23 research outputs found

    Subnotificação da comorbidade tuberculose e aids: uma aplicação do método de linkage

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a subnotificação da comorbidade tuberculose (TB) e aids. MÉTODOS: Estudo de vigilância utilizando os registros do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação de Tuberculose e de aids no Brasil de 2000 a 2005. Registros de TB sem informação da presença de aids foram considerados subnotificações da comorbidade quando pareados a registros de aids que apresentassem ano de diagnóstico de aids igual ou anterior ao ano de notificação da TB, assim como os registros de um mesmo paciente cujos registros anteriores apresentavam essa informação. Criou-se um indicador: comorbidade TB-aids reconhecida, a partir dos registros de TB com a informação de presença de aids. RESULTADOS: A subnotificação de TB-aids foi de 17,7%. Esse percentual variou entre estados. A incorporação dos registros subnotificados aos previamente reconhecidos elevou a proporção de TB-aids no Brasil de 6,9% para 8,4%. As maiores proporções de subnotificação foram observadas no Acre, Alagoas, Maranhão e Piauí (mais de 35% cada) e as menores em São Paulo e Goiás (cerca de 10% cada). CONCLUSÕES: A subnotificação da comorbidade TB-aids encontrada no Brasil deve deflagrar modificações no sistema de vigilância para prover informações aos programas nacionais.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the underreporting of the tuberculosis (TB) and AIDS comorbidity. METHODS: Surveillance study using records from the Notifiable Diseases Information System - Tuberculosis and AIDS in Brazil from 2000 to 2005. Records of TB without information on the presence of Aids were considered to be underreporting of the comorbidity when paired off with AIDS records in which the year of diagnosis of AIDS was the same or previous to the year of reporting of TB, as well as records from the same patient whose previous records had this information. An indicator was created: recognized TB-AIDS comorbidity, based on the TB records that had information on the presence of AIDS. RESULTS: The underreporting of TB-AIDS was 17.7%. This percentage varied between states. The incorporation of the underreported records into the previously recognized ones increased the proportion of TB-AIDS in Brazil from 6.9% to 8.4%. The highest proportions of underreporting were noted in Acre (Northern), Alagoas, Maranhão and Piauí (Northeastern) (more than 35% each) and the lowest in São Paulo (Southeastern) and Goiás (Central-western) (around 10% each). CONCLUSIONS: The underreporting of the TB-AIDS comorbidity found in Brazil will probably trigger modifications in the surveillance system in order to provide information for the national programs.OBJETIVO: Analizar la subnotificación de la comorbilidad tuberculosis (TB) y sida. MÉTODOS: Estudio de vigilancia utilizando los registros del Sistema de Información de Agravios de Notificación de Tuberculosis y de sida en Brasil de 2000 a 2005. Registros de TB sin información de la presencia de sida fueron consideradas subnotificaciones de la comorbilidad cuando se parearon a registros de sida que presentaron año de diagnóstico de sida igual o anterior al año de notificación de la TB, así como los registros de un mismo paciente cuyos registros anteriores presentaban esa información. Se creó un indicador: comorbilidad TB-sida reconocida, a partir de los registros de TB con la información de presencia de sida. RESULTADOS: La subnotificación de TB-sida fue de 17,7%. Este porcentaje varió entre estados. La incorporación de los registros subnotificados a los previamente reconocidos elevó la proporción de TB-sida en Brasil de 6,9% a 8,4%. Las mayores proporciones de subnotificación fueron observadas en Acre, Alagoas, Maranhao y Piauí (más de 35% en cada uno) y las menores en Sao Paulo y Goiás (cerca de 10% en cada uno). CONCLUSIONES: La subnotificación de la comorbilidad TB-sida encontrada en Brasil debe deflagrar modificaciones en el sistema de vigilancia para proveer informaciones a los programas nacionales

    Tuberculosis Control Program and patient satisfaction, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE To evaluate factors associated with users’ satisfaction in the Tuberculosis Control Program. METHODS A cross-sectional study of 295 patients aged ≥ 18 years, with two or more outpatient visits in the Tuberculosis Control Program, in five cities in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010. Considering an estimated population of 4,345 patients, the sampling plan included 15 health care units participating in the program, divided into two strata: units in Rio de Janeiro City, selected with probability proportional to the monthly average number of outpatient visits, and units in the other four cities. In the units, four temporal clusters of five patients each were selected with equal probability, totaling 300 patients. A questionnaire investigating the users’ clinical and sociodemographic variables and aspects of care and service in the program relevant to user satisfaction was applied to the patients. Descriptive statistics about users and their satisfaction with the program were obtained, and the effects of factors associated with satisfaction were estimated. RESULTS Patients were predominantly males (57.7%), with a mean age of 40.9 and with low level of schooling. The mean treatment time was 4.1 months, mostly self-administered (70.4%). Additionally, 25.8% had previously been treated for tuberculosis. There was a high level of satisfaction, especially regarding medication provision, and respect to patients by the health professionals. Patients who were younger (≤ 30), those on self-administered treatment, and with graduate level, showed less satisfaction. Suggestions to improve the services include having more doctors (70.0%), and offering exams in the same place of attendance (55.1%). CONCLUSIONS Patient satisfaction with the Tuberculosis Control Program was generally high, although lower among younger patients, those with university education and those on self-administered treatment. The study indicates the need for changes to structural and organizational aspects of care, and provides practical support for its improvement

    Mortality related to tuberculosis-HIV/AIDS co-infection in Brazil, 2000-2011: epidemiological patterns and time trends

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    Abstract: Co-infection of tuberculosis (TB)-HIV/AIDS is a persistent public health problem in Brazil. This study describes epidemiological patterns and time trends of mortality related to TB-HIV/AIDS co-infection. Based on mortality data from 2000-2011 (almost 12.5 million deaths), 19,815 deaths related to co-infection were analyzed. The average age-adjusted mortality rate was 0.97 deaths/100,000 inhabitants. The highest mortality rates were found among males, those in economically productive age groups, black race/color and residents of the South region. There was a significant reduction in the mortality coefficient at the national level (annual average percent change: -1.7%; 95%CI: -2.4; -1.0), with different patterns among regions: increases in the North, Northeast and Central regions, a reduction in the Southeast and a stabilization in the South. The strategic integration of TB-HIV/AIDS control programmes is fundamental to reduce the burden of mortality related to co-infection in Brazil