3 research outputs found

    The NLO jet vertex for Mueller-Navelet and forward jets: the gluon part

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    In this paper we complete our calculation of the NLO jet vertex which is part of the cross section formulae for the production of Mueller Navelet jets at hadron hadron colliders and of forward jets in deep inelastic electron proton scattering. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RA 2999(02-090) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    On the triple pomeron vertex in perturbative QCD

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    We estimate the size of the triple Pomeron vertex in perturbative QCD and compare with the phenomenological value extracted from Regge fits to experimental data. For simplicity, the results of the QCD analysis are taken in the large-N_c limit. We find that the perturbative triple Pomeron coupling is of the same order of magnitude as the observed one. We also estimate the size of the Pomeron self energy and its contribution to the renormalization of the Pomeron intercept. The effect is very small, in agreement with previous nonperturbative estimates. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RA 2999(02-120) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Interactions of reggeized gluons in the Moebius representation

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    We investigate consequences of the Moebius invariance of the BFKL Hamiltonian and of the triple Pomeron vertex. In particular, we show that the triple Pomeron vertex in QCD, when restricted to the large N_c limit and to the space of Moebius functions, simplifies and reduces to the vertex used in the balitsky-kovchegov (BK) equation. As a result, the BK equation for the dipole density appears as a special case of the nonlinear evolution equation which sums the fan diagrams for BFKL Green's functions in the Moebius representation. We also calculate the corrections O(1/(N_c"2 - 1)) to the triple Pomeron vertex in the space of Moebius functions, and we present a generalization of the BK-equation in the next-to-leading order approximation in the 1/N_c expansion. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RA 2999(04-067) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman