223 research outputs found

    Evaluation of disabled sportsman organism functional state as the element of rehabilitation measure system

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The reaction of heart rate on a standard muscle strain and especially its recovery after the load completion is studied among disabled athletes. The analysis of heart rate was carried out in two stages. The heart rate indicators of disabled athletes at rest were examined during the first phase. During the second stage disabled athletes performed muscle strain in the form of shuttle acceleration for one minute along the basketball court perimeter, then the features of heart rate indicators were analyzed. It was found that during the annual cycle of muscle training the values of heart rate among wheelchair basketball players change "by leaps and bounds". The highest heart rate values registered during the preparatory period are replaced by their significant reduction during the competitive period. It was revealed that the heart rate response to the execution of muscular load and HR recovery time after muscular exercise depends on the level of fitness. The higher the level of fitness among wheelchair basketball players, the less the HR reaction and the shorter the recovery time of heart rate. The lowest heart rate response to the execution of muscular load and simultaneously a rapid recovery of heart rate after the exercise is observed during competitive period. Maximum heart rate response to the execution of muscular load and a longer recovery of heart rate is observed during the preparatory period

    Changes in the indicators of cardiac pumping function of parachutists before jumping and after landing

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.Studying the reaction of the cardiac pumping function of the parachutists at various stages of preparation for jump, we found that, as the athletes develop their skills, the difference between the values of heart rate prior to and after landing decreases significantly. At the same time, the least difference in heart rate values prior to and after landing was recorded in the masters of sports of international class. While the athletes of participation classes and masters of sports have this difference maintained at a high level of nearly 69-70 bpm (P <0.05). The maximum difference in heart rate values prior to and after landing was recorded in ex-masters of sports. As the parachutists upgrade their level of fitness, the stroke volume response, on the contrary, increases. However, we detected a negative stroke volume response for the first time in both the beginners and the ex-masters of sports after the jump

    Indicators Of pumping heart function in immature rats subjected to muscle training at different stages of postnatal development

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    This paper deals with the features of changes in the indicators of cardiac pump function of rats and their regulation mechanisms during systematic muscle training organized at an earlier stage of their development, i.e., since 14th day of birth. It was found for the first time ever that the indicators of pumping cardiac function in rats subjected to systematic muscle training from day 21 to 70 of birth undergo more substantial changes in the age range of 42 to 70 days. Whereas, the indicators of pumping cardiac function in animals subjected to muscle training from day 14 to 70 of birth changed largely in the age range of 14 to 42 days. Moreover, muscle training of rats started on day 14 of birth result in more pronounced changes in the regulation of pumping cardiac function than the muscle training started on day 21 of birth

    Infl uence of orthostatic test on the heart pumping function in athletes with lower extremities motor disorders

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    Objective: to study the response of heart pumping function (HPF) of athletes with disabilities to an orthostatic test. Materials and methods: 20 wheelchair athletes (21-30 year-old) were examined. Group I are wheelchair basketball players with amputated lower limbs at the level of the upper third of the tibia. II group - athletes with spinal damage and atrophy of lower limbs at the level of Th 12, L1, with compression, partial rupture of spinal cord, lower limbs paralysis, and small pelvic organ functional disorder. We compared the heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV). Th e analysis was carried out in two stages: we take measurements in the lying position and within 5 - 20 seconds aft er an active transition from the lying position to the sitting position. Results: In group I, the HR in the lying position was 77.2±1.4 bpm. With the active change of position, the HR increased by 7.3±1.2 bpm (p&lt;0.05) to 84.5±1.8 bpm. Th e HR in group II in the lying position was 71.3±1.8 bpm. Aft er an active position change, it increased to 75.7±2.1 bpm. Th e HR response to the change of body position in group II was 4.4±1.6 bpm (p&lt;0.05), which was 2.9±1.3 bpm less than the HR response to a change of body position in group I (p&lt;0.05). HR decrease within 4 to 12 bpm may indicate a reduced tone of sympathetic part of vegetative nervous system. Th e SV of group I in the lying position was 54.3±1.6 ml. Aft er active transition from lying position to sitting position, the SV decreased to 45.7±1.9 ml (p&lt;0.05). At transition from lying position to sitting position, the SV reaction in athletes with amputated of lower limbs was 8.6±1.4 ml (p&lt;0.05). In wheelchair basketball players with lower limb atrophy, the SV in lying position was 6.8±1.9 ml and decreased by 4,3±1.7 ml at active transition from lying position to sitting position to 57.5±2.1 ml (p&lt;0.05), which diff ers signifi cantly from the reaction of group I by 4.3±1.6 ml (p&lt;0.05). Conclusions: In group I, the diff erence in HR values in an orthostatic test is signifi cantly higher than in group II

