211 research outputs found

    The politicisation of evaluation: constructing and contesting EU policy performance

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    Although systematic policy evaluation has been conducted for decades and has been growing strongly within the European Union (EU) institutions and in the member states, it remains largely underexplored in political science literatures. Extant work in political science and public policy typically focuses on elements such as agenda setting, policy shaping, decision making, or implementation rather than evaluation. Although individual pieces of research on evaluation in the EU have started to emerge, most often regarding policy “effectiveness” (one criterion among many in evaluation), a more structured approach is currently missing. This special issue aims to address this gap in political science by focusing on four key focal points: evaluation institutions (including rules and cultures), evaluation actors and interests (including competencies, power, roles and tasks), evaluation design (including research methods and theories, and their impact on policy design and legislation), and finally, evaluation purpose and use (including the relationships between discourse and scientific evidence, political attitudes and strategic use). The special issue considers how each of these elements contributes to an evolving governance system in the EU, where evaluation is playing an increasingly important role in decision making

    L’hypoxémie pendant la sédation chez le patient adulte: une étude observationnelle rétrospective

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    Purpose: Since 2010, new guidelines for procedural sedation and the Helsinki Declaration on Patient Safety have increased patient safety, comfort, and acceptance considerably. Nevertheless, the administration of sedatives and opioids during sedation procedures may put the patient at risk of hypoxemia. However, data on hypoxemia during procedural sedation are scarce. Here, we studied the incidence and severity of hypoxemia during procedural sedations in our hospital. Methods: A historical, single-centre cohort study was performed at the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU), a tertiary centre in the Netherlands. Data from procedural sedation in our hospital between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2018 (3,459 males and 2,534 females; total, 5,993) were extracted from our Anesthesia Information Management System. Hypoxemia was defined as peripheral oxygen saturation 120 min) and especially in the latter phases of the procedures. There was no relationship between severity of hypoxemia and BMI or ASA Physical Status. Conclusions: This study showed that a considerable number of patients are at risk of hypoxemia during procedural sedation with a positive correlation shown with increasing duration of medical procedures. Additional prospective research is needed to investigate the clinical consequences of this cumulative hypoxemia

    Absence of the common Insulin-like growth factor-1 19-repeat allele is associated with early age at breast cancer diagnosis in multiparous women

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    Multiparity decreases the risk of breast cancer in white women, whereas it is a risk factor in black women <50 years. Early-onset breast cancer (<50 years) has been associated with high insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels. Absence of the common IGF1 19 cytosine-adenine (CA)-repeat allele (IGF1-19/-19) inverts the effect of several non-genetic factors on breast cancer risk but the interaction between IGF1-19/-19 and multiparity on breast cancer risk is unknown. As IGF1-19/-19, multiparity and early-onset breast cancer are more common in black than in white women, we aimed to study whether multiparity combined with IGF1-19/-19 increases the risk of early-onset breast cancer. Four hundred and three breast cancer patients diagnosed in Lund, Sweden, at age 25–99 years were genotyped for the IGF1 CA-repeat length using fragment analysis. Overall, 12.9% carried the IGF1-19/-19 genotype. There was a highly significant interaction between multiparity and IGF1-19/-19 on age at breast cancer diagnosis (P=0.007). Among IGF1-19/-19 patients, multiparity was associated with a 9.2 year earlier age at diagnosis compared with uniparity or nulliparity (P=0.006). Multiparity combined with IGF1-19/-19 was associated with an early age at breast cancer diagnosis. If confirmed, IGF1-19/-19 may help identify a subgroup of women for earlier breast cancer screening

    Polymorphisms of genes coding for insulin-like growth factor 1 and its major binding proteins, circulating levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 and breast cancer risk: results from the EPIC study

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    Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) stimulates cell proliferation and can enhance the development of tumours in different organs. Epidemiological studies have shown that an elevated level of circulating IGF-I is associated with increased risk of breast cancer, as well as of other cancers. Most of circulating IGF-I is bound to an acid-labile subunit and to one of six insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs), among which the most important are IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-1. Polymorphisms of the IGF1 gene and of genes encoding for the major IGF-I carriers may predict circulating levels of IGF-I and have an impact on cancer risk. We tested this hypothesis with a case–control study of 807 breast cancer patients and 1588 matched control subjects, nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. We genotyped 23 common single nucleotide polymorphisms in IGF1, IGFBP1, IGFBP3 and IGFALS, and measured serum levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in samples of cases and controls. We found a weak but significant association of polymorphisms at the 5′ end of the IGF1 gene with breast cancer risk, particularly among women younger than 55 years, and a strong association of polymorphisms located in the 5′ end of IGFBP3 with circulating levels of IGFBP-3, which confirms previous findings. Common genetic variation in these candidate genes does not play a major role in altering breast cancer risk in Caucasians

    Directed Neural Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Is a Sensitive System for the Identification of Novel Hox Gene Effectors

