17 research outputs found

    Human Protoparvoviruses

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    Next-generation sequencing and metagenomics have revolutionized the discovery of novel viruses. In recent years, three novel protoparvoviruses have been discovered in fecal samples of humans: bufavirus (BuV) in 2012, tusavirus (TuV) in 2014, and cutavirus (CuV) in 2016. BuV has since been studied the most, disclosing three genotypes that also represent serotypes. Besides one nasal sample, BuV DNA has been found exclusively in diarrheal feces, but not in non-diarrheal feces, suggesting a causal relationship. According to both geno- and seroprevalences, BuV appears to be the most common of the three novel protoparvoviruses, whereas TuV DNA has been found in only a single fecal sample, with antibody detection being equally rare. Moreover, the TuV sequence is closer to those of non-human protoparvoviruses, and so the evidence of TuV being a human virus is thus far insufficient. Interestingly, besides in feces, CuV has also been detected in skin biopsies of patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and a patient with melanoma, while all other skin samples have tested PCR negative. Even if preliminary disease associations exist, the full etiological roles of these viruses in human disease are yet to be resolved.Peer reviewe

    Plant-microbial linkages underpin carbon sequestration in contrasting mountain tundra vegetation types

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    Tundra ecosystems hold large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM), likely due to low temperatures limiting rates of microbial SOM decomposition more than those of SOM accumulation from plant primary productivity and microbial necromass inputs. Here we test the hypotheses that distinct tundra vegetation types and their carbon supply to characteristic rhizosphere microbes determine SOM cycling independent of temperature. In the subarctic Scandes, we used a three-way factorial design with paired heath and meadow vegetation at each of two elevations, and with each combination of vegetation type and elevation subjected during one growing season to either ambient light (i.e., ambient plant productivity), or 95% shading (i.e., reduced plant productivity). We assessed potential above-and belowground ecosystem linkages by uni-and multivariate analyses of variance, and structural equation modelling. We observed direct coupling between tundra vegetation type and microbial community composition and function, which underpinned the ecosystem's potential for SOM storage. Greater primary productivity at low elevation and ambient light supported higher microbial biomass and nitrogen immobilisation, with lower microbial mass-specific enzymatic activity and SOM humification. Congruently, larger SOM at lower elevation and in heath sustained fungal-dominated microbial communities, which were less substrate-limited, and invested less into enzymatic SOM mineralisation, owing to a greater carbon-use efficiency (CUE). Our results highlight the importance of tundra plant community characteristics (i.e., productivity and vegetation type), via their effects on soil microbial community size, structure and physiology, as essential drivers of SOM turnover. The here documented concerted patterns in above-and belowground ecosystem functioning is strongly supportive of using plant community characteristics as surrogates for assessing tundra carbon storage potential and its evolution under climate and vegetation changes

    Global Distribution of Human Protoparvoviruses

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    Development of next-generation sequencing and metagenomics has revolutionized detection of novel viruses. Among these viruses are 3 human protoparvoviruses: bufavirus, tusavirus, and cutavirus. These viruses have been detected in feces of children with diarrhea. In addition, cutavirus has been detected in skin biopsy specimens of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma patients in France and in 1 melanoma patient in Denmark. We studied seroprevalences of IgG against bufavirus, tusavirus, and cutavirus in various populations (n = 840), and found a striking geographic difference in prevalence of bufavirus IgG. Although prevalence was low in adult populations in Finland (1.9%) and the United States (3.6%), bufavirus IgG was highly prevalent in populations in Iraq (84.8%), Iran (56.1%), and Kenya (72.3%). Conversely, cutavirus IgG showed evenly low prevalences (0%-5.6%) in all cohorts, and tusavirus IgG was not detected. These results provide new insights on the global distribution and endemic areas of protoparvoviruses.Peer reviewe

    Epidemiology of two human protoparvoviruses, bufavirus and tusavirus

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    Two human parvoviruses were recently discovered by metagenomics in Africa, bufavirus (BuV) in 2012 and tusavirus (TuV) in 2014. These viruses have been studied exclusively by PCR in stool and detected only in patients with diarrhoea, although at low prevalence. Three genotypes of BuV have been identified. We detected, by in-house EIA, BuV1-3 IgG antibodies in 7/228 children (3.1%) and 10/180 adults (5.6%), whereas TuV IgG was found in one child (0.4%). All children and 91% of the adults were Finnish, yet interestingly 3/6 adults of Indian origin were BuV-IgG positive. By competition EIA, no cross-reactivity between the BuVs was detected, indicating that the BuV genotypes represent distinct serotypes. Furthermore, we analysed by BuV qPCR stool and nasal swab samples from 955 children with gastroenteritis, respiratory illness, or both, and found BuV DNA in three stools (0.3%) and for the first time in a nasal swab (0.1%). This is the first study documenting the presence of BuV and TuV antibodies in humans. Although the seroprevalences of both viruses were low in Finland, our results indicate that BuV infections might be widespread in Asia. The BuV-specific humoral immune responses appeared to be strong and long-lasting, pointing to systemic infection in humans.Peer reviewe

