos totais e colesterol excretados nas fezes variaram bastante entre as dietas, sendo que a dieta formulada com 10% de fração manana foi a que promoveu maior excreção do colesterol. CONCLUSÃO: Ao final de 28 dias, os animais que receberam a dieta contendo 10,0% da fração glicana mais manana apresentaram o menor consumo de dieta e ganharam menos peso em relação às demais dietas. A digestibilidade aparente de todas as dietas foi elevada, em média 98,6%, contudo, as quantidades de lipídeos totais e colesterol excretados nas fezes variaram consideravelmente, sendo que a dieta contendo manana excretou, proporcionalmente, maior quantidade de colesterol.13714

    Anemia ferropriva e anemia de doença crônica: distúrbios do metabolismo de ferro

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    A anemia ferropriva e a anemia de doença crônica correspondem às anemias mais comuns por distúrbios do metabolismo de ferro. A anemia ferropriva, desordem nutricional mais prevalente em todo o mundo, acomete principalmente crianças menores de cinco anos e mulheres em idade fértil. Os sinais clínicos da deficiência de ferro não são facilmente identificáveis e, muitas vezes, a anemia não é diagnosticada. Estes sinais incluem palidez, anorexia, apatia, irritabilidade, diminuição da atenção e deficiências psicomotoras. A anemia de doença crônica está presente em processos inflamatórios, infecciosos ou neoplásicos. Alguns autores entendem que, em lugar de considerar a anemia como uma anormalidade em doenças crônicas com quadro de infecção/inflamação, esta possa ser considerada como um mecanismo de defesa, não específico,em resposta do hospedeiro à invasão microbiana. A noção de que a deficiência de ferro representa um fator de proteção contra a infecção é baseada em estudos que demonstram a necessidade de ferro para o crescimento bacteriano e produção de toxinas

    Whey And Soy Protein Supplements Changes Body Composition In Patients With Crohn's Disease Undergoing Azathioprine And Anti-tnf-alpha Therapy.

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    Crohn´s disease (CD) is a chronic transmural inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract of unknown cause. Malnutrition associated with active CD has been reduced although obesity has increased. Dietary strategies such as those with high-protein have been proposed to reduce body fat. This study compares the effects of two supplements on the nutritional status of CD patients. 68 CD patients were randomized in two groups: whey protein group (WP) and soy protein group (SP). Using bioimpedance analysis, anthropometry and albumin and pre-albumin dosages the nutritional status was measured before starting the intervention and after 8 and 16 weeks. The disease activity was determined by Crohn's Disease Activity Index and serum C-reactive protein dosage and dietary intake by 24h dietary recalls. Forty-one patients concluded the study and both supplements changed body composition similarly. Triceps skin fold thickness (p< 0.001) and body fat percentage (p=0.001) decreased, whereas mid-arm muscle circumference (p=0.004), corrected arm muscle area (p=0.005) and body lean percentage (p=0.001) increased. For Crohn's disease patients undergoing anti TNF-alpha and azatioprine therapies, supplementation with whey and soy proteins changes body composition through reduction of body fat and thus contributes to control inflammation.311603-161

    Production of hydrolysate from processed nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) residues and assessment of its antioxidant activity

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    The objective of this work was to produce protein hydrolysates from by-products of the Nile tilapia fileting process, and to assess the effects of different hydrolysis times on the antioxidant activity of the hydrolysed animal-based protein, in free form and incorporated into a food matrix. Gutted tilapia heads and carcasses were hydrolysed by Alcalase® for different hydrolysis times producing six hydrolysates. The protein content, degree of hydrolysis, reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and antioxidant activity by the ORAC, FRAP and TEAC methods were analysed. Three mini-hamburger formulations were produced and the lipidic oxidation of mini-hamburger was determined by TBARS. The protein contained in the residue was completely recovered in the process. The hydrolysates varied in their degree of hydrolysis, but presented similar levels of antioxidant activity. In the mini-hamburgers the hydrolysate was capable of delaying oxidation after 7 days of storage. Hydrolysis of tilapia processing by-products produced peptides may be used in the formulation of functional foods364709716CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ453854/2013-

    Propriedades fisiológicas-funcionais das proteínas do soro de leite Physiological-functional properties of milk whey proteins

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    O presente artigo coloca em destaque as propriedades multifuncionais das proteínas presentes no soro de leite bovino, a começar pelo colostro que contém essas proteínas em concentrações muito elevadas e que tem por função garantir a proteção e a imunidade dos recém-nascidos. Essas mesmas proteínas continuam no leite, porém em concentrações bastante reduzidas. A utilização dessas proteínas nas formas de concentrados e isolados protéicos evidenciam propriedades muito favoráveis à saúde no sentido de diminuir o risco de doenças infecciosas e também as consideradas crônicas e/ou degenerativas. Enfatizou-se as propriedades das proteínas do soro de leite e de peptídios delas resultantes no estímulo ao sistema imunológico, na proteção contra microrganismos patogênicos e contra alguns tipos de vírus como o HIV e o vírus da hepatite C, na proteção contra vários tipos de câncer, particularmente de cólon, na proteção da mucosa gástrica contra agressão por agentes ulcerogênicos, evidenciou-se várias linhas de ação protetora das proteínas de soro contra agentes condicionadores de problemas cardiovasculares. Com base em várias propriedades funcionais das proteínas do soro de leite, discutiu-se a vantagem e os benefícios de seu uso como suplemento alimentar para atletas e esportistas em geral. Os possíveis benefícios de vários fatores de crescimento celular, presentes no soro de leite também foram discutidos.<br>This article emphasizes the multifunctional properties of the bovine milk whey proteins, starting with the colostrum where these proteins occur in high concentrations and are reputed as responsible for the protection and passive immunization of the newborn babies. The same proteins found in colostrum in high concentrations are found in milk although at much lower concentrations. The utilization of the milk whey proteins in the form of concentrates or isolates has been found to be highly beneficial to health in the sense of decreasing the risk of infectious as well as chronical and degenerative diseases. In this article emphasis was given to the properties of whey proteins in the form of concentrates or isolates, and their hydrolysates (peptides) as immunostimulants, inhibitors of pathogenic microorganisms and some viruses, including HIV and hepatitis C viruses. In the protection against tumor's development, particularly colon cancer and protection of the gastric mucosa against ulceration by agressive ulcerogenic agents. Various actions of the milk whey protein were pointed out as defense mechanisms for cardiovascular degenerative diseases. Several research work were discussed showing the benefit of using milk whey protein to counteract undesirable metabolic and immunological effect of excessive exercise. Finally the cell growth and regeneration stimulatory properties of the milk whey growth factors were pointed out