488 research outputs found

    The Right to Exclude: People, Animals, and Pollution

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    The Supreme Court has deemed the right to exclude one of the most fundamental property rights. Accordingly, the Court has offered the right to exclude heightened protection under the Takings Clause. However, the Court has left significant uncertainty about the scope of the right to exclude that is protected under takings doctrine. For instance, does the Takings Clause require compensation if the government, pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act (CERCLA), requires a landowner to house another party’s pollutants? This Comment draws from property theory and analytical jurisprudence to offer a new approach to takings analyses concerning the right to exclude. First, it argues that the right to exclude is strictly a Hohfeldian claim-right, or a legal position created by imposing a duty not to invade on someone else. An important implication of this definition for takings challenges to environmental regulation is that the property right to exclude is strictly a right against persons but not against animals or pollution. Second, this Comment addresses what it means for the right to exclude to be enforceable. It argues that government action that renders the right to exclude unenforceable should count as a taking. However, the right to exclude can be enforceable through a variety of means, so the right could remain enforceable absent a particular means of enforcement. Applying this framework to CERCLA, this Comment concludes that CERCLA does not abrogate landowners’ right to exclude

    Solution of a load diffusion problem by relaxation methods

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    SUMMARY The need. to generalise the usual assumptions made in the analysis of load diffusion problems has been emphasised by recent experimental work (Ref. 3)1 which has shown the importance of bending of the edge members. Direct mathematical solution of the plate problems, which arise, is hardly feasible and so in this report a numerical solution using the 'relaxation method' is carried out. Results show the method to be suitable for design purposes/ but comparison with experiment still shows the need for further physical generalisations. These will form the subject of future work

    Prairie Grasslands: An Undervalued Resource \u3cbr\u3e Grass, Cows and Environmental Management on the Canadian Prairies

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    Grasslands are integral to the economic health of Canada\u27s rural prairies, making up 30% of the agricultural land base in Canada\u27s three prairie provinces. These grasslands support agriculture, through grazing of livestock, and recreation, such as hunting and ecotourism. These grasslands are also environmentally significant, providing habitat for native plants and animals. The economic and environmental significance of these grasslands should not be undervalued. Economic opportunities and environmental policies and regulations affect the management of these lands. Current issues that may affect how the prairie is used include the: potential species-at-risk legislation, other initiatives for biodiversity enhancement, greenhouse gas regulations or incentives, carbon sequestration opportunities, and economic diversification to support economic growth. Decisions on these issues will affect the way prairie grasslands contribute to the region\u27s economic and environmental sustainability

    Canada Council's Killam Research Fellowships: Distribution of Awards 1968-84

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    An analysis of the distribution of Killam Research Fellowships awarded by Canada Council over a seventeen-year period reveals a pattern which is examined in relation to the distribution of applications from universities. The existing situation is discussed with reference to previous studies of peer review systems and to implications for Canadian research. Encouragement of increased participation across Canada is suggested as one possible concern for Canada Council policy.Les résultats d'une analyse de la répartition des bourses de chercheur-boursier de la fondation Killam, allouées par le Conseil des Arts du Canada sur une période de dix-sept années, et la répartition des demandes de bourses provenant de différentes universités ont fait l'objet d'une étude comparative. L'on discute de la situation actuellement par rapport à des études préalables sur les mécanismes d'évaluation par les pairs et leurs répercussions sur la recherche au Canada. On suggère que la politique du Conseil des Arts encourage, entre autres, une participation active et grandissante dans tout le Canada

    Three essays on moral culture

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    The goal of this dissertation is to examine empirically the role that morality plays in social life. The first two chapters use data from the National Study of Youth and Religion to investigate the role that different understandings of good and bad, right and wrong, play in shaping the lives of U.S. teenagers. The first chapter advances a new theoretical model for understanding the role that moral cultures play in shaping action. Drawing on sociological practice theories and work in cognitive science, it outlines a dual process theory of culture in action, which holds that most cultural motivation operates at an unconscious level. Consistent with this model, the data analysis shows that individualist moralities tend to foster both more drug use and less civic engagement even though evidence from in-depth suggests that teenagers are largely unable to articulate these moral differences. The second chapter explores how different moral understandings shape social interaction over time. An analyses of ego network data between 2002 and 2005 demonstrates that teenagers with different moral understandings develop friendship networks with different proportions of drug users, those who frequently get in trouble, and regular volunteers. Once again, there is evidence that individualist moralities tend to promote more association with deviant peers and less association with civically engaged peers. The final chapter uses data from Benjamin Zablocki’s Urban Communes Project to explore the relationship between shared moral worldview and community. An analysis of data from 50 urban communes collected in 1974 shows that shared moral order is the best predictor of the degree to which a group’s participants experience it as a true community. Further analyses using fuzzy set methods, however, show that shared moral order must work together with specific structural arrangements in order to ensure the experience of community. Taken together, these studies suggest that morality is a vital dimension of social life that deserves further investigation by sociologists

