150 research outputs found

    Controlling light-matter interactions with two-dimensional semiconductors at cryogenic temperatures

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    Efficient interactions between solid-state systems and photons are the basis for the emerging quantum technologies. An outstanding challenge in facilitating light-matter interactions can be solved by the introduction of an optical resonator. By trapping the photons in a small volume, the interaction time with the solid-state system is increased in such quantum optics experiments. This thesis focuses on light-matter interactions with two-dimensional semiconductor transition-metal dichalcogenides. Strongly bound electron-hole pairs (excitons) in transition-metal dichalcogenides exhibit large oscillator strength and offer a valley degree-of-freedom in the band structure that interacts with specific polarization of light, this makes them an excellent prospect for quantum optics experiments. In this work, we realize light-matter interactions with monolayer tungsten diselenide in two experiments using different optical resonators. In the first experiment, we investigated a hybrid system combining localized plasmons, on the surface of gold nanodisks, with a monolayer tungsten diselenide. The coherent interference of excitons with plasmons yield an asymmetric optical response, known as Fano line-shape, in the limit of weak light-matter coupling. This optical response of the hybrid system is corroborated with a three-level model. In addition, magnetic field-induced valley-dependent exciton energy splitting is harnessed to achieve chiral reflection. The second experiment develops a modular tunable cavity at cryogenic temperatures. A major technological challenge involving scalable cryogenic experiments is mechanical vibrations. After a thorough understanding of the functionality of a closed-cycle cryostat, a variety of vibration-reduction techniques were applied to develop an open cavity setup. In comparison to the vibrations on the standard closed-cycle cryostat, we attain 50-fold reduction to reach the root-mean-square stability of less than 100 pm over the entire period of a cooling cycle. This enables the operation of a high-finesse cavity at low temperatures. Subsequently, the versatility of the platform was demonstrated in a controlled experiment with monolayer tungsten diselenide. Exciton-polaritons were observed in the high cooperativity strong-coupling regime.Effiziente Wechselwirkungen zwischen Festkörpersystemen und Photonen bilden die Grundlage für die aufstrebenden Quantentechnologien. Die zentrale Herausforderung bei der Kontrolle von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Licht undMaterie kann durch die Verwendung eines optischen Resonators gelöst werden. Durch Einfangen der Photonen in einem kleinen Volumen wird die Wechselwirkungszeit mit dem Festkörpersystem in solchen quantenoptischen Experimenten erhöht. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf Wechselwirkungen zwischen Licht und Materie in zweidimensionalen halbleitenden Übergangsmetalldichalkogeniden. Stark gebundene Elektron-Loch-Paare (Exzitonen) in Übergangsmetalldichalkogeniden weisen eine große Oszillatorstärke auf und bieten einen weiteren Pseudospin-Freiheitsgrad in der Bandstruktur, der mit spezifischer Polarisation des Lichts interagiert. In dieser Arbeit realisieren wir in zwei Experimenten Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkungenmit monolagigem Wolframdiselenid mit unterschiedlichen optischen Resonatoren. Im ersten Experiment untersuchten wir ein Hybridsystem, das lokalisierte Plasmonen auf der Oberfläche von Goldnanoscheiben mit monolagigem Wolframdiselenid kombiniert. Kohärente Interferenz von Exzitonen mit Plasmonen ergibt eine asymmetrische spektrale Antwort - als Fano-Linienformbekannt - im Grenzfall schwacher Licht-Materie-Kopplung. Diese optische Antwort des Hybridsystems wird durch ein Drei-Niveau-Modell bestätigt. Zusätzlich wird die magnetfeldinduzierte Energieaufspaltung der Exzitonen genutzt, um chirale Reflexion zu ermitteln. Das zweite Experiment entwickelt einen modular abstimmbaren optischen Resonator bei kryogenen Temperaturen. Eine große technologische Herausforderung bei skalierbaren kryogenen Experimenten sind mechanische Schwingungen. Basierend auf einem gründlichen Verständnis der Funktionalität eines Kryostaten mit geschlossenem Kreislauf wurden verschiedene Techniken zur Schwingungsreduzierung implementiert, um einen Aufbau mit offenen optischen Resonatoren zu entwickeln. Im Vergleich zu Vibrationen des Standardsystems wurde eine 50-fache Verminderung erreicht, und somit über den gesamten Zeitraum eines Kühlzyklus eine mittlere Stabilität von weniger als 100 pm gewährleistet. Dies ermöglicht den Betrieb eines optischen Resonators mit hoher Finesse bei niedrigen Temperaturen. Anschließend wurde die Vielseitigkeit des Systems in einemkontrollierten Experimentmit monolagigem Wolframdiselenid demonstriert. Exziton-Polaritonen wurden im Regime starker Kopplung mit hoher Kooperativität beobachtet