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    The evolutionarily conserved Hox family of homeodomain transcription factors plays fundamental roles in regulating cell specification along the anterior posterior axis during development of all bilaterian animals by controlling cell fate choices in a highly localized, extracellular signal and cell context dependent manner. Some studies have established downstream target genes in specific systems but their identification is insufficient to explain either the ability of Hox genes to direct homeotic transformations or the breadth of their patterning potential. To begin delineating Hox gene function in neural development we used a mouse ES cell based system that combines efficient neural differentiation with inducible Hoxb1 expression. Gene expression profiling suggested that Hoxb1 acted as both activator and repressor in the short term but predominantly as a repressor in the long run. Activated and repressed genes segregated in distinct processes suggesting that, in the context examined, Hoxb1 blocked differentiation while activating genes related to early developmental processes, wnt and cell surface receptor linked signal transduction and cell-to-cell communication. To further elucidate aspects of Hoxb1 function we used loss and gain of function approaches in the mouse and chick embryos. We show that Hoxb1 acts as an activator to establish the full expression domain of CRABPI and II in rhombomere 4 and as a repressor to restrict expression of Lhx5 and Lhx9. Thus the Hoxb1 patterning activity includes the regulation of the cellular response to retinoic acid and the delay of the expression of genes that commit cells to neural differentiation. The results of this study show that ES neural differentiation and inducible Hox gene expression can be used as a sensitive model system to systematically identify Hox novel target genes, delineate their interactions with signaling pathways in dictating cell fate and define the extent of functional overlap among different Hox genes

    Poverty and Wellbeing Impacts of Microfinance : What Do We Know?

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    Over the last 35 years, microfinance has been generally regarded as an effective policy tool in the fight against poverty. Yet, the question of whether access to credit leads to poverty reduction and improved wellbeing remains open. To address this question, we conduct a systematic review of the quantitative literature of microfinance’s impacts in the developing world, and develop a theory of change that links inputs to impacts on several welfare outcomes. Overall, we find that the limited comparability of outcomes and the heterogeneity of microfinance-lending technologies, together with a considerable variation in socio-economic conditions and contexts in which impact studies have been conducted, render the interpretation and generalization of findings intricate. Our results indicate that, at best, microfinance induces short-term dynamism in the financial life of the poor; however, we do not find compelling evidence that this dynamism leads to increases in income, consumption, human capital and assets, and, ultimately, a reduction in poverty

    Sex-specific genetic effects influence variation in body composition

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    Aims/hypothesis: Despite well-known sex differences in body composition it is not known whether sex-specific genetic or environmental effects contribute to these differences. Methods: We assessed body composition in 2,506 individuals, from a young Dutch genetic isolate participating in the Erasmus Rucphen Family study, by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and anthropometry. We used variance decomposition procedures to partition variation of body composition into genetic and environmental components common to both sexes and to men and women separately and calculated the correlation between genetic components in men and women. Results: After accounting for age

    A Uremic Goat Model Created by Subtotal Renal Artery Embolization and Gentamicin

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    A large animal model of (end-stage) kidney disease (ESKD) is needed for the preclinical testing of novel renal replacement therapies. This study aimed to create stable uremia via subtotal renal artery embolization in goats and induce a temporary further decline in kidney function by administration of gentamicin. Renal artery embolization was performed in five Dutch white goats by infusing polyvinyl alcohol particles in branches of the renal artery, aiming for the embolization of ~80% of one kidney and complete embolization of the contralateral kidney. Gentamicin was administered to temporarily further increase the plasma concentrations of uremic toxins. After initial acute kidney injury, urea and creatinine plasma concentrations stabilized 1.5 ± 0.7 months post-embolization and remained elevated (12 ± 1.4 vs. 5.6 ± 0.8 mmol/L and 174 ± 45 vs. 65 ± 5.6 µmol/L, resp.) during follow-up (16 ± 6 months). Gentamicin induced temporary acute-on-chronic kidney injury with a variable increase in plasma concentrations of small solutes (urea 29 ± 15 mmol/L, creatinine 841 ± 584 µmol/L, phosphate 2.2 ± 0.3 mmol/L and potassium 5.0 ± 0.6 mmol/L) and protein-bound uremic toxins representative of patients with ESKD. A uremic goat model characterized by stable moderate uremia was established via subtotal renal artery embolization with the induction of temporary severe acute-on-chronic kidney injury by the administration of gentamicin, allowing preclinical in vivo validation of novel renal replacement technologies

    Oxidative stress-driven parvalbumin interneuron impairment as a common mechanism in models of schizophrenia.

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    Parvalbumin inhibitory interneurons (PVIs) are crucial for maintaining proper excitatory/inhibitory balance and high-frequency neuronal synchronization. Their activity supports critical developmental trajectories, sensory and cognitive processing, and social behavior. Despite heterogeneity in the etiology across schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder, PVI circuits are altered in these psychiatric disorders. Identifying mechanism(s) underlying PVI deficits is essential to establish treatments targeting in particular cognition. On the basis of published and new data, we propose oxidative stress as a common pathological mechanism leading to PVI impairment in schizophrenia and some forms of autism. A series of animal models carrying genetic and/or environmental risks relevant to diverse etiological aspects of these disorders show PVI deficits to be all accompanied by oxidative stress in the anterior cingulate cortex. Specifically, oxidative stress is negatively correlated with the integrity of PVIs and the extracellular perineuronal net enwrapping these interneurons. Oxidative stress may result from dysregulation of systems typically affected in schizophrenia, including glutamatergic, dopaminergic, immune and antioxidant signaling. As convergent end point, redox dysregulation has successfully been targeted to protect PVIs with antioxidants/redox regulators across several animal models. This opens up new perspectives for the use of antioxidant treatments to be applied to at-risk individuals, in close temporal proximity to environmental impacts known to induce oxidative stress