    The Impact of Roads on Land-Use Change in Ethiopia: Evidence from Satellite Data

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    Using satellite-based land cover data for Ethiopia, I examine the relationship between travel costs and the spatial allocation of economic activity. In analyzing a cross-section of land cover data for all of Ethiopia in 2005/2006, I find that proximity to market is positively associated with land being devoted to agriculture, when controlling for soil quality and climatic factors. Additionally, I examine the change in land cover associated with the construction of the Addis Ababa-Adama expressway, using panel data on land cover in a 40-km buffer of the expressway for 2009 and 2016. I find that proximity to the expressway increases the likelihood of a transition in land cover type, both into and out of agriculture. On average, the expressway reduced the likelihood of agricultural land cover for land parcels within an inner buffer of the expressway in the period after it opened. This study contributes to previous literature by employing high spatial resolution GIS data that has not been previously applied to studies of economic geography, by examining data from the African continent – where little empirical work on transportation infrastructure and land cover change has been done –, and by using a comprehensive measure of market access to assess transportation costs.Bachelor of Art

    Motivation and Justification: A Dual‐Process Model of Culture in Action

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    Effects of germination on chemical composition and antioxidant activity of flaxseed (<em>Linum usitatissimum</em> L) oil

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    The present study was carried out to determine the changes in proximate composition and physicochemical characteristics of flaxseed during germination. Flaxseed was germinated for 4 days and observations were taken every day throughout the study. Changes in the seed reserve and antioxidant activity were determined during germination. The oil content of the cultivar decreased from 35.10 to 27.22%. During the germination period, the total protein content increased to 23.84%. Germinated flaxseed showed significantly higher unsaturated as compared to saturated fatty acid ratios and higher calculated oxidizability (Cox) values. The Saponification value ranged from 182 to 192 mg KOH·g<sup>–1</sup> oil during germination. The highest peroxide value (2.4 mequiv O<sub>2</sub>·kg<sup>−1</sup> oil) was observed at the end of germination. The unsaponifiable contents ranged from 1.62 to 1.18%. The oxidation value of the oil samples were statistically in the same range (4.1–6.4%). After 4 days of germination, oil stability was reduced to 1.0 h. The increase in ascorbic acid content was steady. Total phenolic acid contents differed significantly. The greatest concentration was detected in non germinated flaxseed oil. Germinated Flaxssed oil showed an important free radical scavenging activity towards 1-1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radicals.<br><br>El presente estudio se llevó a cabo para determinar los cambios en la composición y características físico-químicas de aceites de linaza durante la germinación. La linaza se germinó durante 4 días y el estudio se realizó todos los días durante este proceso. Se determinaron los cambios en la reserva de las semilla y la actividad antioxidante. El contenido de aceite de los cultivos disminuyó de 35,10 a 27,22%. Durante este periodo, el contenido de proteína total aumentó a 23,84%. La linaza germinada mostró valores significativamente más altos de la relación de ácidos grasos insaturados frente a saturados y mayor facilidad de oxidación (Cox). El índice de saponificación varió desde 182 hasta 192 mg KOH·g<sup>−1</sup> de aceite durante la germinación. El índice de peróxido más alto (2,4 mequiv O<sub>2</sub>·kg<sup>−1</sup> de aceite) se observó al final de la germinación. El contenido de materia insaponificable varió desde 1,62 hasta 1,18%. La oxidación de las muestras de aceite fueron estadísticamente del mismo rango (4.1 a 6.4%). Después de 4 días de germinación, la estabilidad del aceite se redujo a 1,0 h. El aumento en contenido de ácido ascórbico fue estable. Los contenidos totales de ácidos fenólicos diferían significativamente. La mayor concentración se detectó en el aceite de linaza no germinado. El aceite de linaza germinado mostró una importante actividad de eliminación de radicales libres hacia 1-1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH)

    Helping Relationships and Genetic Propensities: A Combinatoric Study of DRD2, Mentoring, and Educational Continuation

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    Abstract From conception to death, helping relationships promote positive development and enable people to surmount challenges in their lives. Is it the case that the negative consequences of a genetic propensity for risky behaviors can be attenuated by helping relationships (a G × E)? But is it also the case that people with such a genetic propensity are less likely to have helping relationships compared to people without such a propensity (a rGE)? We illustrate this complex pattern of gene–environment interplay by drawing on the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and a combinatoric analytic strategy. We focus on a gene associated with dopamine receptor type 2 (DRD2 TaqIA), student–mentor relationships, and educational continuation beyond secondary school. Results reveal that, for both white and black males, DRD2 A1+ (A1A1 and A1A2 genotypes) is associated with a decreased likelihood of school continuation compared to their counterparts with DRD2 A1–; mentors who are teachers compensate for this negative association (a G × E); and youth with DRD2 A1+ are less likely to have a mentor who is a teacher than their counterparts with DRD2 A1– (a rGE)