    Systematic literature review: Pengaruh strategi pembelajaran inkuiri terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi strategi pembelajaran inkuiri terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Sumber data diperoleh dari artikel, jurnal penelitian, teori ahli, dan buku. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Dari kedua variabel tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi strategi pembelajaran inkuiri memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Perlu adanya pengelolaan waktu dan penggunaan alat penunjang agar hasil pembelajaran maksimal. This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of inquiry learning strategies on students' critical thinking skills. This study uses the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. Sources of data were obtained from articles, research journals, expert theories, and books. The variables used in this research are independent variables and dependent variables. From these two variables, it can be concluded that the implementation of inquiry learning strategies has a significant impact on students' critical thinking skills. There needs to be time management and the use of supporting tools for maximum learning outcomes

    Pengaruh Pajak Daerah Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (Studi Kasus Pada Dinas Pendapatan Kota Batu Tahun 2010 - 2012)

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    A development of a region could be observed from financial development and independency of that particular region in running local government. One of the factors which support it is the availability of an adequate financial, such as Own-Source Revenue. Own-Source Revenue is obtained from several sources such as local tax. Local tax gives an approximately big contribution to Own-Source Revenue. This study aims at identifying the simultaneous influence of the local tax including Hotel Tax, Restaurant Tax, Entertainment Tax, Advertisement Tax, Street Lighting Tax, Parking Tax towards Own-Source Revenue. Moreover, this study is intended to find local tax which dominantly influences Own-Source Revenue.This research is an explanatory research and conducted in the Revenue Office in Batu. Secondary data is employing documentation technique with multiple linear regression analysis.The population and sampling data used are 36 months as full sample. The results of the study show that local tax including Hotel Tax, Restaurant Tax, Entertainment Tax, Advertisement Tax, Street Lighting Tax, parking Tax, simultaneously influences Own-Source Revenue. Partially, Restaurant Tax, Entertainment Tax, Advertisement Tax, and Street Lighting Tax have a significant impact towards Own-Source Revenue. The tax which has dominant influence towards Own-Source Revenue is Street Lighting Tax

    Regional Innovation Systems of Medical Technology

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    We investigated the role of external funding in cardiovascular device innovation across 31 countries in Europe. We rely on the knowledge production function (KPF) framework that establishes the knowledge output of a region as a function of innovatory effort and other characteristics of that region. In a cross-sectional analysis, we investigated regional variation in knowledge production by the number of publications in cardiovascular device research obtained from the bibliometric data of the world’s largest biomedical library, the US National Library of Medicine, 2014-2017. We mapped these publications to product categories of medical devices approved for cardiovascular diseases by the US Food and Drug Administration. Considering spatial correlation across regions of Europe in our estimates of the KPF, we investigated the impact of two types of funding mechanisms: grants reported in the publications and the volume of European Union Horizon 2020 funding received by the innovating regions. We obtained 123,487 cardiovascular device-related publications distributed across 1,051 (75% of total) regions (NUTS-3 level). Receiving external funding strongly contributes to a region's knowledge output. The estimated elasticities of innovatory effort range between 0.51 and 0.64. These estimates were consistently larger than the elasticities of other characteristics in the region measured by gross domestic product (0.14-0.56). We also documented spillover effects from neighboring regions when the funding was measured by the grants reported in the publications, concluding that innovatory efforts in the form of external research investments are effective for promoting innovation in the medical device industry at the regional level