    Features of changes in the parameters of heart pumping function and excretion of catecholamines in primary school children when giving the oral answers at theoretical lessons

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.It was revealed for the first time that changes in the indices of cardiac pump function of the first graders during oral responses either at a desk or at the blackboard do not depend on the level of physical activity. During the subsequent years of study, the reaction of the heart pumping function of children subjected to enhanced motor activity decreases significantly when giving oral responses at the theoretical lessons. It was found that, from age to age, all children examined have a significant reduction in their stroke volume response when answering at a desk or standing at the blackboard. The reaction of the parameters of heart pumping function of first and fourth graders is slightly higher in boys than in girls. It was found for the first time that the reaction of the parameters of cardiac pumping function in the examined children is lower when answering at the blackboard. It was also revealed that the excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline during oral responses in the first class does not depend on the level of physical activity. It was found for the first time that the children of control group have greater epinephrine excretion when giving oral answers both at the desk and at the blackboard, while the children with enhanced motor activity have greater excretion of norepinephrine

    Photon-Number-Splitting versus Cloning Attacks in Practical Implementations of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 protocol for Quantum Cryptography

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    In practical quantum cryptography, the source sometimes produces multi-photon pulses, thus enabling the eavesdropper Eve to perform the powerful photon-number-splitting (PNS) attack. Recently, it was shown by Curty and Lutkenhaus [Phys. Rev. A 69, 042321 (2004)] that the PNS attack is not always the optimal attack when two photons are present: if errors are present in the correlations Alice-Bob and if Eve cannot modify Bob's detection efficiency, Eve gains a larger amount of information using another attack based on a 2->3 cloning machine. In this work, we extend this analysis to all distances Alice-Bob. We identify a new incoherent 2->3 cloning attack which performs better than those described before. Using it, we confirm that, in the presence of errors, Eve's better strategy uses 2->3 cloning attacks instead of the PNS. However, this improvement is very small for the implementations of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84) protocol. Thus, the existence of these new attacks is conceptually interesting but basically does not change the value of the security parameters of BB84. The main results are valid both for Poissonian and sub-Poissonian sources.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; "intuitive" formula (31) adde

    Bright vector solitons in cross-defocusing nonlinear media

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    We study two-dimensional soliton-soliton vector pairs in media with self-focusing nonlinearities and defocing cross-interactions. The general properties of the stationary states and their stability are investigated. The different scenarios of instability are observed using numerical simulations. The quasi-stable propagation regime of the high-power vector solitons is revealed.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Changes in the heart pumping ability in children of elementary school age during oral answers at theoretical lessons

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. For the first time the reaction of the pumping function in the children of elementary school age during oral answers at the desk and at the blackboard was studied. The children were conventionally divided into two groups: the first group included the children that systematically do physical exercises and go in for sports according to the additional program (group of the advanced psychical activity). The second group consisted of children having only two-three lessons of PE according to the general educational program (control group). It was firstly detected that in children systematically engaged in sports activities the reaction of the heart pumping function by oral answers at theoretical lessons appeared to be substantially lower than in those that do not go in for sports. At the same time, it was found in all children the reaction of the heart pumping function by answering at the blackboard was lower than during answering at a desk. It was found that the reaction of the heart pumping function in boys is somewhat higher than in girls of the same age. It was found that in children with the advanced physical activity the decrease in the heart rate and stroke volume to the reference values after completion of oral answers proceeds faster than in children from the control group
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