24 research outputs found

    The benzene metabolite para-benzoquinone is genotoxic in human, phorbol-12-acetate-13-myristate induced, peripheral blood mononuclear cells at low concentrations

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    Benzene is one of the most prominent occupational and environmental pollutants. The substance is a proven human carcinogen that induces hematologic malignancies in humans, probably at even low doses. Yet knowledge of the mechanisms leading to benzene-induced carcinogenesis is still incomplete. Benzene itself is not genotoxic. The generation of carcinogenic metabolites involves the production of oxidized intermediates such as catechol, hydroquinone and para-benzoquinone (p-BQ) in the liver. Further activation to the ultimate carcinogenic intermediates is most probably catalyzed by myeloperoxidase (MPO). Yet the products of the MPO pathway have not been identified. If an oxidized benzene metabolite such as p-BQ was actually the precursor for the ultimate carcinogenic benzene metabolite and further activation proceeds via MPO mediated reactions, it should be possible to activate p-BQ to a genotoxic compound in vitro. We tested this hypothesis with phorbol-12-acetate-13-myristate (PMA) activated peripheral blood cells exposed to p-BQ, using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test. Addition of 20–28 ng/ml PMA caused a significant increase of micronuclei at low and non-cytotoxic p-BQ concentrations between 0.04 and 0.2 μg/ml (0.37–1.85 μM). Thus with PMA or p-BQ alone no reproducible elevation of micronuclei was seen up to toxic concentrations. PMA and p-BQ induce micronuclei when administered jointly. Our results add further support to the hypothesis that MPO is a key enzyme in the activation of benzene

    Residual strength of hot pressed zirconium diboride (ZrB2) after exposure to high temperatures

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    ZrB2 with different amounts of B4C additive (0-5 wt.%) has been hot pressed at 2000 degrees C and 25 MPa for 1 h. By addition of B4C, density as well as micro-hardness increased. For lower B4C content (0.5 and 1 wt.%), hot pressed ZrB2 shows considerable improvement in flexural strength after exposure in air at 1000 C for 5 h, while higher B4C content (3 and 5 wt.%) leads to marginal or no improvement. For any content of B4C, flexural strength after exposure in air at 1500 degrees C for 5 h is lower than as-hot pressed ZrB2. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

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    Not AvailableMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to regulate expression of genes under stress. We report here the deep sequencing of small RNAs expressed during control, short and prolonged heat stress and recovery. Genome-wide identification of miRNAs in tolerant (Nagina 22) and susceptible (Vandana) rice cultivars was performed in 16 samples representing root and shoot of 13-day-old seedlings. The expression profile of miRNAs was analysed in 36 pairwise combinations to identify the genotype-, treatment- and tissue-dependent expression of miRNAs. Small-RNA sequencing of 16 libraries yielded ~271 million high-quality raw sequences; 162 miRNA families were identified. The highly expressed miRNAs in rice tissues were miR166, miR168, miR1425, miR529, mR162, miR1876, and miR1862. Expression of osa-miR1436, osa-miR5076, osa-miR5161, and osa-miR6253 was observed only in stressed tissue of both genotypes indicating their general role in heat stress response. Expression of osa-miR1439, osa-miR1848, osa-miR2096, osa-miR2106, osa-miR2875, osa-miR3981, osa-miR5079, osa-miR5151, osa-miR5484, osa-miR5792, and osa-miR5812 was observed only in Nagina 22 during high temperature, suggesting a specific role of these miRNAs in heat stress tolerance. This study provides details of the repertoire of miRNAs expressed in root and shoot of heat susceptible and tolerant rice genotypes under heat stress and recovery.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableMicroRNAs are small noncoding regulatory RNAs which control gene expression by mRNA degradation or translational repression. They are significant molecular players regulating important biological processes such as developmental timing and stress response. We report here the discovery of miRNAs derived from ribosomal DNA using the small RNA datasets of 16 deep sequencing libraries of rice. Twelve putative miRNAs were identified based on highly stringent criteria of novel miRNA prediction. Surprisingly, 10 putative miRNAs (mi_7403, mi_8435, mi_12675, mi_4266, mi_4758, mi_4218, mi_8200, mi_4644, mi_14291, mi_16235) originated from rDNA of rice chromosome 9. Expression analysis of putative miRNAs and their target genes in heat tolerant and susceptible rice cultivars in control and high temperature treated seedlings revealed differential regulation of rDNA derived miRNAs. This is the first report of rDNA derived miRNAs in rice which indicates their role in gene regulation during high temperature stress in plants. Further studies in this area will open new research challenges and opportunities to broaden our knowledge on gene regulation mechanisms.Not Availabl