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan video pembelajaran seri dasar keterampilan mengajar dengan tema membimbing diskusi kelompok kecil pada mata kuliah Kompetensi Pembelajaran di Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau yang dikenal Research and Development (R&D). Model penelitian R&D yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah model Four-D (4D). Tahapan dalam pengembangan yang dilakukan terdiri dari, (1) Define; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Disseminate. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan rubrik penliaian sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data terkait kelayakan produk video pembelajaran melalui validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi kompetensi pembelajaran, dan ahli media. Analisis data yang diperoleh dari validasi ahli menggunakan rumus nilai rerata, serta digunakan validasi isi Gregory untuk mengetahui kelayakan butir pada instrumen penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil data yang diperoleh dari validasi ahli materi kompetensi pembelajaran, pengembangan video pembelajaran tersebut mendapat skor rata-rata sebesar 41,00 dengan kategori sangat layak, dan hasil data yang diperoleh dari validasi ahli media mendapat skor rata-rata sebesar 39,00 dengan kategori sangat layak. Sehingga video pembelajaran sudah dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata kuliah Kompetensi Pembelajaran. ***** The research was conducted with the aim of developing a basic series of teaching skills video with the theme of guiding small group discussions in the Learning Competency course in the Education of Building Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta. The research method used was Research and Development (R&D), specifically the Four-D (4D) model, which consists of four stages: (1) Define, (2) Design, (3) Development, and (4) Disseminate. The research used a rubric assessment as a data collection instrument related to the feasibility of the learning video product through validation conducted by learning competency material experts and media experts. Data analysis was carried out using the mean value formula and Gregory's content validation to determine the feasibility of the assessment instrument items. Based on the results of data obtained from expert validation of learning competency materials, the development of learning videos received an average score of 41.00 with the very decent category, and the data results obtained from media expert validation received an average score of 39.00 with the very decent category. So that learning videos can already be used as learning media in the Learning Competency course

    Perencanaan Strategi Pemasaran pada Penjualan Kopi dengan Menggunakan Metode SWOT dan QSPM di By Coffee Malang

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    By Coffee merupakan salah satu kedai kopi yang ada di Kota Malang. By Coffee menjual minuman kopi kekinian yang banyak digemari oleh berbagai kalangan. Perkembangan kedai kopi di Malang telah berkembang dengan pesat. Hal ini menyebabkan kondisi persaingan di dunia kedai kopi semakin meningkat. Dampak dari banyaknya pesaing itu adalah penjualan kopi di By Coffee mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2018 hingga 2020. Bahkan, penjualan rata-rata per bulan By Coffee berada di bawah para pesaing selevelnya. Hal ini menunjukkan kurang maksimalnya strategi yang telah digunakan selama ini.’ Pada penelitian ini digunakan kerangka perumusan strategi tiga tahap, yaitu tahap masukan, tahap pencocokan dan tahap keputusan. Dimulai dengan identifikasi STP dan dilanjutkan dengan atribut faktor internal menggunakan analisis bauran pemasaran 7P untuk kekuatan atau kelemahan. Atribut faktor eksternal menggunakan Porter’s Five Forces Model dan PESTLE (Politic, Economy, Social, Technology, Legal, Environment) untuk identifikasi peluang atau ancaman. Selanjutnya dimasukkan dalam Matriks IFE dan EFE untuk mengetahui nilai dari kondisi internal dan eksternal By Coffee. Pada tahap pencocokkan digunakan Matriks SWOT untuk mendapatkan alternatif strategi yang mempertimbangkan STP perusahaan. Kemudian pada tahap keputusan digunakan Matriks QSPM untuk menentukan prioritas strategi yang dapat diterapkan By Coffee. Berdasarkan Matriks IFE dan EFE, terdapat 59 faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi By Coffee, terdiri dari 30 kondisi internal dan 29 kondisi eksternal. Faktor internal terdiri dari 19 faktor kekuatan dan 11 faktor kelemahan. Faktor eksternal terdiri dari 12 faktor peluang dan 17 faktor ancaman. Nilai yang didapatkan pada matriks IFE yaitu 3,342 dan untuk matriks EFE yaitu 2,968. Kemudian dilakukan analisis dengan Matriks SWOT dan didapatkan 12 strategi alternatif. Sebelum masuk tahap keputusan, dilakukan penyaringan strategi alternatif sehingga menjadi 9 strategi. Tahap terakhir yaitu tahap keputusan dengan menggunakan QSPM didapatkan prioritas strategi tertinggi dengan STAS sebesar 6,818 yaitu (1) Memaksimalkan konten dan endorsement dalam media sosial; diikuti (2)Bekerja sama dengan event organizer dan komunitas; (3) Mengeluarkan merchandise tumbler dan\ud promo harga ketika menggunakannya; (4) Menerapkan pricing strategy; (5)Mengadakan By Coffee By You secara rutin; (6)Menambah games dan photobooth; (7) Menyediakan produk By Coffee dalam bentuk coffee drip; (8) Meningkatkan hubungan dan kualitas pekerja dan pemasok dengan upgrading; (9) Mengadakan open kitchen atau kelas kop


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    Abstract BPJS Kesehatan is a Legal Entity that is directly responsible to the President and has the task of administering National Health insurance for all Indonesian people, be it Civil Servants, Retired TNI/POLRI recipients, Veterans, and other State-Owned Enterprises as well as ordinary citizens outside the country. Civil Servants, the position and protection and services of BPJS are all given to Indonesian citizens. The purpose of the establishment of BPJS Health is to realize the provision of guarantees for the fulfillment of the basic needs of a decent life for every Participant and/or family member. From the assumptions as above, the authors examine the data and analyze several main issues, what are the legal procedures to obtain health services for BPJS Health and how are legal protections for BPJS Health participants in terms of the BPJS Law. The research in this paper uses a normative juridical research method, a normative case study in the form of analyzing a product and legal behavior, such as reviewing the law and data obtained through library research. The results of the study provide an analysis of the BPJS Health Law Number 24 of 2011 and Law Number 40 of 2004 which regulates the national social security system, as a form of legal protection in ensuring and fulfilling the needs of the community that are decent in terms of health services


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    Asam asetat atau yang sering dikenal dengan asam cuka adalah asam organik yang memiliki rumus molekul CH3COOH dengan berat molekul 60,1 g/mol, fasa cair dengan titik didih 20,16 ÂşC. Asam asetat bersifat korosif, berbau menyengat dan memiliki sifat melepuh yang merusak. Asam asetat digunakan sebagai solvent katalisator dalam pembuatan Pure Terephthalic Acid (PTA), bahan baku produksi selulosa asetat, etil asetat, vinil asetat dan asetat anhidrat, bahan tambahan pada makanan dan vinegar, industri tekstil, karet dan farmasi. Pabrik Asam asetat ini direncanakan didirikan di Kawasan Industri Java Integrated Industrial Post Estate (JIIPE), Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan kapasitas 70.000 Ton/Tahun dan mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2027. Model operasi yang diterapkan adalah sistem kontinyu dengan waktu operasi 330 hari/tahun dan 24 jam/hari. Utilitas yang digunakan meliputi air, steam, bahan bakar, listrik dan refrigerant. Bentuk perusahaan ini adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan struktur organisasi garis dan staff. Dari hasil perhitungan Analisa ekonomi didapatkan ROIBT = 26,18%, ROIAT = 18,32%, POTAT = 3,5 tahun, BEP = 43,88%, SDP = 13,22%, IRR = 19,13%. Dari hasil evaluasi ekonomi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa, Pabrik Asam asetat dari Asetaldehid dengan Proses Oksidasi layak untuk didirikan

    Pre-service Teachers’ Attitude and Self-Efficacy Beliefs toward the Use of ICT in EFL Classroom.

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    This survey study aims to describe English pre-service teachers’ attitude and self-efficacy beliefs toward the use of ICT in the classroom. It examines the dimensions of ICT attitude and the dimensions of ICT self- efficacy beliefs manifested in the study as well as examined their relationship. It also examines whether or not the dimensions of English pre-service teachers’ attitude and self- efficacy beliefs differ by gender, GPA score, socioeconomic status, and accreditation level of study program. The participants of the study were 325 English pre-service teachers of four universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data were collected by distributing two different questionnaires, i.e. ICT attitude adopted from Albirini (2006), and ICT self-efficacy beliefs adopted from Wang et al. (2004). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), regression analysis, and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were performed to analyze the data. The findings demonstrated that there were three dimensions of ICT attitude, namely affective, cognitive, and behavioral; while ICT self-efficacy beliefs consisted of two dimensions, namely capabilities and strategies, and external influences. Moreover, the dimensions of ICT self-efficacy beliefs significantly predicted the dimensions of ICT attitude (F= 59.273, p = .000 (p < .01), R2= .426). Also, English pre-service teachers’ attitude and self- efficacy beliefs toward the use of ICT did not show significant difference by their gender and socioeconomic status, but they showed statistically difference by GPA scores instead. The accreditation level of study program was also found significantly contributed to the English pre-service teachers’ ICT attitude, but not to their ICT self-efficacy beliefs
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