    Rationale for BepiColombo Studies of Mercury's Surface and Composition

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    BepiColombo has a larger and in many ways more capable suite of instruments relevant for determination of the topographic, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of Mercury's surface than the suite carried by NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft. Moreover, BepiColombo's data rate is substantially higher. This equips it to confirm, elaborate upon, and go beyond many of MESSENGER's remarkable achievements. Furthermore, the geometry of BepiColombo's orbital science campaign, beginning in 2026, will enable it to make uniformly resolved observations of both northern and southern hemispheres. This will offer more detailed and complete imaging and topographic mapping, element mapping with better sensitivity and improved spatial resolution, and totally new mineralogical mapping. We discuss MESSENGER data in the context of preparing for BepiColombo, and describe the contributions that we expect BepiColombo to make towards increased knowledge and understanding of Mercury's surface and its composition. Much current work, including analysis of analogue materials, is directed towards better preparing ourselves to understand what BepiColombo might reveal. Some of MESSENGER's more remarkable observations were obtained under unique or extreme conditions. BepiColombo should be able to confirm the validity of these observations and reveal the extent to which they are representative of the planet as a whole. It will also make new observations to clarify geological processes governing and reflecting crustal origin and evolution. We anticipate that the insights gained into Mercury's geological history and its current space weathering environment will enable us to better understand the relationships of surface chemistry, morphologies and structures with the composition of crustal types, including the nature and mobility of volatile species. This will enable estimation of the composition of the mantle from which the crust was derived, and lead to tighter constraints on models for Mercury's origin including the nature and original heliocentric distance of the material from which it formed.Peer reviewe

    The Legacy Effects of Winter Climate on Microbial Functioning After Snowmelt in a Subarctic Tundra

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    Warming-induced increases in microbial CO2 release in northern tundra may positively feedback to climate change. However, shifts in microbial extracellular enzyme activities (EEAs) may alter the impacts of warming over the longer term. We investigated the in situ effects of 3years of winter warming in combination with the in vitro effects of a rapid warming (6days) on microbial CO2 release and EEAs in a subarctic tundra heath after snowmelt in spring. Winter warming did not change microbial CO2 release at ambient (10 degrees C) or at rapidly increased temperatures, i.e., a warm spell (18 degrees C) but induced changes (P<0.1) in the Q(10) of microbial respiration and an oxidative EEA. Thus, although warmer winters may induce legacy effects in microbial temperature acclimation, we found no evidence for changes in potential carbon mineralization after spring thaw

    Advances in the use of molecular tools in ecological and biodiversity assessment of aquatic ecosystems

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    Conservation and sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems is a priority in environmental programs worldwide. However, these aims are highly dependent on the efficiency, accuracy and cost of existent methods for the detection of keystone species and monitoring of biological communities. Rapid advances in eDNA, barcoding and metabarcoding promoted by high-throughput sequencing technologies are generating millions of sequences in a fast way, with a promising cost reduction, and overcoming some difficulties of the traditional taxonomic approaches. This paper provides an updated broad perspective of the current developments in this dynamic field presented in the special session (SS) "The use of molecular tools in ecological and biodiversity assessment of aquatic ecosystems" of the XIX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL2018), held in Coimbra, Portugal.Developments presented are mainly focused on the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain, including Atlantic Macaronesian islands) but include studies in France, Germany, Finland, Russia (Siberia) and South America. The networks within which these researchers are involved are yet even broader, profiting from existing molecular facilities, and traditional taxonomic expertise, which can be viewed as a characteristic of this new research area. It was evident in the SS that the use of molecular tools is widespread, being used to study a diversity of aquatic systems, from rivers' headwaters to estuaries and coastal lagoons, and volcanic, mountain and frozen lakes to hot springs. The organisms targeted are likewise varied and include fish, macroinvertebrates, meiofauna, microalgae such as diatoms and dinoflagellates, other protists, fungi, and bacteria (cyanobacteria and other). Some studies address the whole biodiversity (i.e., all species present independently of the taxonomic group) from environmental samples of water, biofilms and preservative solution from field samples (e.g., ethanol from macroinvertebrate samples). Great advances were acknowledged inWe are grateful to all participants of the special session "The use of molecular tools in ecological and biodiversity assessment of aquatic ecosystems" for the productive discussions during the AIL 2018 meeting (XIX Iberian Association of Limnology meeting in Coimbra (Portugal, June 2018). M.J. Feio is supported by MARE strategic program (UID/MAR/04292/2013); SFP Almeida is supported by GeoBioTec strategic program UID/GEO/04035/2019. R. Cordeiro was supported by a Ph.D. Grant (M3.1.a/F/017/2011) from Fundo Regional da Ciencia e Tecnologia (FRCT); A.F. Filipe and A. Garcia-Raventos were supported by FRESHING Project "Next-generation biomonitoring: freshwater bioassessment and species conservation improved with metagenomics" funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and COMPETE (PTDC/AAG-MAA/2261/2014 -POCI-01-0145-FEDER-356 016824); F.M.S. Martins was supported by a FCT PhD grant (SFRH/BD/104703/2014); A.R. Calapez was supported by a grant from the FCT-PhD programme FLUVIO (PD\BD\52510\2014); A.M. Pujante acknowledges the BIOWAT-KIT_E!11892 Eurostars project; Maria Fais and Sofia Duarte were supported, respectively, by a PhD (SFRH/BD/113547/2015) and a post-doc fellowship (SFRH/BPD/109842/2015), from FCT; and C. Murria acknowledges the Fundacio Aigues de Barcelona for funding his research